Submissions by trysca
this morning I conducted an experiment:
waking early I paused in thought on fig. 52
of the newly received publication Estate
at which the anthropophotographic documentarymakers
had inserted
a double spread image of my local shop
the caption merely stated:
Tesco Express one of increasingly many within walking
distance of Haggerston Estate, 2010, photo by Fugitive Images
this was clearly emblematic of something, I thought,
some sort of embodied esoterica of leftist liberalism?
A continental agenda of...
waking early I paused in thought on fig. 52
of the newly received publication Estate
at which the anthropophotographic documentarymakers
had inserted
a double spread image of my local shop
the caption merely stated:
Tesco Express one of increasingly many within walking
distance of Haggerston Estate, 2010, photo by Fugitive Images
this was clearly emblematic of something, I thought,
some sort of embodied esoterica of leftist liberalism?
A continental agenda of...
815 reads
where to begin]
contented to amuse himself
with confections of the mind
remember that plastic Christ naked
was crucified, severed, dismembered
elastic tendons snipped
wrapped in purple
was the evidence concealed
sweet cherub boy!
terrified as the dawn
hair spreads across taut pale skin
bones lengthened with unnatural speed
Stretched frame buckled
Skull plates cracked under pressure
The new pink soul
Emerged alone and adult
Of a kind
Inflated wings sailed upon the wind of the world ...
contented to amuse himself
with confections of the mind
remember that plastic Christ naked
was crucified, severed, dismembered
elastic tendons snipped
wrapped in purple
was the evidence concealed
sweet cherub boy!
terrified as the dawn
hair spreads across taut pale skin
bones lengthened with unnatural speed
Stretched frame buckled
Skull plates cracked under pressure
The new pink soul
Emerged alone and adult
Of a kind
Inflated wings sailed upon the wind of the world ...
795 reads
Torn wings cast down
Trampled on hot bitumen
Half an opened cage reveals a red heart
Into the sweated airs of a grasping city
Dishonest feet scorched by the blackened land
A crippled claw scratches at liquid tips of sea
In the green port of Elsewhere
Might we find;
2 black-headed gulls
Wheeling over a putrid eel
Your salvation
My damnation
Can we go on
If I must.
But the body is lost
Trampled on hot bitumen
Half an opened cage reveals a red heart
Into the sweated airs of a grasping city
Dishonest feet scorched by the blackened land
A crippled claw scratches at liquid tips of sea
In the green port of Elsewhere
Might we find;
2 black-headed gulls
Wheeling over a putrid eel
Your salvation
My damnation
Can we go on
If I must.
But the body is lost
825 reads
1 Comment
cokkkered en
sammered e wus
en fat chukkn aw
oim hdnuv but aws spinnin
Round ednuv
bassed up
beats is bakwards
water laps
on my shores
en the screams break the night
soul slides
black falln down the face
too hurt
to care
we saw the man collapsed
his brokn heart bledn
on the pavement
many girls Run Round
the unanswered call
cokkkered en
sammered e wus
en fat chukkn aw
oim hdnuv but aws spinnin
Round ednuv
bassed up
beats is bakwards
water laps
on my shores
en the screams break the night
soul slides
black falln down the face
too hurt
to care
we saw the man collapsed
his brokn heart bledn
on the pavement
many girls Run Round
the unanswered call
772 reads
rainwater running down the vertical surfaces of the crusted buildings, the ebbing floods make their way across the ancient bitumen and swell toward a blocked drane over the street. damp wild weeds tore back a section of the broken pavement to form a dark mass sparking a latent fear in the back of Taddo’s mind and preventing him from looking that way for too long. it is far, now, from the inner city. its familiar glow warming the thick, damp horizon to the south, split like two lips parted..
“why’re we here?” spoke out loud “I fuk’n hate this place, ‘sa shithole”
“O you do,...
“why’re we here?” spoke out loud “I fuk’n hate this place, ‘sa shithole”
“O you do,...
776 reads
the air is frozen
your steaming breath
lifted from slumber
placed down
by your strong hands
the knife-sharp edge of a voice;
all hope
is drained
between cold stone cobbles
those tough white tendons
which once tied together,
severed with manual force of twisted blade
all the wet organs
slump to the floor
vacating the dry cavity,
peel protective...
the air is frozen
your steaming breath
lifted from slumber
placed down
by your strong hands
the knife-sharp edge of a voice;
all hope
is drained
between cold stone cobbles
those tough white tendons
which once tied together,
severed with manual force of twisted blade
all the wet organs
slump to the floor
vacating the dry cavity,
peel protective...
931 reads
we missed each other
This afternoon
Your magpie feather touched my shoulder
Your soft harsh vowels whispered behind my ear
And I caught your stern cheekbones rising under my pale skin,
silencing me before I could ask
Long fingers in my deep black pockets
Earth of fresh grave under nail
You left a papery bag of clotted love
You’d brung it home for sister’s
I smell on your jacket
Hot tobacco smoke in rasping lungs
Long spine twisted still
From that quickdropped headstone
Your magpie feather touched my shoulder
Your soft harsh vowels whispered behind my ear
And I caught your stern cheekbones rising under my pale skin,
silencing me before I could ask
Long fingers in my deep black pockets
Earth of fresh grave under nail
You left a papery bag of clotted love
You’d brung it home for sister’s
I smell on your jacket
Hot tobacco smoke in rasping lungs
Long spine twisted still
From that quickdropped headstone
1091 reads
Again (& again)
Smashed ennet
The boey screamin
Iz ead owff
En ee pushder
Fru et din ee ?
The terrifoied
Wone stoboarkin
The lidl one stil
Dressd en er
She seen it aw
E odes er
Boi er
Froat en
Kicks er oard
In er gut
Pessed ee ez,
Off iz face loik
She dudn know woey
E awways comes ome to er
Probly done a gram a
Them cunts up a road
Give et to em
Oi bet
Dudn never giver
Jus fucks up er life
Smashed ennet
The boey screamin
Iz ead owff
En ee pushder
Fru et din ee ?
The terrifoied
Wone stoboarkin
The lidl one stil
Dressd en er
She seen it aw
E odes er
Boi er
Froat en
Kicks er oard
In er gut
Pessed ee ez,
Off iz face loik
She dudn know woey
E awways comes ome to er
Probly done a gram a
Them cunts up a road
Give et to em
Oi bet
Dudn never giver
Jus fucks up er life
918 reads
1 Comment
Kings Basin
(before dawn)
Of Iced shadows
Weep and gather
Under crossing girders
Empty workshops
Glaze across their lemon yellow
Frosting cut black gable
The reflected light drips under
The rusted vault of the living city
Mint pale blades threaten
Hollow concrete tumbling brick
Stock stolen, faded or smashed
Painted letters drop stories
Of ghosted pasts sunk
And yet;
the two twin spires
Penetrate like wicked bucks
the fleshy pagan murk;...
Of Iced shadows
Weep and gather
Under crossing girders
Empty workshops
Glaze across their lemon yellow
Frosting cut black gable
The reflected light drips under
The rusted vault of the living city
Mint pale blades threaten
Hollow concrete tumbling brick
Stock stolen, faded or smashed
Painted letters drop stories
Of ghosted pasts sunk
And yet;
the two twin spires
Penetrate like wicked bucks
the fleshy pagan murk;...
1064 reads
What faked terror
Possesses a grown man
To slash the flesh of his
Upper arm
Whilst still a young boy?
What hells are diminished in slow breeding?
What pains disguised by a comfortable home
And a forgiving bosom?
A kind of blind terror hides behind those insevere eyes
Possesses a grown man
To slash the flesh of his
Upper arm
Whilst still a young boy?
What hells are diminished in slow breeding?
What pains disguised by a comfortable home
And a forgiving bosom?
A kind of blind terror hides behind those insevere eyes
973 reads
the clumsy foot shatters
a duck shell sky
the knitted smile
faced to the floor
the warms hands offered
remain shelved in a box
an unlinked chain
releases 9 silver slaves
as an open mind
stays locked
a duck shell sky
the knitted smile
faced to the floor
the warms hands offered
remain shelved in a box
an unlinked chain
releases 9 silver slaves
as an open mind
stays locked
807 reads
1 Comment
When Are You Gone
My black bilious breath
Burns in my throat
When I spoke those words
How I wanted to capture your portrait
But never do you shift still
Your milky vapour
Hangs in light leaves,
The thin empty chamber
Hard and resonant,
5 sharp soffits
Sneer blankly white
Your cooling heaped creases
Infinitely crumpled by intimacy
As love shut sudden off
Drips tapping,
Discarded toys slumped,
Faced to the cold floor
Our collapsing boxes of memory
Are piled in grey
Against the wall
Taken back
But not...
Burns in my throat
When I spoke those words
How I wanted to capture your portrait
But never do you shift still
Your milky vapour
Hangs in light leaves,
The thin empty chamber
Hard and resonant,
5 sharp soffits
Sneer blankly white
Your cooling heaped creases
Infinitely crumpled by intimacy
As love shut sudden off
Drips tapping,
Discarded toys slumped,
Faced to the cold floor
Our collapsing boxes of memory
Are piled in grey
Against the wall
Taken back
But not...
882 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by trysca