Submissions by razor_jargon (Masked_fighter)
tie the noose, go on, you deserve to die
put your neck on the line,
let it rasp against your skin,
now let yourself fall into a moment of pain,
then black
that is my future
the rope so tight
silence to me, i bid you all, a good night
*sounds of a rope creaking*
put your neck on the line,
let it rasp against your skin,
now let yourself fall into a moment of pain,
then black
that is my future
the rope so tight
silence to me, i bid you all, a good night
*sounds of a rope creaking*
778 reads
red goes the light on the liquid
red goes the blood on the chop chop chopping block
red goes the fluid out of my veins
red goes the monitor, monitoring my life
red goes the man with so many names
black goes the robe that swishes with dark
chop goes the sickle that cuts out my heart.
red goes the blood on the chop chop chopping block
red goes the fluid out of my veins
red goes the monitor, monitoring my life
red goes the man with so many names
black goes the robe that swishes with dark
chop goes the sickle that cuts out my heart.
568 reads
all school assignments (haiku)
eh, too much effort.
fuck, its due tomorrow, shit
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
fuck, its due tomorrow, shit
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
540 reads
down goes the blade, up comes the blood red like rubies out of my skin
The steel slips through the weak fabric of my skin, releasing the red flow of life
life pours out and fills the air with copper
stains on the fabric mark the end
of my life.
stitch stitch stitch
in goes the needle, out comes my scream.
too late. my pulse is dead.
brain dead.
The steel slips through the weak fabric of my skin, releasing the red flow of life
life pours out and fills the air with copper
stains on the fabric mark the end
of my life.
stitch stitch stitch
in goes the needle, out comes my scream.
too late. my pulse is dead.
brain dead.
584 reads
The Liar
Flowing, pouring, freely flying
Fictitious statements rage in torrential surges
Fibs and falsehoods, hoodwinking statements
Fractured lies shatter like glass, follow the injured man as he flies
Out of the door of the din and the clamor, of safety in lies,
The Liar is flung, out of the Inn
Good women desert him. Never brave Saint George,
He’s in room four.
His money has left him. Never the rich man
Cut-purses scorn his pouch
Logical fallacies caught up with the man
The Liar is lonely, left in the cold,
Flowing, pouring, freely flying.
Fictitious statements rage in torrential surges
Fibs and falsehoods, hoodwinking statements
Fractured lies shatter like glass, follow the injured man as he flies
Out of the door of the din and the clamor, of safety in lies,
The Liar is flung, out of the Inn
Good women desert him. Never brave Saint George,
He’s in room four.
His money has left him. Never the rich man
Cut-purses scorn his pouch
Logical fallacies caught up with the man
The Liar is lonely, left in the cold,
Flowing, pouring, freely flying.
595 reads
Stranded in a bleak world of black and white, I walk, remembering the days of color.
The little ones have no concept of color, they were born without it.
I arrive at the docks, where the boat floats, anchored to the muddy floor,
Fishing isn’t what it used to be.
No more muddy brown water, no more iridescent, shining fish, no more life in it.
I wish the color was back.
It’s the first time I have been fishing since the Event; I wonder how it will be
I step into the boat, feeling it rock as my weight is transferred.
I lose myself in the familiar sensations,...
The little ones have no concept of color, they were born without it.
I arrive at the docks, where the boat floats, anchored to the muddy floor,
Fishing isn’t what it used to be.
No more muddy brown water, no more iridescent, shining fish, no more life in it.
I wish the color was back.
It’s the first time I have been fishing since the Event; I wonder how it will be
I step into the boat, feeling it rock as my weight is transferred.
I lose myself in the familiar sensations,...
557 reads
jack the ripper
Quite late one night he sat and strode,
Slow drips of thick fell on life
Of water running, stained red.
Cross’d the street, bloody sickles
On he strode footsteps approaching.
Walking faster than wind
The woman sat in the corner
The ripper neared his find.
Windows latch, Click! The Ripper’s here!
Creak goes the door… Ripper!
Jack, why? She croaks…slice goes the knife!
Bloodied ladies slipper.
Slow drips of thick fell on life
Of water running, stained red.
Cross’d the street, bloody sickles
On he strode footsteps approaching.
Walking faster than wind
The woman sat in the corner
The ripper neared his find.
Windows latch, Click! The Ripper’s here!
Creak goes the door… Ripper!
Jack, why? She croaks…slice goes the knife!
Bloodied ladies slipper.
590 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by razor_jargon (Masked_fighter)