Submissions by pelequin
Poet Introduction
a Dark Poet for a disinterested generation
poetry ...
is the mind in a constant eclectic flow
a victim of violation of the innocent senses
creating an eloquent versatility of verse
composed of honey soaked succulent words
a palpatable delight of virtue and vice
those little slices of orders tounge
singing within the heart of chaos...
is the mind in a constant eclectic flow
a victim of violation of the innocent senses
creating an eloquent versatility of verse
composed of honey soaked succulent words
a palpatable delight of virtue and vice
those little slices of orders tounge
singing within the heart of chaos...
561 reads
i gaze
i gaze....
seemingly without care for times pendulous fall
into deep dark mirrors hidden within your tear filled eyes
the heat of my devotion burning my scarred and tired flesh
like a moth consumed by the flickering candles unforgiving flame
and yet like the gentle fluttering carrier of lost souls
i too am still drawn unto your naked light
helpless at the fury and tempest of passions hunger
i surrender to the all embracing confligration
that is my endless love for you...
seemingly without care for times pendulous fall
into deep dark mirrors hidden within your tear filled eyes
the heat of my devotion burning my scarred and tired flesh
like a moth consumed by the flickering candles unforgiving flame
and yet like the gentle fluttering carrier of lost souls
i too am still drawn unto your naked light
helpless at the fury and tempest of passions hunger
i surrender to the all embracing confligration
that is my endless love for you...
609 reads
the love sick zombie
I used be a big man,
but now i've lost a bit of weight,
not to mention a few fingers,
about three so far to date,
its hard to get the ladies,
when all they do is run and hide,
I havent even had girlfriend,
ever since the day I died,
maybe its the rotten stench,
and my deep long guttral moan,
or could it even be my lust for flesh,
that means the girls dont call me one the phone,
could it be my putrid skin,
all coming off in flakes and bits,
or the maggots crawling in my veins,
that scares them out of...
but now i've lost a bit of weight,
not to mention a few fingers,
about three so far to date,
its hard to get the ladies,
when all they do is run and hide,
I havent even had girlfriend,
ever since the day I died,
maybe its the rotten stench,
and my deep long guttral moan,
or could it even be my lust for flesh,
that means the girls dont call me one the phone,
could it be my putrid skin,
all coming off in flakes and bits,
or the maggots crawling in my veins,
that scares them out of...
491 reads
i'm surrounded by ghosts...
that no one else but i can see,
restless spirits haunting my twilight world,
the tormenting echos of my past...
ghosts of past loves and the lost,
reminding me of how i let them go,
phantoms of people i abandoned in need,
my own selfish thoughts placed first,
sacrificing their love of me,
to the darkness...
revenants of those i've hurt,
still clinging to their tormentor,
shades of souls in pain and grief,
victims of my callous nature,
condemened to follow me evermore,
by my own shallow...
that no one else but i can see,
restless spirits haunting my twilight world,
the tormenting echos of my past...
ghosts of past loves and the lost,
reminding me of how i let them go,
phantoms of people i abandoned in need,
my own selfish thoughts placed first,
sacrificing their love of me,
to the darkness...
revenants of those i've hurt,
still clinging to their tormentor,
shades of souls in pain and grief,
victims of my callous nature,
condemened to follow me evermore,
by my own shallow...
657 reads
who am i?
it a question ive often asked myself,
as i wander down the narrow streets,
in sickness and decaying health,
trying to avoid his gaze..
alone i walk through falling light,
in crowded streets i hide,
dreading a glimpse or sight of him,
walking there by my side..
he follows me relentlessly day or night,
my tormenter my demon my bane,
i cannot be rid of him try as i might,
always reminding me of my shame..
he whispers softly in my ear,
showing all my sins to me,
saying words i dont want to hear,
why wont he...
as i wander down the narrow streets,
in sickness and decaying health,
trying to avoid his gaze..
alone i walk through falling light,
in crowded streets i hide,
dreading a glimpse or sight of him,
walking there by my side..
he follows me relentlessly day or night,
my tormenter my demon my bane,
i cannot be rid of him try as i might,
always reminding me of my shame..
he whispers softly in my ear,
showing all my sins to me,
saying words i dont want to hear,
why wont he...
606 reads
the faces within the flames
in the dark i stare into the fire,
images of my past seen in flickering lights,
subtle shapes given form by imagination,
teasing glimpses of my hidden heart,
im haunted by the faces within the flames...
my muses ...
ladies of my insipiration,
the three graces and loves of my life,
one whom i hold close to my heart my beloved wife,
her light strong and burning bright warming me inside,
then one who i may never hold for i am already taken,
her fire always alluding me at the edge of my vision,
and one who i betrayed and...
images of my past seen in flickering lights,
subtle shapes given form by imagination,
teasing glimpses of my hidden heart,
im haunted by the faces within the flames...
my muses ...
ladies of my insipiration,
the three graces and loves of my life,
one whom i hold close to my heart my beloved wife,
her light strong and burning bright warming me inside,
then one who i may never hold for i am already taken,
her fire always alluding me at the edge of my vision,
and one who i betrayed and...
702 reads
awakening to the night
satin waves of dark oblivion,
wash over my fragile shattered form,
as i shelter in the tabernacle of night,
a piriah of the waking world,
i let the dark embrace me,
bestowing me with its unjugding kiss,
granting me those tenuous moments of solitude,
before hungers ravenous teeth,
consume all my reason,
rejected from this mortal life,
embraced to the bosom of hungers slaves,
a prisoner of my own unatural desires,
i've become a feral revenant , a beast,
the monster inside me made flesh,
so i...
wash over my fragile shattered form,
as i shelter in the tabernacle of night,
a piriah of the waking world,
i let the dark embrace me,
bestowing me with its unjugding kiss,
granting me those tenuous moments of solitude,
before hungers ravenous teeth,
consume all my reason,
rejected from this mortal life,
embraced to the bosom of hungers slaves,
a prisoner of my own unatural desires,
i've become a feral revenant , a beast,
the monster inside me made flesh,
so i...
756 reads
1 Comment
they called her succubus
seen as the Spawn of liliths dark divinity
an innocent child born unto this world of abuse
outcast and pariah thrown far from the tree
a methuselah of mans unsaitable lusts
tarnished with the stain of their weakness
blamed for the fall of those already fallen
her father little more than a beast
a devil hidden behind insinscere smiles
spouting self righteous praise and judging others
unable to see the worm feasting upon a rotten heart
hiding from his own evil at the bottom of a bottle
the poison of...
seen as the Spawn of liliths dark divinity
an innocent child born unto this world of abuse
outcast and pariah thrown far from the tree
a methuselah of mans unsaitable lusts
tarnished with the stain of their weakness
blamed for the fall of those already fallen
her father little more than a beast
a devil hidden behind insinscere smiles
spouting self righteous praise and judging others
unable to see the worm feasting upon a rotten heart
hiding from his own evil at the bottom of a bottle
the poison of...
708 reads
the vicious circle
day after day,
it once again begins anew,
the struggle against the unseen foes,
a relentless contest of misplaced ideals,
fuelled by an endless supply of the self rightious,
and the lost...
brave souls championing fallen causes,
each fighting against a falsely percieved opression,
and seeking to demonize each others beliefs,
while glorifying their own,
forever driven by the greed of the uncaring and the faceless,
who shed crocadile tears from unseeing eyes,
over the dead and the forgotten,...
day after day,
it once again begins anew,
the struggle against the unseen foes,
a relentless contest of misplaced ideals,
fuelled by an endless supply of the self rightious,
and the lost...
brave souls championing fallen causes,
each fighting against a falsely percieved opression,
and seeking to demonize each others beliefs,
while glorifying their own,
forever driven by the greed of the uncaring and the faceless,
who shed crocadile tears from unseeing eyes,
over the dead and the forgotten,...
590 reads
my crime
i walk the streets,
my face a parody of normality,
the reality is im a prisoner,
screaming within this tainted shell,
restrained by my relentless fears,
that twist my perceptions,
every person i see is not themselves,
but instead appear to me as monsters,
no longer hiding beneth my bed,
childhood nightmares wearing familiar faces,
chasing me through the waking world,
they all look at me as unclean and corrupted im sure,
the apple fallen far from the tree,
my filth and my sin evident for all to witness,...
my face a parody of normality,
the reality is im a prisoner,
screaming within this tainted shell,
restrained by my relentless fears,
that twist my perceptions,
every person i see is not themselves,
but instead appear to me as monsters,
no longer hiding beneth my bed,
childhood nightmares wearing familiar faces,
chasing me through the waking world,
they all look at me as unclean and corrupted im sure,
the apple fallen far from the tree,
my filth and my sin evident for all to witness,...
626 reads
leave me not this night alone
"leave me not this night alone",
is the last i heard her say,
to me that summers night,
as i turned and walked away,
never to see her smile,
or hold her close to me,
that little sparkle in her eyes,
now again would never be,
i walked away from her,
when i should have really stayed,
i shouldn't have her left by herself,
it was me who trust betrayed,
if only i had stayed with her,
and held her once again,
if id only seen how much she hurt,
i could have stopped her pain,
i left her...
is the last i heard her say,
to me that summers night,
as i turned and walked away,
never to see her smile,
or hold her close to me,
that little sparkle in her eyes,
now again would never be,
i walked away from her,
when i should have really stayed,
i shouldn't have her left by herself,
it was me who trust betrayed,
if only i had stayed with her,
and held her once again,
if id only seen how much she hurt,
i could have stopped her pain,
i left her...
640 reads
do you see me?
i walk through the cold dark morgue,
to where you weep over me,
i walk upon silent feet,
reaching towards you,
my heart breaking at your pain...
do you see me?
i stand by your side at the grave,
wishing i could tell you i love you,
seeking to hold you in my arms,
making everything right again,
it hurts watching you suffer so...
do you see me?
i lay beside you in our bed,
watching you hold the picture of us in your arms,
sobs of grief like rain upon our faces,
i want to...
to where you weep over me,
i walk upon silent feet,
reaching towards you,
my heart breaking at your pain...
do you see me?
i stand by your side at the grave,
wishing i could tell you i love you,
seeking to hold you in my arms,
making everything right again,
it hurts watching you suffer so...
do you see me?
i lay beside you in our bed,
watching you hold the picture of us in your arms,
sobs of grief like rain upon our faces,
i want to...
725 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by pelequin