The world belongs to us.

  ( From the oppressed of the world to the oppressors of the world)

 No politicians
 creating their false divisions
 while the real ones are hidden
 and ignored
 we won't be PaCIFIED
 or eat your bread CRUMBs
 while you sit on your THUMBS
 we will not be DENIED

(chorus) The world belongs to us
 no nations
 no borders
 no classes
   no orders
 no cops
  no bosses
 and  no hierarchy.

 only justice
 for everyone....
 only anarchy
 because the world belongs to us.

 You robbed our lands
 claimed it as your PROPERTY
 got rich on our labour
 make us work in your CITY
 with wages meagre
 we live in POVERTY
 but the world belongs to us

 You tried to police our bodies
 say  how we should use THEM
 you either objectify us
 or you're the first to CONDEMN
 but the world belongs to us
 You try to tell us we should either be
  or want to be with
 a woman or a man
 forgetting all the uncounted
 who don't fit into
 this mythic plan
 we'll decide for ourselves…
 because  the world belongs to us

 You offer us life on the dole
 or working in your SHOPS
 we work for something better
 and you send in the COPS
 but this world belongs to us

 The Landlords try their luck
 pushing up the rent
 the bosses pay minimum wage
 so we wonder where our money went
 but the world belongs to us

 The bankers make a crisis
 and we're paying for IT
 they get fat on bonuses
 while we're ground into the SHIT
 well this world belongs to us

 Union bureaucrats tell us we should give them our dues
 but if we decide for ourselves,  have  a wildcat strike
 they will ignore us or denounce us
 independent thought and action
   is something they dislike
 but the world belongs to us.

 They try to separate us with their national flags
 talk of 'national interest' while there's homeless folks
 living in the streets in rags
 these are the same folks who called us
 "niggers", "savages" and "fags"
 forget them, the world belongs to us.

  They send us to fight in battles not our own
 they should fight their own bloody wars
 and not bother us, let us stay home
 because the world belongs to us

They have imperialist empires and their colonies,
 people of colour everywhere livin' on their knees
 outsourcing oppression
  to sweatshops run
  by third world companies
- gunboat democracy -
 they do as they please
 but the world belongs to us.

 They keep us quiet with technology and TV
 while the media manipulates our opinions
 till the masters ideas seem like the only reality
 but the world belongs to us.

  They pollute our rivers
 and they pollute the sea
 put the climate into chaos
 and tell us this is how things need to be
 act like addicts in the pursuit
  of oil
 Fracking our beauty spots
   poisoning the globe
 and ruining  the Soil
 forgetting this world belongs to us.

 What do you get if you shop fair trade?
 A false alternative
 Capitalism made.
 They sell us 'progress'
 when it's just history re-played
 but the world belongs to us.

They try to trick or treat  us
 that our last chance
  is with the ballot box
 but you should learn a politician's
 lying every time one talks
 they act like the shepherd
 watch the sheep
 as everyone of them bleats
but don't kid yourself
 your not cattle to be farmed
 our real power is in the streets
 because the world belongs to us.

The world belongs to us
 no nations
 no borders
 no classes
   no orders
 no cops
  no bosses
 and  no hierarchy.

 only justice
 for everyone....
 only anarchy ! ! ! !
(partially inspired by replying to a Cock sparrer song 'England belongs to us')  (a song? or poetic manifesto ?)  
Written by ScottSF21
Published | Edited 10th Mar 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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