Submissions by shadowblade
silver bullet
one night while out for an evening stroll i was suddenly struck by a burst of anger and rage i started to spiral out of control as my friends raced franticly to try and calm me but nothing was working my rage only grew stronger the more i fought the more enraged i became untill my full inner beast was unleashed at that point i knew the only thing thats was going to stop me was a silver bullet some say silver bullets are for ware wolves but i say call it as you will my vision was black i could see nothing ,could remember only bits and pieces of what was going on i remembered the smell of...
665 reads
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i wake up and the pain is there. I cringe at it but push through it anyways, the day continues, and the pain increase's, but still i push through it. Mental pain Physical pain and Emotional pain, but yet i still smile, the tears stream down my face,but yet no one notice's, i bleed but no one sees, the flashbacks continue but no one comforts. why am i so alone in this world i think to myself but i get no answer, in my mind i search and search but find no logical reason of why i'm alone. yes i have friends,but in all reality, are they really friends? or just obstical's in my life ment for me...
722 reads
Forget Jason vs Freddy this ain't nightmare on Elm Street.This is the remix, in this sick twisted and demented battle between two alter ego's.On one side you have TJ this sweet loving and caring person,and on the other side you got evil controlling manipulative bastard who is trying to take over,and destroy him,and stuck in the middle of this battle is a young girl who is dearest to TJ and all this young girl wants is to have her TJ back, but daddy isn't going to make that easy, but TJ made her a promise that if it was the last thing he did he would kill that evil sadisic son of a...
833 reads
Every night its the same dream i cant see anything as if i was blind but this horid stinch fills my nostrals the smell of burning flesh it begins to reak of death so bad i cover my face and follow the disgusting stinch of death untill it sarounds me then i know its close i look around but yet i see nothing and then boom a loud explosion and then a bright light and then i wake up only to realize im not awake there is that familar stinch again, yes that stinch the stinch of death and burning flesh i begin to regain my sight only to realize that that stinch of death and burning flesh was comeing...
815 reads
The Darkness Within
The darkness that fills my soul is a very empty place where I often wonder aimlessly. I walk for hours, minutes, days, for what seems like an eternity. I see nobody I see nothing but darkness but somewhere in that darkness there is a voice, I can here it but I don't know where it is coming from or even what it is saying, but its there. I search, and search trying to find it franticaly but still no results. I drop to my knees and begin to cry, because I now know who that faint voice belongs to although I can never touch her, or hold her, or even see her smiling face, I know the voice and it...
761 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by shadowblade