Whatever shall happen in the end...

My friend:
For you I pen these verses,
You, who made my life brighten
You, who chased away the shadows
And managed to enlighten
Not solely my heart
But also my tortured mind
It is you who erased the past
And the nights through which I cried
Sometimes when I look at you
I realize we both are not the same
But what would in-dentical souls be?
Nothing but tremendously lame
I love our disputes and quarrels,
For I know that we smile after all
I am not afraid of heights anymore
For you will catch me if I fall.

i wish i could stop focusing on the negative..

My friend:
There can't be a shadow without light

he is my candle in the night

My friend:
but certainly, candlelight is not the only one in the night. I mean, there is also the moonlight, far brighter than the one of a candle

not when you live in a basement of life. tucked away only to be forgotten and he the one to lend you a hand. to hold the candle and to whisper my name never letting go even tho my mind is going insane.

My friend:
he is not the only one who can lend you a hand while holding a candle with the other.

that i do understand. But, my dear, he was the one to tame the beasts in my mind, he was the one who held me, by not hand but by my arm, refusing to let go no matter how strong the tide under a full moon of the never ending loon in my mind.

My friend:
Do not think of him as your ultimate savior. There are many other ones who will hold your, not hand, but arm.

he was the one who kept me at peace, my inner demons were no longer roaming free. he pulled me away from the internal darkness of my mind never blaming me for what i have become.

My friend:
Nobody blames you, but they worry. What will happen out of you if you keep the demons devour you and cast away every candle-holding hand who wants to chase away the shadow?

My soul will be eaten away and an empty shell, will be all that remained. For my heart yearns for love of one man who made all of my nightmares go away. Never again, will I be the same for he was the one who offered me his hand in my time of despair.

My friend:
Be young, but do not be foolish, Melika. There will be other men if this one is not destined to belong to you. Though, there is one thing for which I am certain; demons will not devour your soul. No matter how dark you think it is, I still see a bright light residing in it.

Night is dark and black, so is my soul. Many other men will come, but they will never be able to replace his sweet words of kindness and love. All of them will claim they love me but all I will do is yearn for his words and warm heart. Can you not see? I have fallen madly in love! I have fallen in love head over heels wanting his heart to be mine again. Oh God. Even now I remember all of our memories which him and I shared, always wanting to go back to change it all so I no longer will have to live in despair.

My friend:
Head over heels, more like, emotion-churned head over unstable heels! Take away the emotions and become objective. You will see that he is not the last of his kind. One day you will see that he was not the owner of the last and only candle.

he was not the owner of the last and only candle.

My friend:
Head over heels, more like, emotion-churned head over unstable heels! Take away the emotions and become objective. You will see that he is not the last of his kind. One day you will see that he was not the owner of the last and only candle.

Maybe not the last and only candle, but the only owner of my heart.

My friend:
Your heart is no object to be owned or destroyed

Maybe or maybe it is. My solemn heart and my soul shall only belong to him, forever more.

My friend:
Can you say 'no'? You should silence your heart with it every time it weeps for him

This love is all that I have left. My soul is empty but yet there is a little spark just craving to get him back. If he returns, the fire in my soul shall be set on flames once more and pain I will no longer have to endure.

My friend:
Do not linger in the past if your heart tells you to go on, yet you silence it.

My heart is in shattered pieces for it was no longer able to endure the pain and the grief. Now, darkness have took its place and refuses to go 'till the knight in the shining armor comes back for me once more.

My friend:
Do not seek for a warrior. It is an old cliché which tells us that every woman needs a man. One should always try to work on his strength, not to wait for help, love.

Indeed I agree, but, I no longer have strength to fight these demons inside my mind for they are the ones devouring my soul.

My friend:
beware them, but feast on their failures

more like their vicious victories. they only failed once he showed up for his kind heart had given me strength and now that he's gone, it is leaving me in depths of hell.

My friend:
he is not the well of your strength

How mistaken you are. For you see, I was happy when he was with me but now I only feel weakness in my heart for it shall never leave me no matter how hard I try to break out from its claws of the never ending despair.

My friend:
Do not be so weak. The weak get punished, keep that in mind once and for all. No shell is too thick to escape it and no void is too deep to exit it.

Holding on to the last threads of hope is what you may be, but I no longer have those, for you see, he no longer wants to be with me.

My friend:
Ways seldom stay un-parted, but people often depart from our lives. You will either move on on your own way or stay in place and be nothing but a memory.

A foggy memory I shall be for I no longer wish to move on.

My friend:
You will either move on on your own, or I will drag you along with me.

Loving friend you must be for you wish to drag a corpse behind thy.

My friend:
Neither will you be a corpse nor I will bury you. You shall move on even if it means to share my path.

-I shall forever more treasure this a chat-like-poem for it is the proof of true friendship and love between the two- Andrea, my dear one. Never shall I forget your kind words and support, not ever. For as long as we both shall live.
Written by TheFallenAngelist
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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