Perpetual Suasti

oramorph endorphin
a seed of light soluble in water
an ocean of reflection
i can swim even from here
my closed eyes silently beckon
the stilling of all time
a moment of forever encapsulated
in a marigenous mirror
everything, finally, as it seems
a soft kiss, a wind gently blown
carry to me all life redeemed
i'll then open my eyes and dream!
dream! dream with me!
rosa morosa
(had to add this poem here because of the 2 poem rule)
people like to foist off the credit for their mistakes
though sometimes this is the credit I like to take
in the end, it doesn't matter what I do to you
the only things that matter are the things you choose to do
you can run your fingers gently down my spine
a malicious sensation often feels sublime
if you prick your fingers with the fangs of the rose
the path of your fingers is the path you chose
from my toxic venom you will become a fanged beast
upon the choices of others you to will feast
for every open door there exists a chore
if you open the door your victim my blame you forever more
your mark can submit to suggestion, or deny entreat
suffer the passions of your severe heat
bleed the blood of such love, catch the disease
share the joy of despair, our life is but meat
shall we not extend an invitation to eat?
shall we not sup on sheep,
relish their fevered bleats?
listen to the sheppard within, or savor השטן love
Written by Conley (Delling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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