
There was an angel in the sky
Between the big blue clouds
And happily he plays around
With all his angel friends

One day the angel looked above
He saw a wounded bird
He tried to heal his soul
And he get used to it

And many years passed away
The angel and the bird together
It was for complacent but
In a way they loved each other

One day the angel looked above
And saw a light in the sky
He see a man and it happened
His heart began to shine

Oh, he was happy that he found
An angel full of light
A sparkling love grew up inside
An angel by his side

One day the lightning angel said
'I love you most but is an angel still
I love him too and want to be with both
Please accept him, he is a shining angel too'

The angel heard and he was sad
But not angry, he knew those kind of things
Suddently a cloud pushed him
Down there in the ground

He felt the angel from the sky
A broken wing became to hurt
He understood his angel but the sadness
It was still inside

To heal he need time
To fly again into the sky
To see the clouds and his shining angel
And to accept the triangle inside

With endless love the angel starts to look
Above the stars into the sky
A wounded wing but he started to fly
Higher and higher to his home

Oh, angel what have you done to me
I do not blame you and I understood
My love will be shining again
With time my wound will heal.

Written by ariane
Published | Edited 5th Apr 2011
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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