Don't Squander Life

Life is very precious. I guess that’s why people trample all over it. We humans have shit in one hand and gold in the other. We almost always pick the shit over the gold.
“Yea, I’ll I do that line of coke.”
“Hey bro, let’s go fuck them drunk chicks.”
“I’m going to let my kids be watched by strangers while I suck your dick for some meth”

That last one isn’t a hypothetical, it has happened, and happened and happened and it’s happening right now. Every evil you can imagine is happening right at this very moment in time. Good chance its happening right next door, or in someone’s grandma’s basement

The truth is very rude. The truth is not nice and the truth is never sugarcoated. Right? Kind of goes without saying. It’s one of those truisms’s people say to one another.  When it is said someone almost immediately says “I know”. Hell everybody knows. Everybody knows you shouldn’t fuck your kids.  That’s what they are doing, either literally or figuratively.  If everyone knows…why the fuck does people keep at it.  

Parents abuse their kids left and right because they hate themselves; they hate themselves so much they angle that hate towards their kids, children who have done nothing to deserve that treatment. They are just caught in the crossfire. Crossfire that possibly started 200 years ago, problems that never got dealt with when there great-great-great grandparents did this to one another. They thought “No way would me raping my sons will fuck up my family’s bloodline”.

Let’s look at the present.  We humans are very sick. We’d rather watch t.v then talk to our own kids.  We humans rather worship a football game while stuffing our faces with chips and beer while kids are starving, and not just for food but for happiness. We can talk about Africa all day long, but we’re not going to do a damn thing about it.
We could make donations, which aren’t bad. We can support those who can and are able to do stuff. I know people have way too much on their plate to begin with. I’m not trying to guilt anyone with what I’m saying.  There are a lot of people who need help right here in your own country. Look at your children if you have any. You would do anything for them. You love them. That is precious. Seemingly this love is very, very rare in a world filled with so much hate, chaos, unfounded death and destruction. There are more people who need love then there is people shelling it out.  Like the freaks and geeks next door, so are their children begging to be loved.  

What can we do?  Can we help the forgotten?  Well, in order to be forgotten you had to be a priority first. These kids don’t feel like they matter to anyone. Why doesn’t it anger the masses that a parentless child cries himself to sleep at night.  Why doesn’t it anger the masses that this child can’t even cry anymore?  That he is numb to the feeling. Totally shutdown because he doesn’t want to feel the pain that no one prepared him for, not that they had time or even cared to anyway.

Here’s what we can do. Don’t miss this. Listen, read real closely…
Love your kids and quit being selfish. See someone fucking their kid’s life up? Stand up for that kid.  Don’t have kids? Volunteer to be a foster home. Don’t have that kind of time? Donate money to children welfare organizations. Do you have the time but is afraid? Quit being a pussy. Don’t care? Go fuck yourself.

Besides loving these kids, we can love the ones putting them through hell; their parents, caregivers, aunts, whatever. You shouldn’t discriminate the love you dish out, that’s why we’re in this big mess right now, because were so personal and we just want to blame others and love the ones who are closest.  Why can’t we as a whole love each other?  I guess that question can speak many volumes.
Written by LeeMenke
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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