Counselling with Dr. Shade

  Dr. Dog: Mr. T. can you recall the name of your first master?
Mr. T. : yes Dr., I believe that he answered to the name of Shadow.
Dr. Dog: very interesting Mr. T., if you don't mind, can  we be a bit less formal, Robert, could you please tell me why you used the phrase "he answered to the name of Shadow"?
Mr. T.: I mean Robert: Thank you Dr., yes, Robert works fine for me and would you like for me to call you something other than Dr. ?
Dr. Dog: no, please refer to me as Dr. , now  continue with your answer, Robert .
Robert: I'm so sorry Dr. But I forgot your question.
Dr. Dog: I had asked you why you used the phrase "he answered
to the name of Shadow" I mean it sounds a bit derogatory  if you will.
Robert: Oh!, No Sir!, I would never belittle Ole Shadow, he was the best dog I ever owned! Er, I'm sorry Ole Shadow was the best friend I ever had.
Dr. Dog: very interesting, Robert, you seem to have developed a bit of a possessive attitude somewhere in your past. Could you tell me a bit about your childhood and when you first became acquainted  with Shadow?
Robert: Well Dr., as I recall it was early summer because school had just let out for summer  break. As I was walking home from school on that last day I got this feeling that I was  being followed so I turned around and there he was, this big Ole ugly mutt of a dog, Er, sorry Dr. no offense intended! But like I was saying, there he was, this big wonderful dog was following me like my own shadow and that is what I called him from that day on until he up and ran away.
Dr. Dog: Well Robert, that is quite interesting. Now if you can, please tell me about your relationship with Shadow, some of your adventures if you will.
Robert: well Dr., by the way did I mention that you look just like Ole Shadow?
Dr. Dog: well I hope that I can take that as a complement, please carry own with your adventures you two had together.
Robert : Well I do recall one very exciting adventure we had. It all began one Sunday morning on the way to church. Oh, by the way, we lived in very small town and walked just about every where. So like I was saying, it was Sunday morning and I was walking to Sunday school and Ole Shadow was living up to his name cause he was right on my heels about two steps back. When all of a sudden ......
Dr. Dog: I hate to interrupt, but before you go any further with this exciting adventure I think we need to take a quick fire hydrant break, let's take a ten minute break.

And while Dr. Dog is out front sniffing around the fire hydrant Robert waits in the office.
Ten minutes later:

Dr. Dog: please take up where you left off, you and Shadow were walking to --- Sunday School ?
Robert : that's right, actually the excitement started after the Church service when we were exiting the building.
All of a sudden I heard this loud commotion just outside the Church doors. Men were yelling, Women were squealing , Kids were laughing, well it didn't take long to find out that Ole Shadow was behind all the ruckus going on, actually  he was behind this cute little Setter that belonged to Mrs. Jones ----
Dr. Dog: beg your pardon ?
Robert: Oh I'm sorry, cute little Setter that lived with Mrs. Jones.
Dr. Dog: You don't mean they were?
Robert: Yes sir Dr. , Right there in front of God and the whole congregation.
Dr.Dog: were you not mortified ?
Robert: well, given the time and place it was kinda touch and go there for awhile, at least until Rev. Ike spoke up and told everyone that it was only part of God's plan and for every one to move along and let Nature take its course. After that Me and Ole Shadow weren't welcome at the First Self Righteous Church anymore, at least Ole Shadow wasn't but I never went back either because,  well you know, you can't go anywhere without your shadow.
Dr. Dog: well, Robert that was quite a tail, ha ha, just a little inside joke.
By the way, where did all this take place?
Robert: A quaint little Town called Sopchoppy.
Dr. Dog: Oh My! Oh My! Tell me you are not talking about Sopchoppy Florida!
Robert: Why yes Dr., that is the place. So you have heard of it have you?
Dr. Dog: Yes I have Robert, that is the place of my birth!
Robert: know way! Are you telling me?; It can't be!, It just Can't Be!
But you do bear a striking resemblance to Ole Shadow and your Irish ancestry is very evident! This could only mean---- you must be the true heir of Shadow!
Dr. Dog: That's right Robert, it must be true, and my given name is Shade, the son of Shadow.
Robert: Then this must mean?
Dr. Dog, Dr. Shade rather: Yes Robert, for better or worse, You now belong to me.
Written by thoughtjotter1 (R. T.)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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