
Good and bad words fill us all
The good words fill us all with joy
The bad words... are no fun at all
They do more harm when you don't realise it

There are plenty of words I've spoken
Plenty of those have been really good ones
But recently bad words have crept in
The worst part... I never meant them at all

Those 3 words are the best words I've ever spoken
Until its time to come out with many better ones
There are other words I wish I could take back
But I know I can't take them back now...

I want to keep saying all the good words
I don't ever want the bad words coming out again
Its just something I don't have complete control over
Because I never know until those words are heard by you

Those 3 words... Mean a lot to me as does XXIIXI
All the good words... They will always be coming out
I'm sorry for all the offensive and bad words I've spoken
I'm hurting for all the bad words that have come from me

Please forgive me for all the words I don't mean...
Written by ScarletAshes
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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