Story about a boy

I want to tell you a story about a boy. A little who was born with a big heart. God new that this boy had such a big heart for a reason that he allowed this boy to live when he almost died in his mothers womb. Now because of that experience, the boy and his mother had a special connection, she loved the boy so much that she gave him a part of her heart. Sadly she knew that boy was going get hurt badly because of his heart. But she knew that one day his heart would save someone by showing them the love and warmth of a heart that had no bounds, a heart that will love and love and love no matter how many times it's broken. As was predicted the boy was hurt so many time as he grew up. He cried and cried for years because his heart ached and just so badly wanted to be loved. He gave his heart to person after person and they would just throw it away or reject it. But the boy kept loving no matter what. Because he was raised and taught to love people no matter what. But one day the boy met a girl, she also cried a lot in her life because of the pain she was dealt. The boy saw this pain and he kindly gave that girl his heart and a lot of love because he felt like that's what she was missing. So he kept loving her and loving her no matter what happened. The boy made a vow to protect the girl, he wanted to be her hero the one that saved her from the demons. One day they got separated and it seemed as if they had forgotten eachother but it seemed like fate had other plans because they never forgot and they still loved eachother. But soon they got older and starting changing. The girl was growing into a woman and she was experiencing new things in her life and she started making choices. The boy was growing into a man as well but his heart still remained the same, he still cared for the girl and kept loving her hoping that one day she will change. The girl hurt the boy over and over, but he still loved her. Ever since that boy met that girl he made a vow to protect her, to guide her, to be her guardian angel and her soulmate. The boy felt that it was his destiny to love this girl until the end of his life. But now he feels that she doesn't see that destiny. She broke the boys heart but he still loved her and still fought for her, but he got nowhere. She never budged her mind was made up, she just can't see what is meant to be. The boy feels weak like he just wants to give up he feels like letting go of her hand and letting go of the bond that kept them together. He hopes that one day she realizes she is losing her best friend and that she realizes what she has lost before it's too late. The boy will always love the girl but boy has gone through years of pain and emotional and mental distress from the wrong people. People who tricked him and made him believe that they would never let go of him but they did. The little boy is losing his hope to ever be loved again to ever find his soulmate again . To be wanted and to never be abandoned again. The boy one day hopes to have his best friend again and that they live happy together forever like they promised
Written by Erosarrow59
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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