July 26th 2014
Let's see, it's 21 right now. At the end of this it should be 2 the next day. Yeah, that's a large time gap. Well, I get distracted easily. At the time of this sentence is being written, I am trying to watch/listen to an anime (yes in the original Japanese with English subtitles because that's how you do it and I'm trying to work on my Japanese). And I'm also trying to finish a poem, which was lost due to problems, and working on the story about my version of hell, which links to another story that I tried to write a while back. Have to start over, but that's a good thing. I guess. Gives me another chance to get my ideas done right. Oh and if you are wondering why I use 24 hour, I will explain. It's easier. There, happy? Oh and I'm also petting Cerberus. The cats and him stay up with me. They keep me company while the rest of the people sleep. We're getting another roommate soon. Three weeks they move in. I met them, they're nice, or at least they seem to be. We don't really care about background checks here. We're all pretty shady. As long as you promise not to lead cops here or cum on someone's belongings, you can stay here.
I never understood sitcoms. I always found parody and satire much funnier than unique situations. I don't hate sitcoms, or the comedy they employ but I would prefer if writers were a little more satirical or critical. Sure, there are certain moments in which a joke can be parody, but it's not the focus of the show nor was it executed with the intent to critique our culture. I'm not saying that I can do what they do, or anything close to it. I'm not that funny of a person, nor do I understand how to appeal to the masses. I'm not good at parody or satire. I tired to make some satirical pieces, such as the piece about Genesis, Wake Up (well, for Wake Up, it wasn't intentionally satire) and some others. To me, they don't come across as well done satire. They definitely are out there and critique just about everything, but that doesn't make them good. I don't know. I try to advance my skills little by little.
I got inspired by a certain quote recently. It's one from Hermann Hesse, from his book Demian, "The bird fights it's way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world". I enjoy that quote greatly. I like it because it shows off the value of a life and at the same time, it tells a story. Also, it shows of the potential of a being. Being able to destroy a world, just to live, is a feat. I guess humans also destroy a world. Although, they do have help. We all need help at one point. It's because we, humans, originally banned together that we still exist today. We're relatively weak and insignificant the rest of the living things. Cats mainly meow to contact humans. This means that they understand that humans have a much different way of communication than other animals, and have adapted. Dogs bark at each other for communication and other stuff, which makes cats even more significant. Also, there is a lizard that can literally recreate it's limbs and organs once they are damaged. They can even use other body parts from the same species to repair their body. Alone, we are clearly not very impressive. But because we can have advanced thoughts and communicate, we are superior to other animals. Imagine if those lizards could have higher thinking. I don't think they would be so peaceful then. Although, we have tanks and the lizards are very small, so war is unlikely. Imagine if sharks could create generators that produced radiation, and gave the entire human population cancer. They're immune, they don't have to worry. But they can't think like that. That reminds me of a certain movie. It had Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. I forgot the name. Just live and forget. That's not the full quote, but technically it is. I can't explain.
I love some RPG horror maker games. Some are flat out hysterical, and somewhat satirical. Others are very deep. Oh my god, are they deep. Others are just fun to watch or play. Some are actually creepy. Not scary, because it's pixel horror. Well, some pixel horror games can be scary. Lone Survivor was. I think that was the name. I don't remember. Yup, that is the name. I like the charm of simplicity and minimalism. That shows in some of my pieces. Yet, it's what you with minimalism and simplicity that makes it fun. You can take a simple turn based fighting system and make it unique. You can take 30 or so words and make them into a really deep poem through repetition and such. I also like some indie titles. Of course their are some god awful ones, yet there are some that are gems. They are simple but deep and awesome.
I never understood the word "Vane" or "Vanity". I have only heard in the context of an insult or religious stuff. Like, you shouldn't say the lords name in vane. What counts as that? Am I even using the correct spelling? I don't know! The mysteries of life.
Cerberus has grown a bit. He likes his bed. I will never have him sleep on the same bed as me. That would be awful. Especially if I end up sharing a bed with a human or if he becomes larger than the average husky. Huskies are already pretty big. He would take up the entire bed.
It's 23 and I'm making eggs. Fun. And I have to protect them from a cat and a dog. The dog is easy. Not the cat. Hell no. He likes anything that humans eat. He also like raw eggs. So it's annoying when I'm trying to beat them. I also had to fight him over meat when I ate meat. I have 4 months until I'm allowed to eat steak again. Or chicken. Or ham. Or cornbeef. I want some cornbeef hash right now.
Cerberus enjoys walks a lot. He likes running more. Doesn't like playing catch. You'll throw a ball or Frisbee, and he'll run. But he'll run in a different direction or he'll go to it but not pick it up. Once I threw a ball at him and he looked at me like he was disappointed.
Story time! I woke up in a trunk, once. A wooden one. I was 10. Back then, I was a heavy sleeper. I am now very easy rouse. My sister thought it be funny for be to be locked in a trunk so mom would think I skipped school. She was furious when she got the call. She found me in the trunk not too long after. My sister got beaten. That was fun, and I got to skip school.
If there was a God, I would for them to be totally opposite of the bible. Like, they're a hippy. "Yeah, brah. You can, like, come to heaven, if you want," is what I would like for it to say when you're undergoing judgement. Reading this, God? I'll even let you send me to hell if you say it as if you were stoned. Fuck am I saying? I am going to hell. There's a special place in hell for people like me. That reminds me, an engineering student had to write a paper about how hell would work or something like that. So basically, he argued that hell would either have been frozen over or have exploded by now due the laws of thermodynamics. I forgot where I saw that, but I thought that was funny. You can try to find it yourself. I'm not even sure if I'm describing the paper right. Now, I bet you religious folk are probably saying, "God and Hell are above your silly sciency shit", that may be true, but it takes a lot of humor and knowledge to say such thing. The paper was very witty. You gotta respect that. Even if you don't, you're probably going to heaven anyways, so you're fine. Let us heretics burn, freeze, or look upon the shrapnel that was Hell. Again, special place for people like me. Oh and by the way, if I don't sin, then Jesus would've died for nothing. I'm just saying. Also, gay sex prevents abortion, suck a cock for Jesus. Also, shrimp is your real enemy, not the gays. Shrimp is mentioned, as an abomination, 8 times more than homosexuality is, in the bible. Therefore, there are no Satan lovers, no conspiracies, no heretics, only followers of the shrimp. And if you deny that, or say it's no longer in practice, I will claim that you are a cherry picker, making you even more of a heretic. You can't change the character of god by ignoring the old testament. He still said those things, even if you don't want to accept it. Well, his followers and chosen ones said it, but it's still his words. And I don't get people that take that shit metaphorically. What is shrimp representing? Why is it hated so much? Please, someone tell me. I am interested and I will not make fun of you. I promise you that. I can be respectable, sometimes. I don't deny that I am a hypocrite, and I'm working on becoming less hypocritical. So, help me? I am interested in that. I'm also interested why shrimp is more hated than homosexuality. Again, this makes the bible sound more like it was written by people, but let's ignore that for now. But why did ancient people hate shellfish? I personally find people more disturbing than shrimp. Humans can be very scary.
Also, I bet you heard from CNN that all anime and manga is child porn. Yeah. I'm both angry and sad. I'm sad because now I have to be less open about things that I like, and it'll probably make people less likely to actually experience some really good stories. I'm angry because they are horribly wrong. I'll include the link to the video and maybe the article. But basically, CNN has tons of bias and uses censors to make stuff look worse then it actually is. You can find an anime reviewer that talked about this CNN story, and you'll see how CNN is using information deceptively.
Here is my refutation, again link will be in next paragraph. Oh, I have adapted this refutation from a comment of my own on a YouTube video, so if you find a refutation very similar to this one, that's why. So first of all, some manga and anime involve a cast of all adults. That makes you wrong, right then and there. Not only that but the definition of porn is either one getting involved in sexual actively or being naked in a seductive/suggestive way. Of course, child porn is the above but with a minor. Revealing clothing/pantie shots/fully, partial covered boobs with no tits do not count as nudity. Therefore, that "pornographic scenes" are fan service. If you don't know what fan service is, look it up. You can definitely question whether or not fan service of a minor is moral, but that doesn't mean it's child porn. Sure, some fan service does have nudity of minors (very rare that they are minors, very, very rare), or people that look like minors. They're art, which I will explain later, meaning there is no victim. But, that fan service. Also, many anime watchers don't enjoy random fan service in their shows. Sure, there are anime and manga that are centered around fan service, but viewers are aware of that and either are prepared for it or flat out don't watch it. Yes, there is a difference between porn (hentai) and anime/manga. Manga and anime only have fan service, hentai is like normal porn but animated and is restricted to people 18 years of age and above. They should be questioning more hentai things, like Boku no Pico, a hentai involving two fifteen year olds being fucked in weird ways by a nineteen year old (if I am correct), that shit I can question as child porn, kinda (more on that later). I'll explain that media isn't a threat later on, but first an example: If I don't give my dog a treat, that doesn't mean I'm starving him. You can question my style of training, but that doesn't change the fact that it is not dog abuse. Also, there are some cultural differences, like lolis. They are animated people that look like children or are children, and are cute. Mainly, the adult lolis are sometimes sexualized. The ones that are minors are only cute. On too why media is not that dangerous. Media can't instantly brainwash someone. If I have no violent intentions at all in my body, then I play GTA, I will not want to kill someone just for fun. It's simple psychology, chemistry and physics. There is no spontaneous generation. We proved that by making preservatives and pasteurized milk. That means, that I would need to have violent interests before I am influenced by the media. There is something also called morality. Most people have it. Those that don't are already fucked up. That means that media only helps them get more fucked up. but really it doesn't because studies have shown that violent videos reduce violent natures, similar to how one vents stress by punching a pillow. You can't increase something, without it already being there, chemistry, logic, psychology and physics all at work here. I know somethings, dammit! Now on to why art is victimless. I already proved that media won't cause random people to suddenly want to rape a child above, so now to prove that art isn't people. Animation is either pixels or moving drawings. Now, answer me this: can they have age as a human or animal would? In other words, would I have to wait 18 years after the drawing was made for it to be no longer considered child porn? Because, art is only representing something. It's not in itself that age. You following? It's like the skin cells on us. Techinally they are naked, can be used seductive, are dead, and are less than 18 years old. So does showing off my hand count as necrophiliac child porn? No! It's not sentient. So are drawing, they are not sentient. It's like pollen. Pollen is plant sperm. You are raped and infected by plants during the spring! Are you going to arrests all flowers? No, they are not sentient. That's my refutation. Tell me what you think. Oh and I forgot to mention that some anime/manga have either very little to no fan service. Hunter x Hunter (2011), Death Note, Ef: a Tale of Memories and many more.
Link to both the video and article:
I think that's it from me for tonight/early morning. And needless to say, I have stop watching CNN. I rarely watch news anyways. I prefer BBC and whatever the acronym is for that Chicago new stuff and shows the Cubs. I love the Cubs. I have family from Chicago. I was born there. My dad was also born there. The cubs need to win the World Series before my dad dies. Jeez. I would bike to Chicago to join the huge party. I would bring him along to. They would have to close off the city for a week or two. There would be partying if they even make it to the World Series.
I never understood sitcoms. I always found parody and satire much funnier than unique situations. I don't hate sitcoms, or the comedy they employ but I would prefer if writers were a little more satirical or critical. Sure, there are certain moments in which a joke can be parody, but it's not the focus of the show nor was it executed with the intent to critique our culture. I'm not saying that I can do what they do, or anything close to it. I'm not that funny of a person, nor do I understand how to appeal to the masses. I'm not good at parody or satire. I tired to make some satirical pieces, such as the piece about Genesis, Wake Up (well, for Wake Up, it wasn't intentionally satire) and some others. To me, they don't come across as well done satire. They definitely are out there and critique just about everything, but that doesn't make them good. I don't know. I try to advance my skills little by little.
I got inspired by a certain quote recently. It's one from Hermann Hesse, from his book Demian, "The bird fights it's way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world". I enjoy that quote greatly. I like it because it shows off the value of a life and at the same time, it tells a story. Also, it shows of the potential of a being. Being able to destroy a world, just to live, is a feat. I guess humans also destroy a world. Although, they do have help. We all need help at one point. It's because we, humans, originally banned together that we still exist today. We're relatively weak and insignificant the rest of the living things. Cats mainly meow to contact humans. This means that they understand that humans have a much different way of communication than other animals, and have adapted. Dogs bark at each other for communication and other stuff, which makes cats even more significant. Also, there is a lizard that can literally recreate it's limbs and organs once they are damaged. They can even use other body parts from the same species to repair their body. Alone, we are clearly not very impressive. But because we can have advanced thoughts and communicate, we are superior to other animals. Imagine if those lizards could have higher thinking. I don't think they would be so peaceful then. Although, we have tanks and the lizards are very small, so war is unlikely. Imagine if sharks could create generators that produced radiation, and gave the entire human population cancer. They're immune, they don't have to worry. But they can't think like that. That reminds me of a certain movie. It had Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. I forgot the name. Just live and forget. That's not the full quote, but technically it is. I can't explain.
I love some RPG horror maker games. Some are flat out hysterical, and somewhat satirical. Others are very deep. Oh my god, are they deep. Others are just fun to watch or play. Some are actually creepy. Not scary, because it's pixel horror. Well, some pixel horror games can be scary. Lone Survivor was. I think that was the name. I don't remember. Yup, that is the name. I like the charm of simplicity and minimalism. That shows in some of my pieces. Yet, it's what you with minimalism and simplicity that makes it fun. You can take a simple turn based fighting system and make it unique. You can take 30 or so words and make them into a really deep poem through repetition and such. I also like some indie titles. Of course their are some god awful ones, yet there are some that are gems. They are simple but deep and awesome.
I never understood the word "Vane" or "Vanity". I have only heard in the context of an insult or religious stuff. Like, you shouldn't say the lords name in vane. What counts as that? Am I even using the correct spelling? I don't know! The mysteries of life.
Cerberus has grown a bit. He likes his bed. I will never have him sleep on the same bed as me. That would be awful. Especially if I end up sharing a bed with a human or if he becomes larger than the average husky. Huskies are already pretty big. He would take up the entire bed.
It's 23 and I'm making eggs. Fun. And I have to protect them from a cat and a dog. The dog is easy. Not the cat. Hell no. He likes anything that humans eat. He also like raw eggs. So it's annoying when I'm trying to beat them. I also had to fight him over meat when I ate meat. I have 4 months until I'm allowed to eat steak again. Or chicken. Or ham. Or cornbeef. I want some cornbeef hash right now.
Cerberus enjoys walks a lot. He likes running more. Doesn't like playing catch. You'll throw a ball or Frisbee, and he'll run. But he'll run in a different direction or he'll go to it but not pick it up. Once I threw a ball at him and he looked at me like he was disappointed.
Story time! I woke up in a trunk, once. A wooden one. I was 10. Back then, I was a heavy sleeper. I am now very easy rouse. My sister thought it be funny for be to be locked in a trunk so mom would think I skipped school. She was furious when she got the call. She found me in the trunk not too long after. My sister got beaten. That was fun, and I got to skip school.
If there was a God, I would for them to be totally opposite of the bible. Like, they're a hippy. "Yeah, brah. You can, like, come to heaven, if you want," is what I would like for it to say when you're undergoing judgement. Reading this, God? I'll even let you send me to hell if you say it as if you were stoned. Fuck am I saying? I am going to hell. There's a special place in hell for people like me. That reminds me, an engineering student had to write a paper about how hell would work or something like that. So basically, he argued that hell would either have been frozen over or have exploded by now due the laws of thermodynamics. I forgot where I saw that, but I thought that was funny. You can try to find it yourself. I'm not even sure if I'm describing the paper right. Now, I bet you religious folk are probably saying, "God and Hell are above your silly sciency shit", that may be true, but it takes a lot of humor and knowledge to say such thing. The paper was very witty. You gotta respect that. Even if you don't, you're probably going to heaven anyways, so you're fine. Let us heretics burn, freeze, or look upon the shrapnel that was Hell. Again, special place for people like me. Oh and by the way, if I don't sin, then Jesus would've died for nothing. I'm just saying. Also, gay sex prevents abortion, suck a cock for Jesus. Also, shrimp is your real enemy, not the gays. Shrimp is mentioned, as an abomination, 8 times more than homosexuality is, in the bible. Therefore, there are no Satan lovers, no conspiracies, no heretics, only followers of the shrimp. And if you deny that, or say it's no longer in practice, I will claim that you are a cherry picker, making you even more of a heretic. You can't change the character of god by ignoring the old testament. He still said those things, even if you don't want to accept it. Well, his followers and chosen ones said it, but it's still his words. And I don't get people that take that shit metaphorically. What is shrimp representing? Why is it hated so much? Please, someone tell me. I am interested and I will not make fun of you. I promise you that. I can be respectable, sometimes. I don't deny that I am a hypocrite, and I'm working on becoming less hypocritical. So, help me? I am interested in that. I'm also interested why shrimp is more hated than homosexuality. Again, this makes the bible sound more like it was written by people, but let's ignore that for now. But why did ancient people hate shellfish? I personally find people more disturbing than shrimp. Humans can be very scary.
Also, I bet you heard from CNN that all anime and manga is child porn. Yeah. I'm both angry and sad. I'm sad because now I have to be less open about things that I like, and it'll probably make people less likely to actually experience some really good stories. I'm angry because they are horribly wrong. I'll include the link to the video and maybe the article. But basically, CNN has tons of bias and uses censors to make stuff look worse then it actually is. You can find an anime reviewer that talked about this CNN story, and you'll see how CNN is using information deceptively.
Here is my refutation, again link will be in next paragraph. Oh, I have adapted this refutation from a comment of my own on a YouTube video, so if you find a refutation very similar to this one, that's why. So first of all, some manga and anime involve a cast of all adults. That makes you wrong, right then and there. Not only that but the definition of porn is either one getting involved in sexual actively or being naked in a seductive/suggestive way. Of course, child porn is the above but with a minor. Revealing clothing/pantie shots/fully, partial covered boobs with no tits do not count as nudity. Therefore, that "pornographic scenes" are fan service. If you don't know what fan service is, look it up. You can definitely question whether or not fan service of a minor is moral, but that doesn't mean it's child porn. Sure, some fan service does have nudity of minors (very rare that they are minors, very, very rare), or people that look like minors. They're art, which I will explain later, meaning there is no victim. But, that fan service. Also, many anime watchers don't enjoy random fan service in their shows. Sure, there are anime and manga that are centered around fan service, but viewers are aware of that and either are prepared for it or flat out don't watch it. Yes, there is a difference between porn (hentai) and anime/manga. Manga and anime only have fan service, hentai is like normal porn but animated and is restricted to people 18 years of age and above. They should be questioning more hentai things, like Boku no Pico, a hentai involving two fifteen year olds being fucked in weird ways by a nineteen year old (if I am correct), that shit I can question as child porn, kinda (more on that later). I'll explain that media isn't a threat later on, but first an example: If I don't give my dog a treat, that doesn't mean I'm starving him. You can question my style of training, but that doesn't change the fact that it is not dog abuse. Also, there are some cultural differences, like lolis. They are animated people that look like children or are children, and are cute. Mainly, the adult lolis are sometimes sexualized. The ones that are minors are only cute. On too why media is not that dangerous. Media can't instantly brainwash someone. If I have no violent intentions at all in my body, then I play GTA, I will not want to kill someone just for fun. It's simple psychology, chemistry and physics. There is no spontaneous generation. We proved that by making preservatives and pasteurized milk. That means, that I would need to have violent interests before I am influenced by the media. There is something also called morality. Most people have it. Those that don't are already fucked up. That means that media only helps them get more fucked up. but really it doesn't because studies have shown that violent videos reduce violent natures, similar to how one vents stress by punching a pillow. You can't increase something, without it already being there, chemistry, logic, psychology and physics all at work here. I know somethings, dammit! Now on to why art is victimless. I already proved that media won't cause random people to suddenly want to rape a child above, so now to prove that art isn't people. Animation is either pixels or moving drawings. Now, answer me this: can they have age as a human or animal would? In other words, would I have to wait 18 years after the drawing was made for it to be no longer considered child porn? Because, art is only representing something. It's not in itself that age. You following? It's like the skin cells on us. Techinally they are naked, can be used seductive, are dead, and are less than 18 years old. So does showing off my hand count as necrophiliac child porn? No! It's not sentient. So are drawing, they are not sentient. It's like pollen. Pollen is plant sperm. You are raped and infected by plants during the spring! Are you going to arrests all flowers? No, they are not sentient. That's my refutation. Tell me what you think. Oh and I forgot to mention that some anime/manga have either very little to no fan service. Hunter x Hunter (2011), Death Note, Ef: a Tale of Memories and many more.
Link to both the video and article:
I think that's it from me for tonight/early morning. And needless to say, I have stop watching CNN. I rarely watch news anyways. I prefer BBC and whatever the acronym is for that Chicago new stuff and shows the Cubs. I love the Cubs. I have family from Chicago. I was born there. My dad was also born there. The cubs need to win the World Series before my dad dies. Jeez. I would bike to Chicago to join the huge party. I would bring him along to. They would have to close off the city for a week or two. There would be partying if they even make it to the World Series.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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