Thank you Magdalena. The Red Wheelbarrow had me thinking last night. This little poem of mine is sort of a satire/theme reversal on the classic piece. In my opinion , all he was trying to get across was the literal imagery of the "red wheelbarrow", with no further depth beyond that. The first two lines stating what is important ( in the case of my poem "the lack of importance"), and the concluding two have no real relevance what-so-ever. The sole intent and purpose was to bring the "red Wheelbarrow" into the center of the reader's attention. This was my personal take on his poem, and my attempt to portray his imagist theme into a poem of my own. Thank you kindly for checking it out.
Thank you very much scribbler. I'll be sure to write some more shorter pieces. I tend to start writing in length, but when I come to think of it almost every one of my poems can be summed up in a few words. Or, at least the theme I suppose. Cheers :)