The Call to Glory
- The Call to Glory -
A Spiritual Revelation and Message
Where is there to be found the greatest joy in all of existence? There are so many joys, that a soul can become confused and most uncertain as to which is to be the most coveted of them all. Yet, I say unto thee, that the most pure and goodly joy is the rapture we experience when we are in direct communion with the Divine. Thou canst know no greater joy than this, for it is beyond all: else. While the joys of this mortal realm are, and can be wondrous and fair, the ecstasy of Divine Union is beyond any ability to describe in words, images, or emotions. It just is, and it is wonderful. To experience it is to know. In the truth of the Divine, also, is there much joy. But it is closer than thou canst know! In the arms of a lover, I have known it, and in the beauty of nature I hath seen it. In myself, I have felt it!
For, when we receive the gift of joy from the One True Source of all knowledge by the grace and glory of knowing this source, the truth of the pure Divine Word becomes obvious to all. The power of this truth: cometh forth from out of the Realms of the Light and the One True Source that doth dwell therein. The glorious and holy mind of the Mother and Father of all, that most blessed Divine, ever seeks to know us. As it seeketh, so do we seek, in turn, to know the Divine. Like children, are we, always asking and wondering after where we came from! Never suspecting that the source of our creation is right before us, beckoning us to come hither and learn in peace whatever truths were before unknown to us. And so, in knowledge, we may grow into the very image of our Makers. The greatest pride of the Divine is when we, its’ children, become like unto the Divine ourselves. And, in that pride, there is much joy to be found. So it is for all living things that are made in the Divine image. So it is for the Divine. Who hath told thee that pride is a sin, they told thee falsely, for there is pride that is sinless, perfect, and ideal in its’ nature.
When the many, being the children of the Universe, seek the One, being the Source of all, they have sought the length and the width of the Universe itself in pursuit of that goal. They have sought that One across Creation entire, yet the One eluded them, for they knew not how to seek after it. They only knew that from the One they came, and to the One they must return. They did not suspect the most simple of all truths. That truth being: the fact that the One was all around them. In every living thing: on every living world. The Divine is a force and a spirit that dwelleth in all spirits and all forces. It is the lifeforce of all lives and so is in life itself. Heaven can be known wherever the Divine Spirit is found, and there is no place where it cannot be found, no heart too small to contain it's essence and it's truth. For the One dwelleth ever among the many, and by the many the One is known and made manifest. Even as it is manifest in me, so that I may manifest in amongst thee.
To live in ignorance of the One True Source is to bring about anguish. When we become so anguished, our hearts are filled with the worst terror. Soon, the anguish becometh unbearable, and it is then that our perceptions become clouded as we blind ourselves to the light of truth. It is then, and especially then, that the Light must shine brighter still, until none may look away that they cannot see it. The Divine is truth. The Divine is light. To deny the Divine Light is to accept the darkness. To deny our true Creator is to accept only a false idea of Creation itself. To do that, is to put weak faith in strong illusions or strong faith in weak ones. Either way, it is wrong. But right and wrong themselves are subjective, though the rightness and wrongness that one can sense in things spiritually is oft guided by a greater power that works through our hearts, minds, and souls in order to guide us. Sometimes, we taint the pure message through our own delusions, but mostly it is a pure thing.
Illusion is the substitute for Divine truths that we cannot see. Delusion is belief in the illusion over the real. Illusion is false, and to accept it is to live in a fearful lie that giveth no real comfort. Seek not union with illusions born of lies. Seek, rather, the ecstasy of Divine Union. Therein, all illusions shatter into the nothingness from whence they sprang forth, for that which hath not substance is powerless before that which hath all substance for it's vessel. All minds for its’ mind, all hearts for it's heart. In the One, the souls of the many become as one. In the Divine, all spirits are of one spirit. Might such as this, is unstoppable. Power such as this, is in fact unquenchable. Truth such as this is undeniable. Learn from this, and be considered wise. Ignore this, and be considered utterly foolish. Through perfect wisdom, the Children of the Universe become mature. With such maturity, cometh Evolution, as the Children grow up in the Divine Parent's image. This is the future. Bind thyself not to the past! In transcending gender, race, color, creed, dogma, and arrogance, one can behold a greater harmony. In becoming Transgender, I overcame the limitations of my birth and embraced a new creation of myself in my own image. But it was the Divine that put that image in my mind, heart, and soul. I merely heard and heeded, and so transformed and evolved, and now walk in the beauty I once never thought was possible for myself to attain. We can all glorify our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our souls as I have done. We can all find oneness with a greater glory. But to hear the call to that glory, one must have an open mind!
The Heaven where dwelleth the Divine is far, far away. No living Mortal may venture there whilst clad in flesh. So until the appointed hour cometh when our flesh doth pass away and our souls depart for that Realm, let us content ourselves: with the Heavens we may reach while alive and the aspects of the Divine we may unite with therein. Evolution need not be sought in the Hereafter alone, but, rather, in the here and now. Where I have found it! I say to thee: that seek the joys and thy bliss in life, do not look forward to death for thy reward. Rather, seek rewards aplenty in life and live that life in ways pleasing to the Divine. Do not seek death, but do not fear its’ embrace, either. Leave death to itself and to the dead, for they alone need its’ blessings. These come soon enough, and to all in their dark turn. Time enough to return: Home, when our Parents call us. And eventually, all things are called and must answer the call. But life too calls! Certainly death is inevitable… but there is no dire rush to get: Home. The Greater Heaven waits for all. The Lesser Heavens are for the living. These, we may find anywhere and in any form, so long as that form be pleasing to the Divine, and only the worst evils are not so. We speak not of evil here. My words are about righteousness and Divine Truth. Trust in this, and embrace wisdom. Let wisdom guide thee to the Heavens that await thee. The Heavens that abound: in life. For those that seek their joys and their bliss beyond, I say be patient! Seek new joys and new bliss in what lies all around thee, and do so with a loving heart, a passionate soul, and an unconquerable spirit.
Hasten not Home too soon, I say, for in thy sojourn on this plane of reality and existence, thou canst learn much and be only the wiser for it upon thy return. And if, out of thy experience of life, thou findeth no joy, then truly thou dost deserve some reward indeed of the Heaven beyond. Aye, for what we lack here, we possess there! Yet, as I have said, hasten there not too soon, for the Divine alone knoweth what tiny glimpse of the Divine may await thee in some living Heaven as yet unknown to thee in thy heart. Seek, be patient, and seek yet again. Only when we find or when we pass on, need we seek no more! Thus, are we all seekers. Thus, are we all equal in: the Divine. The Divine is glory, and there is glory in all things. When we walk in wisdom and righteousness, we walk forever in glory, for the favor of the Divine is ever with us. The blessings of Heaven: be upon the glorious, for they receive rewards without end. Endless are the rewards of the Divine, for it endureth in holy majesty forever and always. On every world, there is Divine glory, on every plane of existence, and in every age and period of time, be it measured or boundless. It is ever-present and pre-existing within, yet beyond, the spheres that are given for us to know and to attempt to understand. Such is the true way of divine glory, by the inextinguishable fire of the power of the One True Source. Come into that power by virtue of Divine Truth and Holy Wisdom, and ye shall indeed know: glory, as ye have never dreamed of knowing glory before! Glory unending, and blessings beyond counting. In anything at all it might be discovered!
The call to glory ringeth loud and clearly, for all to hear. The wise may heed it, whilst perhaps the foolish will choose to ignore it. Yet, for better or for worse, to hear that call, is to be changed ever after. We possess the capability to make of ourselves whatsoever we will or desire, and the Divine holdeth the forces by which those desires become reality. The Divine Word is a key that can be used to unlock Divine power. Power that awaits us dormant: often untapped, in every sentient being. The Word doth contain many secrets and countless mysteries... I may relate the Word to thee herein, but thou must learn all for thyself. I can pass thee the very key of which I have spoken, but thou must unlock thy own power. It is different for each of us, for no two gifts of the Divine are exactly the same. Hold fast unto thy dreams, and never lose thy faith... trust in the Word. Glory doth truly await thee! I hath called thee to it, and thou may hear, that others might be called. To life!
A Spiritual Revelation and Message
Where is there to be found the greatest joy in all of existence? There are so many joys, that a soul can become confused and most uncertain as to which is to be the most coveted of them all. Yet, I say unto thee, that the most pure and goodly joy is the rapture we experience when we are in direct communion with the Divine. Thou canst know no greater joy than this, for it is beyond all: else. While the joys of this mortal realm are, and can be wondrous and fair, the ecstasy of Divine Union is beyond any ability to describe in words, images, or emotions. It just is, and it is wonderful. To experience it is to know. In the truth of the Divine, also, is there much joy. But it is closer than thou canst know! In the arms of a lover, I have known it, and in the beauty of nature I hath seen it. In myself, I have felt it!
For, when we receive the gift of joy from the One True Source of all knowledge by the grace and glory of knowing this source, the truth of the pure Divine Word becomes obvious to all. The power of this truth: cometh forth from out of the Realms of the Light and the One True Source that doth dwell therein. The glorious and holy mind of the Mother and Father of all, that most blessed Divine, ever seeks to know us. As it seeketh, so do we seek, in turn, to know the Divine. Like children, are we, always asking and wondering after where we came from! Never suspecting that the source of our creation is right before us, beckoning us to come hither and learn in peace whatever truths were before unknown to us. And so, in knowledge, we may grow into the very image of our Makers. The greatest pride of the Divine is when we, its’ children, become like unto the Divine ourselves. And, in that pride, there is much joy to be found. So it is for all living things that are made in the Divine image. So it is for the Divine. Who hath told thee that pride is a sin, they told thee falsely, for there is pride that is sinless, perfect, and ideal in its’ nature.
When the many, being the children of the Universe, seek the One, being the Source of all, they have sought the length and the width of the Universe itself in pursuit of that goal. They have sought that One across Creation entire, yet the One eluded them, for they knew not how to seek after it. They only knew that from the One they came, and to the One they must return. They did not suspect the most simple of all truths. That truth being: the fact that the One was all around them. In every living thing: on every living world. The Divine is a force and a spirit that dwelleth in all spirits and all forces. It is the lifeforce of all lives and so is in life itself. Heaven can be known wherever the Divine Spirit is found, and there is no place where it cannot be found, no heart too small to contain it's essence and it's truth. For the One dwelleth ever among the many, and by the many the One is known and made manifest. Even as it is manifest in me, so that I may manifest in amongst thee.
To live in ignorance of the One True Source is to bring about anguish. When we become so anguished, our hearts are filled with the worst terror. Soon, the anguish becometh unbearable, and it is then that our perceptions become clouded as we blind ourselves to the light of truth. It is then, and especially then, that the Light must shine brighter still, until none may look away that they cannot see it. The Divine is truth. The Divine is light. To deny the Divine Light is to accept the darkness. To deny our true Creator is to accept only a false idea of Creation itself. To do that, is to put weak faith in strong illusions or strong faith in weak ones. Either way, it is wrong. But right and wrong themselves are subjective, though the rightness and wrongness that one can sense in things spiritually is oft guided by a greater power that works through our hearts, minds, and souls in order to guide us. Sometimes, we taint the pure message through our own delusions, but mostly it is a pure thing.
Illusion is the substitute for Divine truths that we cannot see. Delusion is belief in the illusion over the real. Illusion is false, and to accept it is to live in a fearful lie that giveth no real comfort. Seek not union with illusions born of lies. Seek, rather, the ecstasy of Divine Union. Therein, all illusions shatter into the nothingness from whence they sprang forth, for that which hath not substance is powerless before that which hath all substance for it's vessel. All minds for its’ mind, all hearts for it's heart. In the One, the souls of the many become as one. In the Divine, all spirits are of one spirit. Might such as this, is unstoppable. Power such as this, is in fact unquenchable. Truth such as this is undeniable. Learn from this, and be considered wise. Ignore this, and be considered utterly foolish. Through perfect wisdom, the Children of the Universe become mature. With such maturity, cometh Evolution, as the Children grow up in the Divine Parent's image. This is the future. Bind thyself not to the past! In transcending gender, race, color, creed, dogma, and arrogance, one can behold a greater harmony. In becoming Transgender, I overcame the limitations of my birth and embraced a new creation of myself in my own image. But it was the Divine that put that image in my mind, heart, and soul. I merely heard and heeded, and so transformed and evolved, and now walk in the beauty I once never thought was possible for myself to attain. We can all glorify our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our souls as I have done. We can all find oneness with a greater glory. But to hear the call to that glory, one must have an open mind!
The Heaven where dwelleth the Divine is far, far away. No living Mortal may venture there whilst clad in flesh. So until the appointed hour cometh when our flesh doth pass away and our souls depart for that Realm, let us content ourselves: with the Heavens we may reach while alive and the aspects of the Divine we may unite with therein. Evolution need not be sought in the Hereafter alone, but, rather, in the here and now. Where I have found it! I say to thee: that seek the joys and thy bliss in life, do not look forward to death for thy reward. Rather, seek rewards aplenty in life and live that life in ways pleasing to the Divine. Do not seek death, but do not fear its’ embrace, either. Leave death to itself and to the dead, for they alone need its’ blessings. These come soon enough, and to all in their dark turn. Time enough to return: Home, when our Parents call us. And eventually, all things are called and must answer the call. But life too calls! Certainly death is inevitable… but there is no dire rush to get: Home. The Greater Heaven waits for all. The Lesser Heavens are for the living. These, we may find anywhere and in any form, so long as that form be pleasing to the Divine, and only the worst evils are not so. We speak not of evil here. My words are about righteousness and Divine Truth. Trust in this, and embrace wisdom. Let wisdom guide thee to the Heavens that await thee. The Heavens that abound: in life. For those that seek their joys and their bliss beyond, I say be patient! Seek new joys and new bliss in what lies all around thee, and do so with a loving heart, a passionate soul, and an unconquerable spirit.
Hasten not Home too soon, I say, for in thy sojourn on this plane of reality and existence, thou canst learn much and be only the wiser for it upon thy return. And if, out of thy experience of life, thou findeth no joy, then truly thou dost deserve some reward indeed of the Heaven beyond. Aye, for what we lack here, we possess there! Yet, as I have said, hasten there not too soon, for the Divine alone knoweth what tiny glimpse of the Divine may await thee in some living Heaven as yet unknown to thee in thy heart. Seek, be patient, and seek yet again. Only when we find or when we pass on, need we seek no more! Thus, are we all seekers. Thus, are we all equal in: the Divine. The Divine is glory, and there is glory in all things. When we walk in wisdom and righteousness, we walk forever in glory, for the favor of the Divine is ever with us. The blessings of Heaven: be upon the glorious, for they receive rewards without end. Endless are the rewards of the Divine, for it endureth in holy majesty forever and always. On every world, there is Divine glory, on every plane of existence, and in every age and period of time, be it measured or boundless. It is ever-present and pre-existing within, yet beyond, the spheres that are given for us to know and to attempt to understand. Such is the true way of divine glory, by the inextinguishable fire of the power of the One True Source. Come into that power by virtue of Divine Truth and Holy Wisdom, and ye shall indeed know: glory, as ye have never dreamed of knowing glory before! Glory unending, and blessings beyond counting. In anything at all it might be discovered!
The call to glory ringeth loud and clearly, for all to hear. The wise may heed it, whilst perhaps the foolish will choose to ignore it. Yet, for better or for worse, to hear that call, is to be changed ever after. We possess the capability to make of ourselves whatsoever we will or desire, and the Divine holdeth the forces by which those desires become reality. The Divine Word is a key that can be used to unlock Divine power. Power that awaits us dormant: often untapped, in every sentient being. The Word doth contain many secrets and countless mysteries... I may relate the Word to thee herein, but thou must learn all for thyself. I can pass thee the very key of which I have spoken, but thou must unlock thy own power. It is different for each of us, for no two gifts of the Divine are exactly the same. Hold fast unto thy dreams, and never lose thy faith... trust in the Word. Glory doth truly await thee! I hath called thee to it, and thou may hear, that others might be called. To life!
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