vision fission (mental spam)

images foundering about, the nucleus of subconscious essence, patterns crippled by volition, sometimes i can't see my own vision, deflagration hints at detonation, my idle breaths sustain impact events, a trail of syllabic symbolicals pulse in the dark, volcanic ray bursts, verse, solar plasma flares, ulta-matic-mosis, symbiotic quiet light, magnetic fission arc, light abates, rods and cones perceives flakes of experience, the shadows of aftermath temper curiosity with the symmetry of cascading debris, waken images of sabotaged dreams, deterministic snowflakes of summer breeze tease the mind with machination, frolic streams in the vortex, take a guess... wrest... the crash of sine waves finger the radius of loop as impact alludes tangled purport, concave celestial flood planes circumvent radius as tremor triggers instant, the angular spiral paradox hydrological and fluvial forms, mystery streaming, teeming, boundaries vex meanders, fractal structure maps the basin of nonlinear destruction, a thought is brought to it's dense birth... the scale perplexed by worth measures it's own inept curse of purpose as words burn, the cinders of tempered conflagration roll through flowing schemes like funneled tunnels interpreting the magnitude square, there is no there! quadrilateral fare of closed curve disk ellipse eclipsed by the sonic calculus of variation, polyglon rotation, the volume of blast within stilled hesitation, projection of particles, fragmentation accumulation, the catalyst of why, the barren bare, there is no there... keyword abstraction, matter vacuum, the NUL processor of naught, a taught wire conspired against balance, the will of nil, force plus velocity equals perpetual question, in the name of answer i have no combusted utterances to spare, there is no there...
Written by Conley (Delling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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