DD/lg Chapter One
I'm writing this for multiple reasons but I figured if the first chapter gets good reception I'll share more. I just finished writing the second chapter and I'd love to get feed back on what people think. Your criticism won't make me stop. I enjoy this piece and wish to complete it.
Mr. Parker; a 38 year old dark haired man, had visited the musty auction room few times before but on this visit he brought money to spend, most of which was just spent on Elysa, a 16 year old girl. Elysa was a petite girl no taller than 5’7” and she hardly weighed more than 150 lbs. Everything about her sparked Mr. Parker’s interest but what first caught his eye was Elysa’s asymmetrical haircut. Her black hair stretched just barely to her left shoulder and on her right side the tips of her hair tickled her jawline. Some of her hair was highlighted a very light blonde, almost white. When the auction ended Mr. Parker met with Elysa’s escort near an exit. Mr. Parker exchanged his bid of $10,000 for her and her paperwork, $10,000 would've been a lot if Elysa hadn't been so sought after. Her passport indicated she had been passed around through many countries and now that she was back in the United States she would have been through plenty of states as well. Her ID had been recently updated with a false last name and Mr. Parker was assured she was cleared of pathogens and STD’s.
“You are the lucky mans, many men likes this girl.” The escort spoke with a Latvian accent.
Mr. Parker only nodded and grunted, he didn’t want to seem cold towards Elysa but there was a part of him that was disgusted with everything and even more so with the escort. It didn’t help that the man looked like a slob with his stained half tucked in improperly buttoned shirt. Mr. Parker gently led Elysa to his CUV, a Volkswagen Tiguan. He opened the passenger door for her and walked around to the drivers side. At this point neither had even said a word to each other, yet when Mr. Parker moved his hand to the glove box Elysa instinctively spread her legs for him. This caught him off guard but he didn’t hesitate long, and stored her papers in the glove box. He of course found her extremely attractive with her tight body and perky breasts, but he waited.
“Please put your seatbelt on young lady.” Mr. Parker politely asserted. She nodded and did so. “You can speak Elysa, in fact I encourage you to do so.”
“I prefer Lyz if that’s ok?”
“Of course my dear. What would you like for dinner Lyz?” Lyz said nothing, she was taken back by her new owners kindness. “Lyz it’s ok, what would you like?”
“I’m not hungry, unless,” Lyz put her hand on Mr. Parker’s thigh and squeezed. “Unless you’re going to feed me.” She said seductively and gripped him.
Mr. Parker moved her hand from his crotch and started driving. They weren’t very far from his house less than an hour away. “I’m going to make you something when we get to my house, our house.” He said ‘our house’ like a question.
Lyz found Mr. Parker puzzling, he payed a vast sum for her yet hadn’t taken advantage of her, perhaps he was waiting till they were at his house. It was a quiet ride, occasionally Mr. Parker would inquire about things she liked but for the most part the only sound in the CUV was the smooth sound of tires gripping asphalt.
Mr. Parkers house was modest but nice. It had two small garages and a small patio looking on a small green yard lined with wildflowers. It was a tall house but only one story excluding the attic. It sat in the middle of a slightly uncrowded street. Mr. Parker and Lyz walked across the yard to the patio steps and Lyz admired the Honeylocust that shaded the yard from the street lamps. Mr. Parker led Lyz up the patio steps opened the two front doors to his home. The doors gave way to a small entryway that the living room, hallway, and dining room all intersected at with an archway leading to each.
“You have a very lovely home.” Lyz complimented.
“Thank you dear.” Mr. Parker was about to ask Lyz to take off her shoes but he realized she had none. In fact she was barely wearing anything, she had tight ripped jean shorts and a short tight white tank-top. At the auction house she had been paraded out naked so he hadn’t gotten to see her clothes and in the parking lot it had been too dark to get a good look at her. But despite the condition of her clothes Mr. Parker felt only her could make such a simple outfit look stunning.
Mr. Parker led Lyz to a seat at a smoky glass dining table and he started making her sandwich with apples and peanut butter. Mr. Parker placed the sandwich in front of her and as she brought her skinny, pale, lightly bruised arms up to eat, he saw her eyes. They were an amber color that mesmerized Parker. Lyz ate slowly while Mr. Parker watched but she progressively felt to awkward to do anything, much less eat.
“Is this your first time in Boston?” Mr. Parker asked.
“Um no.”
“I see, well I best get down to business,” Mr. Parker cleared his throat, “I bought you to give you a choice. Either you can stay with me and I’ll take good care of you as if you were my daughter, or you can leave, I’ll give you your papers and you can try it on your own assuming you don’t get picked back up into the trade again. But please don’t answer now, take the night to think about it.” Mr. Parker led Lyz to a bedroom. ‘This is your room if you stay. Make yourself comfortable, if you need anything I’m down the hall.” He flashed a quick smile, the first Lyz had seen.
“Um Mr. Parker?” She called just as he turned into his room. “What about a bathroom?”
“Oh you have your own dear, and feel free to use anything in there.” He smiled softly and closed his door leaving only a crack.
Lyz didn’t know what to think, as a sex slave she never had her own bed not to mention her own bathroom. She sat on the bed, it was soft not the softest she had been on but for her first bed she loved how her body sank just slightly into the mattress. Lyz laid back and slid her arms up and down the bed as if making a snow angel. She spent hours laying and thinking. Mr. Parker was very nice and she never knew her father so to have one so nice would be a dream come true. There was a part of Lyz too embarrassed to admit she enjoyed being a slave but she hated being passed around. She had also experienced plenty of abuse at the hands of owners and traders. Lyz thought for hours and she decided that her best option was to give Mr. Parker a chance, at least this way she would have a home, food, and a father. Lyz stripped off her dirty clothes and moved into the tub-shower combination. She let the water wash over her and just stood for sometime, the feel of a personal shower was much more nice than a hose or bathhouse. She dried off with soft pink towels then laid down naked under the plush comforter on the bed. She had grown to find it discomforting to sleep with any clothes on. Lyz didn’t know what it would entail but she wanted to stay with Mr. Parker, she was actually excited. Excitement was something she couldn’t remember feeling since her 7th birthday; the last time she saw her mom. As a slave she would fake excitement for her owners but she couldn’t help getting aroused when the touched her. Lyz could see she not only found Mr. Parker physically attractive but more importantly his personality fascinated her and turned her on much more effectively than his looks. For his age Mr. Parker looked very young and handsome, he stood 8 inches taller than her at 6’3” and his short russet hair complimented his gunmetal blue eyes.
Lyz awoke not only more well rested than she had ever been but the smell of a delightful breakfast filled her lungs and brought her growling stomach to life. She got out of bed and was going to put her clothes back on but noticed they had been replaced with new clothes. She pulled on some blue jeans, that were a little loose but she liked them, and a graphic t-shirt. When Lyz opened the bedroom door the smell hit her harder, it was mouthwatering. Lyz walked to the table she had eaten at the night before and sat down.
Mr. Parker surprised her when he spoke; she naturally tiptoed she hadn’t expected him to hear her. “Sorry you have no underwear I didn’t know what kind to get you.” His voice was very soft and comforted her though she was already calm.
“I’m very grateful Mr. Parker, thank you.”
“Of course dear,” He spoke facing away from hr as he pulled a quiche from the oven. “I hope you’re hungry?”
“Very, it smells wonderful.” Lyz’s smile beamed across the room. Mr. Parker cut them both slices and he sat across from her at the head of the table. He took a small bite before standing remembering to bring them glasses of juice. “Thank you sir it’s very good.”
“You flatter me dear surely you had better in Paris?”
Lyz shook her head, “I um...didn’t eat much in France.”
Mr. Parker’s faint smile clenched with his teeth. “I see.”
“So um,” Lyz tried to build up the courage to say she wanted to stay. “Um have you lived in Boston long? You don’t have an accent.”
“Yes I grew up here in Massachusetts but I moved around for medical school and I’ve been back here for about eight years now. I think all the moving around helped eliminate my accent.”
Lyz smiled and looked down at the crumbs of her delicious breakfast. “Mr. Parker?”
“Yes dear?” He looked up from his food.
“May I stay with you?”
Mr. Parker grinned widely. “Oh of course my dear I’d love it if you would.” Mr. Parker walked over to her and hugged her tight. She could hear his heart racing with joy. “But I have some conditions.”
“Of course sir.” Lyz nodded. She wasn’t worried, she assumed the conditions would be reasonable.
“From now on you will refer to me only as Daddy or Sir. You will listen to me or be punished accordingly. Daddy is allowed to kiss, touch, or do anything he pleases with you, if it’s something you don’t enjoy than tell me and I’ll consider your objections. You may also kiss and touch Daddy if you wish. Also you are not to leave the confines of my property without me, at least not till school starts in four months. Do you understand?”
“Yes Daddy.” Lyz stood and hugged Mr. Parker tight and when she was pulling away she was surprised by a passionate kiss that left her a little light headed.
“Good girl now finish your breakfast and Daddy will take you shopping.” Lyz smiled as Mr. Parker stroked her hair.
After Mr. Parker put their dishes in the dishwasher he went to the door and slipped on his black loafers. Lyz loved Mr. Parker’s style, it was short of formal but with ebony slacks and an ash vest on a snow colored shirt he was as sexy as he was kind. Mr. Parker grabbed his keys off the entryway table that was just shy of reaching his hip. Lyz noticed that beside a candlestick holder that was two hands crossed at the forearms holding candles, was a painted portrait of a young girl maybe five at the time. It was a beautiful watercolor. She hoped that He would paint her someday but she could never ask him to. Lyz slipped on so cheap shoes that Mr. Parker must have bought her this morning before breakfast. They both crossed the brick pathway from the patio to the driveway. Lyz smiled while stepping on the bricks parallel to her, making a game of avoiding the perpendicular bricks. Mr. Parker opened Lyz’s door for her and she hopped into the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt.
“I’m so excited Daddy.” Lyz blurted out when Mr. Parker settled into the drivers seat.
“I’m glad Baby girl.” Mr. Parker smiled as he rubbed Lyz’s thigh and backed out of the driveway. He lifted the lid of the compartment between their seats revealing about 20 CD’s from a wide variety of genre’s. “Pick whatever you’d like Baby girl.”
Lyz searched through the CD’s there were many she liked and many she was surprised to see he had. She saw three of her top five bands; Incubus, Fall Out Boy, and Sleeping with Sirens. From just the CD’s in the car she could see not only the genres she liked; ranging from punk-rock to metalcore and hard-rock to pop-rock. She loved all of the CD’s but she decided on Stone Temple Pilots’ Core. When Dead and Bloated, the first track, came on Mr. Parker chuckled surprised and happy with her choice. After some unified humming they both gave way to singing.
“Somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed.” Lyz patted her thighs while finishing the last line in the song with a big finish.
“I didn’t think you would know Stone Temple Pilots.”
“I like all these CD’s, your collection is awesome Daddy.”
“I’m glad you think so. You know there’s a stereo in your room, if you want you can take any of the CD’s you want and you can listen to them whenever you want.”
“Really? Thanks Daddy.”
Lyz bounced in her seat giddy and full of joy when they pulled into the mall parking garage. At five stories tall and plenty wide you might think that it would be easy to find a spot but in mid-summer there was no such thing as an empty spot. After about ten minutes of searching high and low Mr. Parker quickly took a spot after someone pulled out. Lyz had heard that some malls were humongous but she never thought that she would see three floors full of assorted stores, food stalls, and restaurants. In the middle of the mall was a pillar wall supporting the floors. It was decorated with a modern rustic style with rock and wood abstract designs. At the walls base was a shallow pond lined with dark green plants. At the pillar the floor changed from a brown tessellating diamond pattern to a rust colored marble with scratch like white designs. Lyz stared around soaking it all in.
Mr. Parker stood beside her his arm hooked around the small of her back resting on her hip. What if I can’t afford to giver her everything she wants? A pang of worry struck his mind, but he quickly remembered that his savings were well fortified. As a surgeon making around $700,000 a year plus his $500,000 trust fund money wasn’t an issue. Even if it had been Mr. Parker also sold some organs from deceased patients ensuring an excess of finances. Ethically he never saw anything wrong with what he did, he wasn’t harming the patients but when some couldn’t be helped and also weren’t donors their healthy organs would go to waste and at least he was providing help, in a small way, to those who couldn’t help themselves. But Mr. Parker had been raised by his parents, two wealthy physicians, to be humble about his wealth. They taught him not to flash it around but when it came to Lyz he was willing to buy her any and everything.
“Shall we start with clothes Baby girl?” Mr. Parker asked.
Lyz smiled and nodded a big nod. Lyz had never been shopping for herself before and she was never allowed to pick her own clothes, but there was one owner who made her wear a style of clothes that she actually really liked. Because of that Lyz realized she loved Scene, Emo, and Lolita, and styles like them. She loved the appeal of dark emotions expressed in fashion. Something about having vibrant hair, fingerless sleeve gloves, thigh-high socks, and a skirt with a tight shirt just made Lyz comfortable. Mr. Parker and her walked around simply window shopping until they came to a Hot Topic. Lyz’s face was exploded with excitement when she saw a mannequin modeling a jacket. The Spin Doctor Florence Jacket epitomized beauty in Lyz’s eyes. The waist, cuffs, and collar were adorned with black lace ruffles. The forearms and ribs had laces crossing each other and the back was laced like a corset but only for decoration. The zipper and hole protectors were metal painted a goldenrod dark gold.
Mr. Parker’s arm was gently tugged as Lyz stared. Mr. Parker noticed her glistening smile and eyes. He leaned and whispered in her ear. “Pick out everything you want Baby girl.”
“Everything? Even that jacket?” She bounced on her toes and pointed.
“Everything, especially the jacket.” His smile assured her he meant what he said.
Lyz squealed with eagerness and practically ran into the store. She skimmed through the store picking out entire outfits, sleepwear, swimwear, and shoes. Everytime she would select something she would look to Mr. Parker for approval and everytime he would nod giving her all she asked for. Before looking at accessories and other items she started browsing lingerie. She selected multiple bras and thongs including mesh and lace pieces that Mr. Parker seemed fond of. After picking out some basic sets and pieces she moved to the more ostentatious of the lingerie. She gravitated to a couple of corset tops that ended in frilly skirts and bustier sets with thigh-high garters that hooked to the waist piece. When she began looking at accessories she started feeling guilty, like she was taking advantage of Mr. Parker, but his smiled continue to gleam so she smiled back and hugged him tight then picked out jewelry, hair bands, chokers, bows, and gloves and scarves. Then lastly she browsed home decorations like posters and wall scrolls. She was pleased to see that there were some decorations with designs of anime that she knew. While in Japan she was introduced to anime as a part of her requirements asked by a buyer.
It took the cashier over 20 minutes to scan and bag everything she had picked out. “Are you changing your wardrobe?” She asked. “I’ve never seen someone buy so much at once.”
Lyz giggled. “Yeah my Daddy’s the best. Oh wait can I wear that out?” Lyz asked referring to the Spin Doctor jacket.
“Sure thing.” After taking in account the promo code that Mr. Parker had gotten while Lyz was shopping the kind cashier announced the total. “That all comes to $2,767.84”
Lyz winced. “I can put some stuff back Daddy.”
“Shush Baby girl.” Mr. Parker handed the young women a debit card.
As they exited the store Lyz zipped up her new jacket till the zipper gap was just starting to cover her cleavage. Because Mr. Parker was carrying most of the bags in one hand Lyz was able to hug his arm and walk while she did. He led her along to an electronics store. Lyz had no knowledge of phones so she didn’t mind when Mr. Parker picked one out for her. He selected the same model he had, it was a slick lightweight black smartphone, the LG Optimus Exceed 2. He had the phone activated and added to his cellular plan. Lyz decided to find out all it’s workings when she was at home.
“I’m parched, would you like something to drink Baby girl?”
Lyz bent her head down and bit her lip. “Yes please Daddy.” Her hand went unnoticed by the public as she lightly rubbed his crotch.
Mr. Parker took a deep breath, “Lets grab something from Starbucks and then we’ll head home.” His voice was a little shaky and Lyz could tell she had aroused him.
They quickly bought some drinks, Mr. Parker got an iced mocha and Lyz decided on a smoothie. Mr. Parker practically dragged Lyz behind him as he rushed to his CUV. Mr. Parker put all the bags in the back of his Navy blue Tiguan. After shutting the compartment door he realized he was shaking ever slightly. He walked to the driver side door and before opening it he took a deep breath once again. He sat in the seat and stared at Lyz. She had taken her shirt off and left only the jacket on with the zipper barely even zipped.
Mr. Parker cleared his throat. “Did you enjoy shopping today?”
Lyz nodded hard and her small but perky breasts bounced inside her coat. “I’m still very thirsty Daddy can you quench my thirst?” She rubbed the growing bulge in his pants.
“Do you think you can handle it?”
“Yes Daddy, please please please let me suck your cock.”
Mr. Parker lifted the steering wheel a bit and scooted his seat back before undoing his belt and pants. Lyz was biting her lip hard as he released his throbbing penis. Just as Lyz was leaning in she heard a door shut not far from their car. “Daddy, what will we say if someone catches us?”
“It’s ok Baby girl the windows are tinted pretty dark, no one can see in.”
She smiled big and wide and leaned in. She gripped Mr. Parkers shaft and played her tongue around the rim of his hard cock. A small moan was loosed from his lips. Lyz stroked him up and down while closing her lips over the head penis. Mr. Parker unzipped her jacket the rest of the way and squeezed her nipples hard as she started bobbing her head slowly. Mr. Parker wasn’t any larger than average but nevertheless Lyz’s mouth was full. Periodic moans slipped out from her mouth increasing the pleasure Mr. Parker felt. He moved his hand down her body and rubbed her wet pussy through her jeans and with her mouth still full with his dick she moaned loud. Lyz sucked soft and hard while bobbing her head in a corkscrew like motion. Mr. Parker gripped her hair and began to moan louder and louder. His dick throbbed as his cum built up ready to explode. Lyz felt his cum sting her throat with a few shots. She swallowed all she could and slurped up the overflow.
“Was I good Daddy?” Lyz asked while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“Fantastic Baby girl, now I want you to pull down your pants.”
“Of course Daddy.”
Lyz arched her back so she could pull down her pants as she was told. She spread her legs as Mr. Parker’s fingers rubbed up and down the lips of her pussy and around her clit. He slowly sucked off his fingers before pushing two fingers inside her tight dripping vagina. “Oh Daddy.” Lyz whimpered.
Mr. Parker rubbed and fingered her vigorously but before Lyz climaxed a loud beeping erupted from Mr. Parker’s hip. “Fuck.”
“What’s that Daddy?”
“I’ve got to go to the hospital, a liver is being flown in.”
“Oh, okay Daddy.” Lyz tried not to sound disappointed as she started to pull her pants up.
“Did I tell you to pull them up?” Mr. Parker asked rhetorically.
“Well um…”
Mr. Parker interrupted her by pushing two fingers deep inside her while he backed out of the parking spot. Lyz’s loud moans filled the car as Mr. Parker filled her pussy with three fingers. She rubbed her clitorous as he pushed his fingers in and up over and over. “Daddy I’m going to cum.” Lyz screamed in pleasure as she squirted on Mr. Parker’s fingers.
He legs trembled and her breathing was shaky. “Oh my god Daddy that was amazing.”
“Suck of my fingers Baby girl.”
Lyz took His fingers into her mouth and sucked them off and was surprised by how much she enjoyed the taste of her own cum. “It’s good but I think you taste much better Daddy.”
“I disagree, but to each his own.” Mr. Parker smirked.
Even after the trip back home Lyz’s legs trembled and her pussy was still soaked. She barely made it inside her legs were so numb. Lyz watched Mr. Parker calmly but quickly bring in her clothes and prepare for work. From what he had said in the car it seemed obvious to her that he was a doctor, most likely a surgeon. She said nothing, she just watched as he moved fluidly throughout the house.
“Okay Baby girl I gotta go, my number is in your phone and the house is yours. Don’t wait up I’ll be home late.” Just before he opened the door to leave he backtracked, “And please don’t leave the yard.”
“Okay Daddy. I love you.” The words slipped from her lips. But despite accidentally saying them she was sure she meant them, at least she thought and hoped she did.
Mr. Parker further backtracked through the entryway so he could take her in a tight embrace. “I love you too Baby girl.” He spoke in a hushed whisper.
Mr. Parker; a 38 year old dark haired man, had visited the musty auction room few times before but on this visit he brought money to spend, most of which was just spent on Elysa, a 16 year old girl. Elysa was a petite girl no taller than 5’7” and she hardly weighed more than 150 lbs. Everything about her sparked Mr. Parker’s interest but what first caught his eye was Elysa’s asymmetrical haircut. Her black hair stretched just barely to her left shoulder and on her right side the tips of her hair tickled her jawline. Some of her hair was highlighted a very light blonde, almost white. When the auction ended Mr. Parker met with Elysa’s escort near an exit. Mr. Parker exchanged his bid of $10,000 for her and her paperwork, $10,000 would've been a lot if Elysa hadn't been so sought after. Her passport indicated she had been passed around through many countries and now that she was back in the United States she would have been through plenty of states as well. Her ID had been recently updated with a false last name and Mr. Parker was assured she was cleared of pathogens and STD’s.
“You are the lucky mans, many men likes this girl.” The escort spoke with a Latvian accent.
Mr. Parker only nodded and grunted, he didn’t want to seem cold towards Elysa but there was a part of him that was disgusted with everything and even more so with the escort. It didn’t help that the man looked like a slob with his stained half tucked in improperly buttoned shirt. Mr. Parker gently led Elysa to his CUV, a Volkswagen Tiguan. He opened the passenger door for her and walked around to the drivers side. At this point neither had even said a word to each other, yet when Mr. Parker moved his hand to the glove box Elysa instinctively spread her legs for him. This caught him off guard but he didn’t hesitate long, and stored her papers in the glove box. He of course found her extremely attractive with her tight body and perky breasts, but he waited.
“Please put your seatbelt on young lady.” Mr. Parker politely asserted. She nodded and did so. “You can speak Elysa, in fact I encourage you to do so.”
“I prefer Lyz if that’s ok?”
“Of course my dear. What would you like for dinner Lyz?” Lyz said nothing, she was taken back by her new owners kindness. “Lyz it’s ok, what would you like?”
“I’m not hungry, unless,” Lyz put her hand on Mr. Parker’s thigh and squeezed. “Unless you’re going to feed me.” She said seductively and gripped him.
Mr. Parker moved her hand from his crotch and started driving. They weren’t very far from his house less than an hour away. “I’m going to make you something when we get to my house, our house.” He said ‘our house’ like a question.
Lyz found Mr. Parker puzzling, he payed a vast sum for her yet hadn’t taken advantage of her, perhaps he was waiting till they were at his house. It was a quiet ride, occasionally Mr. Parker would inquire about things she liked but for the most part the only sound in the CUV was the smooth sound of tires gripping asphalt.
Mr. Parkers house was modest but nice. It had two small garages and a small patio looking on a small green yard lined with wildflowers. It was a tall house but only one story excluding the attic. It sat in the middle of a slightly uncrowded street. Mr. Parker and Lyz walked across the yard to the patio steps and Lyz admired the Honeylocust that shaded the yard from the street lamps. Mr. Parker led Lyz up the patio steps opened the two front doors to his home. The doors gave way to a small entryway that the living room, hallway, and dining room all intersected at with an archway leading to each.
“You have a very lovely home.” Lyz complimented.
“Thank you dear.” Mr. Parker was about to ask Lyz to take off her shoes but he realized she had none. In fact she was barely wearing anything, she had tight ripped jean shorts and a short tight white tank-top. At the auction house she had been paraded out naked so he hadn’t gotten to see her clothes and in the parking lot it had been too dark to get a good look at her. But despite the condition of her clothes Mr. Parker felt only her could make such a simple outfit look stunning.
Mr. Parker led Lyz to a seat at a smoky glass dining table and he started making her sandwich with apples and peanut butter. Mr. Parker placed the sandwich in front of her and as she brought her skinny, pale, lightly bruised arms up to eat, he saw her eyes. They were an amber color that mesmerized Parker. Lyz ate slowly while Mr. Parker watched but she progressively felt to awkward to do anything, much less eat.
“Is this your first time in Boston?” Mr. Parker asked.
“Um no.”
“I see, well I best get down to business,” Mr. Parker cleared his throat, “I bought you to give you a choice. Either you can stay with me and I’ll take good care of you as if you were my daughter, or you can leave, I’ll give you your papers and you can try it on your own assuming you don’t get picked back up into the trade again. But please don’t answer now, take the night to think about it.” Mr. Parker led Lyz to a bedroom. ‘This is your room if you stay. Make yourself comfortable, if you need anything I’m down the hall.” He flashed a quick smile, the first Lyz had seen.
“Um Mr. Parker?” She called just as he turned into his room. “What about a bathroom?”
“Oh you have your own dear, and feel free to use anything in there.” He smiled softly and closed his door leaving only a crack.
Lyz didn’t know what to think, as a sex slave she never had her own bed not to mention her own bathroom. She sat on the bed, it was soft not the softest she had been on but for her first bed she loved how her body sank just slightly into the mattress. Lyz laid back and slid her arms up and down the bed as if making a snow angel. She spent hours laying and thinking. Mr. Parker was very nice and she never knew her father so to have one so nice would be a dream come true. There was a part of Lyz too embarrassed to admit she enjoyed being a slave but she hated being passed around. She had also experienced plenty of abuse at the hands of owners and traders. Lyz thought for hours and she decided that her best option was to give Mr. Parker a chance, at least this way she would have a home, food, and a father. Lyz stripped off her dirty clothes and moved into the tub-shower combination. She let the water wash over her and just stood for sometime, the feel of a personal shower was much more nice than a hose or bathhouse. She dried off with soft pink towels then laid down naked under the plush comforter on the bed. She had grown to find it discomforting to sleep with any clothes on. Lyz didn’t know what it would entail but she wanted to stay with Mr. Parker, she was actually excited. Excitement was something she couldn’t remember feeling since her 7th birthday; the last time she saw her mom. As a slave she would fake excitement for her owners but she couldn’t help getting aroused when the touched her. Lyz could see she not only found Mr. Parker physically attractive but more importantly his personality fascinated her and turned her on much more effectively than his looks. For his age Mr. Parker looked very young and handsome, he stood 8 inches taller than her at 6’3” and his short russet hair complimented his gunmetal blue eyes.
Lyz awoke not only more well rested than she had ever been but the smell of a delightful breakfast filled her lungs and brought her growling stomach to life. She got out of bed and was going to put her clothes back on but noticed they had been replaced with new clothes. She pulled on some blue jeans, that were a little loose but she liked them, and a graphic t-shirt. When Lyz opened the bedroom door the smell hit her harder, it was mouthwatering. Lyz walked to the table she had eaten at the night before and sat down.
Mr. Parker surprised her when he spoke; she naturally tiptoed she hadn’t expected him to hear her. “Sorry you have no underwear I didn’t know what kind to get you.” His voice was very soft and comforted her though she was already calm.
“I’m very grateful Mr. Parker, thank you.”
“Of course dear,” He spoke facing away from hr as he pulled a quiche from the oven. “I hope you’re hungry?”
“Very, it smells wonderful.” Lyz’s smile beamed across the room. Mr. Parker cut them both slices and he sat across from her at the head of the table. He took a small bite before standing remembering to bring them glasses of juice. “Thank you sir it’s very good.”
“You flatter me dear surely you had better in Paris?”
Lyz shook her head, “I um...didn’t eat much in France.”
Mr. Parker’s faint smile clenched with his teeth. “I see.”
“So um,” Lyz tried to build up the courage to say she wanted to stay. “Um have you lived in Boston long? You don’t have an accent.”
“Yes I grew up here in Massachusetts but I moved around for medical school and I’ve been back here for about eight years now. I think all the moving around helped eliminate my accent.”
Lyz smiled and looked down at the crumbs of her delicious breakfast. “Mr. Parker?”
“Yes dear?” He looked up from his food.
“May I stay with you?”
Mr. Parker grinned widely. “Oh of course my dear I’d love it if you would.” Mr. Parker walked over to her and hugged her tight. She could hear his heart racing with joy. “But I have some conditions.”
“Of course sir.” Lyz nodded. She wasn’t worried, she assumed the conditions would be reasonable.
“From now on you will refer to me only as Daddy or Sir. You will listen to me or be punished accordingly. Daddy is allowed to kiss, touch, or do anything he pleases with you, if it’s something you don’t enjoy than tell me and I’ll consider your objections. You may also kiss and touch Daddy if you wish. Also you are not to leave the confines of my property without me, at least not till school starts in four months. Do you understand?”
“Yes Daddy.” Lyz stood and hugged Mr. Parker tight and when she was pulling away she was surprised by a passionate kiss that left her a little light headed.
“Good girl now finish your breakfast and Daddy will take you shopping.” Lyz smiled as Mr. Parker stroked her hair.
After Mr. Parker put their dishes in the dishwasher he went to the door and slipped on his black loafers. Lyz loved Mr. Parker’s style, it was short of formal but with ebony slacks and an ash vest on a snow colored shirt he was as sexy as he was kind. Mr. Parker grabbed his keys off the entryway table that was just shy of reaching his hip. Lyz noticed that beside a candlestick holder that was two hands crossed at the forearms holding candles, was a painted portrait of a young girl maybe five at the time. It was a beautiful watercolor. She hoped that He would paint her someday but she could never ask him to. Lyz slipped on so cheap shoes that Mr. Parker must have bought her this morning before breakfast. They both crossed the brick pathway from the patio to the driveway. Lyz smiled while stepping on the bricks parallel to her, making a game of avoiding the perpendicular bricks. Mr. Parker opened Lyz’s door for her and she hopped into the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt.
“I’m so excited Daddy.” Lyz blurted out when Mr. Parker settled into the drivers seat.
“I’m glad Baby girl.” Mr. Parker smiled as he rubbed Lyz’s thigh and backed out of the driveway. He lifted the lid of the compartment between their seats revealing about 20 CD’s from a wide variety of genre’s. “Pick whatever you’d like Baby girl.”
Lyz searched through the CD’s there were many she liked and many she was surprised to see he had. She saw three of her top five bands; Incubus, Fall Out Boy, and Sleeping with Sirens. From just the CD’s in the car she could see not only the genres she liked; ranging from punk-rock to metalcore and hard-rock to pop-rock. She loved all of the CD’s but she decided on Stone Temple Pilots’ Core. When Dead and Bloated, the first track, came on Mr. Parker chuckled surprised and happy with her choice. After some unified humming they both gave way to singing.
“Somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed.” Lyz patted her thighs while finishing the last line in the song with a big finish.
“I didn’t think you would know Stone Temple Pilots.”
“I like all these CD’s, your collection is awesome Daddy.”
“I’m glad you think so. You know there’s a stereo in your room, if you want you can take any of the CD’s you want and you can listen to them whenever you want.”
“Really? Thanks Daddy.”
Lyz bounced in her seat giddy and full of joy when they pulled into the mall parking garage. At five stories tall and plenty wide you might think that it would be easy to find a spot but in mid-summer there was no such thing as an empty spot. After about ten minutes of searching high and low Mr. Parker quickly took a spot after someone pulled out. Lyz had heard that some malls were humongous but she never thought that she would see three floors full of assorted stores, food stalls, and restaurants. In the middle of the mall was a pillar wall supporting the floors. It was decorated with a modern rustic style with rock and wood abstract designs. At the walls base was a shallow pond lined with dark green plants. At the pillar the floor changed from a brown tessellating diamond pattern to a rust colored marble with scratch like white designs. Lyz stared around soaking it all in.
Mr. Parker stood beside her his arm hooked around the small of her back resting on her hip. What if I can’t afford to giver her everything she wants? A pang of worry struck his mind, but he quickly remembered that his savings were well fortified. As a surgeon making around $700,000 a year plus his $500,000 trust fund money wasn’t an issue. Even if it had been Mr. Parker also sold some organs from deceased patients ensuring an excess of finances. Ethically he never saw anything wrong with what he did, he wasn’t harming the patients but when some couldn’t be helped and also weren’t donors their healthy organs would go to waste and at least he was providing help, in a small way, to those who couldn’t help themselves. But Mr. Parker had been raised by his parents, two wealthy physicians, to be humble about his wealth. They taught him not to flash it around but when it came to Lyz he was willing to buy her any and everything.
“Shall we start with clothes Baby girl?” Mr. Parker asked.
Lyz smiled and nodded a big nod. Lyz had never been shopping for herself before and she was never allowed to pick her own clothes, but there was one owner who made her wear a style of clothes that she actually really liked. Because of that Lyz realized she loved Scene, Emo, and Lolita, and styles like them. She loved the appeal of dark emotions expressed in fashion. Something about having vibrant hair, fingerless sleeve gloves, thigh-high socks, and a skirt with a tight shirt just made Lyz comfortable. Mr. Parker and her walked around simply window shopping until they came to a Hot Topic. Lyz’s face was exploded with excitement when she saw a mannequin modeling a jacket. The Spin Doctor Florence Jacket epitomized beauty in Lyz’s eyes. The waist, cuffs, and collar were adorned with black lace ruffles. The forearms and ribs had laces crossing each other and the back was laced like a corset but only for decoration. The zipper and hole protectors were metal painted a goldenrod dark gold.
Mr. Parker’s arm was gently tugged as Lyz stared. Mr. Parker noticed her glistening smile and eyes. He leaned and whispered in her ear. “Pick out everything you want Baby girl.”
“Everything? Even that jacket?” She bounced on her toes and pointed.
“Everything, especially the jacket.” His smile assured her he meant what he said.
Lyz squealed with eagerness and practically ran into the store. She skimmed through the store picking out entire outfits, sleepwear, swimwear, and shoes. Everytime she would select something she would look to Mr. Parker for approval and everytime he would nod giving her all she asked for. Before looking at accessories and other items she started browsing lingerie. She selected multiple bras and thongs including mesh and lace pieces that Mr. Parker seemed fond of. After picking out some basic sets and pieces she moved to the more ostentatious of the lingerie. She gravitated to a couple of corset tops that ended in frilly skirts and bustier sets with thigh-high garters that hooked to the waist piece. When she began looking at accessories she started feeling guilty, like she was taking advantage of Mr. Parker, but his smiled continue to gleam so she smiled back and hugged him tight then picked out jewelry, hair bands, chokers, bows, and gloves and scarves. Then lastly she browsed home decorations like posters and wall scrolls. She was pleased to see that there were some decorations with designs of anime that she knew. While in Japan she was introduced to anime as a part of her requirements asked by a buyer.
It took the cashier over 20 minutes to scan and bag everything she had picked out. “Are you changing your wardrobe?” She asked. “I’ve never seen someone buy so much at once.”
Lyz giggled. “Yeah my Daddy’s the best. Oh wait can I wear that out?” Lyz asked referring to the Spin Doctor jacket.
“Sure thing.” After taking in account the promo code that Mr. Parker had gotten while Lyz was shopping the kind cashier announced the total. “That all comes to $2,767.84”
Lyz winced. “I can put some stuff back Daddy.”
“Shush Baby girl.” Mr. Parker handed the young women a debit card.
As they exited the store Lyz zipped up her new jacket till the zipper gap was just starting to cover her cleavage. Because Mr. Parker was carrying most of the bags in one hand Lyz was able to hug his arm and walk while she did. He led her along to an electronics store. Lyz had no knowledge of phones so she didn’t mind when Mr. Parker picked one out for her. He selected the same model he had, it was a slick lightweight black smartphone, the LG Optimus Exceed 2. He had the phone activated and added to his cellular plan. Lyz decided to find out all it’s workings when she was at home.
“I’m parched, would you like something to drink Baby girl?”
Lyz bent her head down and bit her lip. “Yes please Daddy.” Her hand went unnoticed by the public as she lightly rubbed his crotch.
Mr. Parker took a deep breath, “Lets grab something from Starbucks and then we’ll head home.” His voice was a little shaky and Lyz could tell she had aroused him.
They quickly bought some drinks, Mr. Parker got an iced mocha and Lyz decided on a smoothie. Mr. Parker practically dragged Lyz behind him as he rushed to his CUV. Mr. Parker put all the bags in the back of his Navy blue Tiguan. After shutting the compartment door he realized he was shaking ever slightly. He walked to the driver side door and before opening it he took a deep breath once again. He sat in the seat and stared at Lyz. She had taken her shirt off and left only the jacket on with the zipper barely even zipped.
Mr. Parker cleared his throat. “Did you enjoy shopping today?”
Lyz nodded hard and her small but perky breasts bounced inside her coat. “I’m still very thirsty Daddy can you quench my thirst?” She rubbed the growing bulge in his pants.
“Do you think you can handle it?”
“Yes Daddy, please please please let me suck your cock.”
Mr. Parker lifted the steering wheel a bit and scooted his seat back before undoing his belt and pants. Lyz was biting her lip hard as he released his throbbing penis. Just as Lyz was leaning in she heard a door shut not far from their car. “Daddy, what will we say if someone catches us?”
“It’s ok Baby girl the windows are tinted pretty dark, no one can see in.”
She smiled big and wide and leaned in. She gripped Mr. Parkers shaft and played her tongue around the rim of his hard cock. A small moan was loosed from his lips. Lyz stroked him up and down while closing her lips over the head penis. Mr. Parker unzipped her jacket the rest of the way and squeezed her nipples hard as she started bobbing her head slowly. Mr. Parker wasn’t any larger than average but nevertheless Lyz’s mouth was full. Periodic moans slipped out from her mouth increasing the pleasure Mr. Parker felt. He moved his hand down her body and rubbed her wet pussy through her jeans and with her mouth still full with his dick she moaned loud. Lyz sucked soft and hard while bobbing her head in a corkscrew like motion. Mr. Parker gripped her hair and began to moan louder and louder. His dick throbbed as his cum built up ready to explode. Lyz felt his cum sting her throat with a few shots. She swallowed all she could and slurped up the overflow.
“Was I good Daddy?” Lyz asked while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“Fantastic Baby girl, now I want you to pull down your pants.”
“Of course Daddy.”
Lyz arched her back so she could pull down her pants as she was told. She spread her legs as Mr. Parker’s fingers rubbed up and down the lips of her pussy and around her clit. He slowly sucked off his fingers before pushing two fingers inside her tight dripping vagina. “Oh Daddy.” Lyz whimpered.
Mr. Parker rubbed and fingered her vigorously but before Lyz climaxed a loud beeping erupted from Mr. Parker’s hip. “Fuck.”
“What’s that Daddy?”
“I’ve got to go to the hospital, a liver is being flown in.”
“Oh, okay Daddy.” Lyz tried not to sound disappointed as she started to pull her pants up.
“Did I tell you to pull them up?” Mr. Parker asked rhetorically.
“Well um…”
Mr. Parker interrupted her by pushing two fingers deep inside her while he backed out of the parking spot. Lyz’s loud moans filled the car as Mr. Parker filled her pussy with three fingers. She rubbed her clitorous as he pushed his fingers in and up over and over. “Daddy I’m going to cum.” Lyz screamed in pleasure as she squirted on Mr. Parker’s fingers.
He legs trembled and her breathing was shaky. “Oh my god Daddy that was amazing.”
“Suck of my fingers Baby girl.”
Lyz took His fingers into her mouth and sucked them off and was surprised by how much she enjoyed the taste of her own cum. “It’s good but I think you taste much better Daddy.”
“I disagree, but to each his own.” Mr. Parker smirked.
Even after the trip back home Lyz’s legs trembled and her pussy was still soaked. She barely made it inside her legs were so numb. Lyz watched Mr. Parker calmly but quickly bring in her clothes and prepare for work. From what he had said in the car it seemed obvious to her that he was a doctor, most likely a surgeon. She said nothing, she just watched as he moved fluidly throughout the house.
“Okay Baby girl I gotta go, my number is in your phone and the house is yours. Don’t wait up I’ll be home late.” Just before he opened the door to leave he backtracked, “And please don’t leave the yard.”
“Okay Daddy. I love you.” The words slipped from her lips. But despite accidentally saying them she was sure she meant them, at least she thought and hoped she did.
Mr. Parker further backtracked through the entryway so he could take her in a tight embrace. “I love you too Baby girl.” He spoke in a hushed whisper.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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