Submissions by mandat
I think of you
Always on my mind
I lay there and cry
I think of his eyes
His wonderful smile
The way he walks towards me
The way his lips touch mine
I get lost as his lips make his way down
I know whats coming next
I know I should stop him
I mean we are just friends right
But friends don't do this
After I gave in
And he got what he wanted he left
I lay there and cry
As I wonder why
Always on my mind
I lay there and cry
I think of his eyes
His wonderful smile
The way he walks towards me
The way his lips touch mine
I get lost as his lips make his way down
I know whats coming next
I know I should stop him
I mean we are just friends right
But friends don't do this
After I gave in
And he got what he wanted he left
I lay there and cry
As I wonder why
645 reads
Hurt and Broken</3
You were sweet
Yet so sensitive
I trusted you
I fell for you
Like I fell for him
I thought you healed my heart
But you just glued the pieces together
I thought you really cared
I thought you'd be there for me
But you let me down
Now I'm in the same position
I was in before you
Hurt and Broken
Yet so sensitive
I trusted you
I fell for you
Like I fell for him
I thought you healed my heart
But you just glued the pieces together
I thought you really cared
I thought you'd be there for me
But you let me down
Now I'm in the same position
I was in before you
Hurt and Broken
585 reads
She left
She left you
Because of your drinking
You went to AA classes
You got help
No one noticed your pain
You didn't need a bullet
You didn't need a gun
You could have made it through
Now your family is feeling your pain
But we can't be selfish at this time
We just wonder why
But we will never know
Until we reach you in heaven
You didn't need a bullet
You didn't need a gun
R.I.P. Mickey we all will miss you from this very day 5/8/12
Because of your drinking
You went to AA classes
You got help
No one noticed your pain
You didn't need a bullet
You didn't need a gun
You could have made it through
Now your family is feeling your pain
But we can't be selfish at this time
We just wonder why
But we will never know
Until we reach you in heaven
You didn't need a bullet
You didn't need a gun
R.I.P. Mickey we all will miss you from this very day 5/8/12
851 reads
1 Comment
You never showed
I see how much I mean to you
A basketball is more important
It's sad that you don't care
Crying on my 16th birthday
When you said you'd be there
You never showed at the party
You never showed at all
Why did you leave me crying
Why did you leave me bleeding
Why did you leave me dying...
A basketball is more important
It's sad that you don't care
Crying on my 16th birthday
When you said you'd be there
You never showed at the party
You never showed at all
Why did you leave me crying
Why did you leave me bleeding
Why did you leave me dying...
812 reads
It's been almost a year
Since you've been gone...
I hate to think about it
Because i'd rather hold it in
I remember leaving the hospital
That song...
Tomorrow I'm gonna leave here
That was a sign
I should have stayed
But I know you'd be fine
I told you goodbye
And that's when I lost it
You're in a better place now
R.I.P. Grandpa
Since you've been gone...
I hate to think about it
Because i'd rather hold it in
I remember leaving the hospital
That song...
Tomorrow I'm gonna leave here
That was a sign
I should have stayed
But I know you'd be fine
I told you goodbye
And that's when I lost it
You're in a better place now
R.I.P. Grandpa
658 reads
Every Kiss, Every Touch
With you every kiss
And every touch
You healed my heart
After he broke it
You make me feel safe
I can be myself around you
I feel completely happy again
With every kiss
And every touch
And every touch
You healed my heart
After he broke it
You make me feel safe
I can be myself around you
I feel completely happy again
With every kiss
And every touch
1264 reads
It's every where I go
You can't get away from it
It's always there
It's addicting
People get in
And get put in jail
People get hurt
People die
Bad things will happen
But it's like I'm trapped
There's no where to go
You took over my family
You can't get away from it
It's always there
It's addicting
People get in
And get put in jail
People get hurt
People die
Bad things will happen
But it's like I'm trapped
There's no where to go
You took over my family
937 reads
You came over to my house,
Got what you wanted and left.
You lied as usual,
I'll be back you said.
You never returned.
Guess what you were caught,
I found out you were at the bar.
I can't deal with this anymore,
The pain you put me through.
Your so not worth my tears.
You don't deserve my love.
Got what you wanted and left.
You lied as usual,
I'll be back you said.
You never returned.
Guess what you were caught,
I found out you were at the bar.
I can't deal with this anymore,
The pain you put me through.
Your so not worth my tears.
You don't deserve my love.
688 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by mandat