Submissions by scorchy902 (Caitlin)
What I deserve
It's almost as if I am not a person
like I'm not an actual human
deserving of common consideration
Instead I feel like a doll,
used by those who want to how they want to
and discarded when I'm not fun anymore
I sit there and I accept my fate,
abusive friends, lovers,
because maybe it's what I'm owed
Maybe I am not a person
Not an actual human being deserving of common consideration
Maybe this is who I am and what I deserve
like I'm not an actual human
deserving of common consideration
Instead I feel like a doll,
used by those who want to how they want to
and discarded when I'm not fun anymore
I sit there and I accept my fate,
abusive friends, lovers,
because maybe it's what I'm owed
Maybe I am not a person
Not an actual human being deserving of common consideration
Maybe this is who I am and what I deserve
385 reads
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Utter darkness surrounds you,
fills you
The more aware you become the smaller the darkness becomes,
confining you
The weight of this darkness presses into you,
squeezing you
At first the feeling is unbearable, but as it continues a feeling of joy arises
The joy of the realization of what is happening
Your eyes begin to bulge and your bones begin to break
It is not pain you feel, however,
Rather the comfort of death surrounds you
Calling you home
fills you
The more aware you become the smaller the darkness becomes,
confining you
The weight of this darkness presses into you,
squeezing you
At first the feeling is unbearable, but as it continues a feeling of joy arises
The joy of the realization of what is happening
Your eyes begin to bulge and your bones begin to break
It is not pain you feel, however,
Rather the comfort of death surrounds you
Calling you home
352 reads
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Half of me
If there's something I want to do,
It is to exclaim my love for you.
However I can't for it's not fair,
Seeing as it's only half of mine to share.
For inside of me lives not one but two,
And only one is in love with you.
It is to exclaim my love for you.
However I can't for it's not fair,
Seeing as it's only half of mine to share.
For inside of me lives not one but two,
And only one is in love with you.
481 reads
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Her Rape

1032 reads
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Loss of Herself
She turns around
But sees nothing except for the reflection of herself
In many different mirrors
It's as if she's in a house of mirrors
Each one distorting her image
Hiding which one is her true self
She screams as she sees all of the different reflections of herself
Her screams echo the room
But the reflections don't scream with her
They laugh at her pain
One image steps forward
It comes out of the mirror
And speaks to her
Letting her know that she is not in control
Making sure she is aware of her helplessness
But sees nothing except for the reflection of herself
In many different mirrors
It's as if she's in a house of mirrors
Each one distorting her image
Hiding which one is her true self
She screams as she sees all of the different reflections of herself
Her screams echo the room
But the reflections don't scream with her
They laugh at her pain
One image steps forward
It comes out of the mirror
And speaks to her
Letting her know that she is not in control
Making sure she is aware of her helplessness
504 reads
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What Does the Future Hold?
I can't help but to wonder
What will happen as time goes by
How will the future unfold?
Right before my very eyes
I can't help but to cry
When you're not here by my side
For I have no idea
How long you'll be in my life.
What will happen as time goes by
How will the future unfold?
Right before my very eyes
I can't help but to cry
When you're not here by my side
For I have no idea
How long you'll be in my life.
498 reads
Open Your Eyes and Listen
How can one prevent such a thing as suicide,
When half of the world is blind
To the pain people see everyday
In life, the world, even a friendly place
Step number one is open up your eyes
You, yes you, everyone else too
Then maybe the world can see through the lies of today's teens
But, it's not only teens who feel the pain
Of life every single day
Guys and girls, men and women
People of every race
When the world is opened to this, this terrible truth
Then maybe, just maybe people will start to resist
Resist the urge to end their lives...
When half of the world is blind
To the pain people see everyday
In life, the world, even a friendly place
Step number one is open up your eyes
You, yes you, everyone else too
Then maybe the world can see through the lies of today's teens
But, it's not only teens who feel the pain
Of life every single day
Guys and girls, men and women
People of every race
When the world is opened to this, this terrible truth
Then maybe, just maybe people will start to resist
Resist the urge to end their lives...
606 reads
Battle of Suicide
Again he falls
Knocked down by his opponent
His greatest enemy
He stands back up
Wiping dirt off his sweat streaked face
He turns around
To walk away
Maybe he'll fight another day
But he is shoved from behind
And he stumbles forward
Trying desperately to keep his balance
He remains upright and relief floods through him
A little boost of confidence fills him
Maybe today will be the day he wins
So he then turns around to face himself
A knowing grin spread on his face
But the grin does not remain
Because of the...
Knocked down by his opponent
His greatest enemy
He stands back up
Wiping dirt off his sweat streaked face
He turns around
To walk away
Maybe he'll fight another day
But he is shoved from behind
And he stumbles forward
Trying desperately to keep his balance
He remains upright and relief floods through him
A little boost of confidence fills him
Maybe today will be the day he wins
So he then turns around to face himself
A knowing grin spread on his face
But the grin does not remain
Because of the...
577 reads
A Reflection of Yourself
Cold eyes
Cold soul
All of that you have been told
So now you know what awaits
You now know what you are
Nothing more than a monster
Who is incapable of the warmth of love
Just a monster who lurks in the shadows
Waiting for innocents to prey on
But you want more,
So much more than that
Either more or you want death
A death of yourself to end the pain
Of facing what you are, everyday
Cold soul
All of that you have been told
So now you know what awaits
You now know what you are
Nothing more than a monster
Who is incapable of the warmth of love
Just a monster who lurks in the shadows
Waiting for innocents to prey on
But you want more,
So much more than that
Either more or you want death
A death of yourself to end the pain
Of facing what you are, everyday
579 reads
One's Pain is Another's Pleasure

721 reads
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The Hard Truth
She turns the corner
While running at a full sprint
The heat comes closer
Causing her to sweat through her dress
Another corner appears
She turns it and stops
Her chest rising and falling with each breath
Then, she hears the footsteps
They are coming closer and closer
Her breathing stops and her heart pounds against her ribs
He must hear it through her chest
Suddenly the footsteps stop
She releases a sigh of relief
But her relief is short lived for a long spindly arm reaches out for her
It grabs her and brings her to him,
To the...
While running at a full sprint
The heat comes closer
Causing her to sweat through her dress
Another corner appears
She turns it and stops
Her chest rising and falling with each breath
Then, she hears the footsteps
They are coming closer and closer
Her breathing stops and her heart pounds against her ribs
He must hear it through her chest
Suddenly the footsteps stop
She releases a sigh of relief
But her relief is short lived for a long spindly arm reaches out for her
It grabs her and brings her to him,
To the...
517 reads
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The Cycle of Pain
It starts in my wrist
A most peculiar feeling
Almost as if it were needed to be itched,
But not quite
I, and I alone,know what it wants
It longs for the cool metal of the razor to kiss it once again
I hear it then,
The razor
It calls out for its old companion
All it wants is to make another work of art on the canvas of my
It yearns for control over my will again
Then my body aches for the pain
Telling me that it just wants one last time
One last time to feel the sharp edge carve a path across my skin
A final time to...
A most peculiar feeling
Almost as if it were needed to be itched,
But not quite
I, and I alone,know what it wants
It longs for the cool metal of the razor to kiss it once again
I hear it then,
The razor
It calls out for its old companion
All it wants is to make another work of art on the canvas of my
It yearns for control over my will again
Then my body aches for the pain
Telling me that it just wants one last time
One last time to feel the sharp edge carve a path across my skin
A final time to...
660 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by scorchy902 (Caitlin)