Submissions by summultima (uma)
~The Deafening Death Knell Continues...
Viz:: Death Knell
542 reads
‘0’ ppm memory armies.. of an invalidish resurgence
pure breezing midnight airs
feels a fresh lease of chillaxing
generous waving in curvy turns
of a gracing unasked heaven
in its outpour ozone stream..
that’s now in a domineering
chemical infiltration.. from the many
ghostly demarcating white danger
zones zeroing in :: knifing in
pungent chlorine, the so~ pandemic
repellent airs.. from the panicky
knocking in, the affected
neighborhood adjacencies
more acrid than this
is the sinking in lumpsome
difficulty.. those
read words of a broken...
feels a fresh lease of chillaxing
generous waving in curvy turns
of a gracing unasked heaven
in its outpour ozone stream..
that’s now in a domineering
chemical infiltration.. from the many
ghostly demarcating white danger
zones zeroing in :: knifing in
pungent chlorine, the so~ pandemic
repellent airs.. from the panicky
knocking in, the affected
neighborhood adjacencies
more acrid than this
is the sinking in lumpsome
difficulty.. those
read words of a broken...
436 reads
~love freefalls a rebirth rain.. over viral mindweight deathrigours
:: heady plays in shades of grey ::
circuitous pensive pain moonveins
beep alarmingly electric.. all over
the weighing down circumference
splices each hammering down loci
as one manacling umbilicate tangle
this . spitting heavyheadedness
[a whining wooden rounded up chunk
in the becoming :: unbecomingness
to vagabond splintering' brokenness
dusts- churning loud thoroughbreds-
of diminutive deforested clinical nothings
to dugout clusters of pregnant memories
:: heady plays in shades of grey ::
circuitous pensive pain moonveins
beep alarmingly electric.. all over
the weighing down circumference
splices each hammering down loci
as one manacling umbilicate tangle
this . spitting heavyheadedness
[a whining wooden rounded up chunk
in the becoming :: unbecomingness
to vagabond splintering' brokenness
dusts- churning loud thoroughbreds-
of diminutive deforested clinical nothings
to dugout clusters of pregnant memories
444 reads
'O' 2
viz :: 'O' 2
669 reads
[four bullet sho(r)ts of…] ~blackskies & blooddawn
decay b(l)oom
silent choking
in horrific strides
of fluorescing radii
with sudden strange
fruity~ floral incense
amid thick death stinks
& that this thursday’s
thirsting black rainfall
falls down venomous
arrowed in stains over
wrinkle ripen await skins
tattoos fate yet again
..& deep humors cry out
to ditched out leachates
-a wasted finality succulence
amid sound gamble of tears
decay b(l)oom
silent choking
in horrific strides
of fluorescing radii
with sudden strange
fruity~ floral incense
amid thick death stinks
& that this thursday’s
thirsting black rainfall
falls down venomous
arrowed in stains over
wrinkle ripen await skins
tattoos fate yet again
..& deep humors cry out
to ditched out leachates
-a wasted finality succulence
amid sound gamble of tears
411 reads
~Scarecrow Skins Of Evanescence.. Shreds As Eventual Stardust Us :: The Love Buddha
Viz :: Love Buddha
502 reads
~Sharbat Eyes..
Viz :: Sharbat Eyes
537 reads
1 Comment
~Some Quick Rocketing (.... Couple Minimal) Thoughts (..On This 'Jissshhhh' Hours Of Midnight Rainfall) Now...
Viz :: Couple Minimal
493 reads
~ineffable yearns of these undying eye fireflies.. my l o v e
gossamery glimmery
lachrymal layering
in a colossal pulsing
momentum .. these
earthen spherular
devotional eyelands..
[in forever arisen divine bouquet
potpourri of marrying garlands..
of signature rosaseous crisp rosemaries
to the deep sacred saffroning marigolds
..with curvaceous leathery sponge twists
of the seductive bedding cockscombs..
are in minimaturized unitary
irising cynosure~ capture
...& yet in a rapturous petrichor
lachrymal layering
in a colossal pulsing
momentum .. these
earthen spherular
devotional eyelands..
[in forever arisen divine bouquet
potpourri of marrying garlands..
of signature rosaseous crisp rosemaries
to the deep sacred saffroning marigolds
..with curvaceous leathery sponge twists
of the seductive bedding cockscombs..
are in minimaturized unitary
irising cynosure~ capture
...& yet in a rapturous petrichor
455 reads
viz :: ~kindled
455 reads
runaway dummy~ cloudhorses.. of the happening deep rainy skies
why are you, being
the stealthy~ heavy army
'..a march'ing irony, in
rolling stony silence within
your gallopy insidious cavalry..
- - soiled dusts storming up as
thickly veiled sabotaging
cloudiness you are, in the
now blanket staining east west
skies of the glowering sun moon
that your programmed tsunamic ebbs
takes over the aesthetic ritualistic dawn dusks
as ill-streakishly stillborn, to be malformed
corrugated- cannibalistic canvases.. of an
imprisoned rigorous, an indefinite seen ...
the stealthy~ heavy army
'..a march'ing irony, in
rolling stony silence within
your gallopy insidious cavalry..
- - soiled dusts storming up as
thickly veiled sabotaging
cloudiness you are, in the
now blanket staining east west
skies of the glowering sun moon
that your programmed tsunamic ebbs
takes over the aesthetic ritualistic dawn dusks
as ill-streakishly stillborn, to be malformed
corrugated- cannibalistic canvases.. of an
imprisoned rigorous, an indefinite seen ...
481 reads
~In The Becoming :: L O V E
viz :: ~In The Becoming :: L O V E
781 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by summultima (uma)