Submissions by lisa777 (LisaB)
Poet Introduction
I believe I may be the first subscriber to this underground place....I have always loved to write down my thoughts so I joined and here I STILL am!
Sweet Nothings that are Everything
I find myself longing for change
Yesterday is a closing door
I seek the highest mountain range
Where my heart is free to soar
Somewhere out there, where dreams come true
A thousand miles seems pretty far
I am capable now, now that I found you
To wish upon a great bright star
I knew I loved you before I met you
I knew you were waiting for me
Take my hand, take my whole life too
We were drawn together by destiny
Everybody wants to be understood
Hold on and don't shed a tear
We will have it good, the life...
Yesterday is a closing door
I seek the highest mountain range
Where my heart is free to soar
Somewhere out there, where dreams come true
A thousand miles seems pretty far
I am capable now, now that I found you
To wish upon a great bright star
I knew I loved you before I met you
I knew you were waiting for me
Take my hand, take my whole life too
We were drawn together by destiny
Everybody wants to be understood
Hold on and don't shed a tear
We will have it good, the life...
82 reads
Solidity of a Breath
Fallen petals from blooms
upon the gravel I tread-
I ache for knowledge
Of what lies ahead
Gone is the light of logic
that kept my path true-
Where should I search
for the sustained I once knew
The path no longer straight or winding
simply imbalanced, unlit-
Yet but listen...My breath
and to this I commit
Deeply in, slowly out
no longer looking but hearing-
Logic is Knowledge put into Action,
"Pick up the gravel, Revel the clearing"
upon the gravel I tread-
I ache for knowledge
Of what lies ahead
Gone is the light of logic
that kept my path true-
Where should I search
for the sustained I once knew
The path no longer straight or winding
simply imbalanced, unlit-
Yet but listen...My breath
and to this I commit
Deeply in, slowly out
no longer looking but hearing-
Logic is Knowledge put into Action,
"Pick up the gravel, Revel the clearing"
557 reads
A Virgins Request
She came over, only after dozens of flowers
at his request
Carnations as such, have heady powers
for which lend no viable protest
She came over for dinner
at his request
A setting for a sinner, yet
she feels blessed
She came over for conversation
at his request
his manner, his flirtation
so much for her to digest
She came over to get to know each other
at his request
one after another
the moments progressed
She came over for more
at his request
her chance to explore
to be finessed
at his request
Carnations as such, have heady powers
for which lend no viable protest
She came over for dinner
at his request
A setting for a sinner, yet
she feels blessed
She came over for conversation
at his request
his manner, his flirtation
so much for her to digest
She came over to get to know each other
at his request
one after another
the moments progressed
She came over for more
at his request
her chance to explore
to be finessed
1445 reads
I am Fat
Not a choice
that was made
I did not ask
though I got
I suspect it could be
just plainly my lot
A mouse, maybe two
no really it's true
They tempt and entice
a weakness, these mice
A man or A mouse
age old and is told
Of the strong, Of the weak
Of the bold, Of the meek
I reflect on the master
a man in his right
The walls he built with plaster
housing weakness every night
Yes, fat as I can be
I execute a nightly quest
precision, skill and ecstasy
earn the whole next day of rest
that was made
I did not ask
though I got
I suspect it could be
just plainly my lot
A mouse, maybe two
no really it's true
They tempt and entice
a weakness, these mice
A man or A mouse
age old and is told
Of the strong, Of the weak
Of the bold, Of the meek
I reflect on the master
a man in his right
The walls he built with plaster
housing weakness every night
Yes, fat as I can be
I execute a nightly quest
precision, skill and ecstasy
earn the whole next day of rest
1354 reads
It Was Raining
The February night was cutting and dark.
She and another made up the occupational group
that headed to the lot where they had chosen to park.
And She,
his elect, his conspicuous dupe.
She drives home late most nights
as demand of function creates a reason.
It was an old car, a tornado. No internal lights.
A pattern gifted unto this recidivist his In Due Season.
Quiet were the streets, save the cars signal to right
blink blink
Aphotic were the gravel pits
She then started to think...
pour rain, yes, it just might.
She and another made up the occupational group
that headed to the lot where they had chosen to park.
And She,
his elect, his conspicuous dupe.
She drives home late most nights
as demand of function creates a reason.
It was an old car, a tornado. No internal lights.
A pattern gifted unto this recidivist his In Due Season.
Quiet were the streets, save the cars signal to right
blink blink
Aphotic were the gravel pits
She then started to think...
pour rain, yes, it just might.
964 reads
In Tribute
It knows no boundaries
It has no dimensions
It seeks not its own
It has no secret intentions
We have many boundaries
We draw irregular dimensions
We seek to possess for our own
We have private intentions
Lasts for all time
Offers sustenance to the weary
Values the beauty in a theory
Excepts the sublime
"In Tribute"
widen the stenosis
cast away egregious coordinates
to others go tend
and in all things be public
It has no dimensions
It seeks not its own
It has no secret intentions
We have many boundaries
We draw irregular dimensions
We seek to possess for our own
We have private intentions
Lasts for all time
Offers sustenance to the weary
Values the beauty in a theory
Excepts the sublime
"In Tribute"
widen the stenosis
cast away egregious coordinates
to others go tend
and in all things be public
1050 reads
Newtons Law
A hand dealt
An emotional money belt
A Death Cup
ante up
One, Two, Three
Hold, fold, or take
A lifetime at stake
One..not enough
Two..a possible bluff
Three..with an Ace in the cuff
A moment to ponder
can not afford to squander
One, Two Three
rest, action, reaction
This deal of disease
or a change of gamey
All bets are in, steady she goes..
I sit in utter repose
The luck of the draw
Has cypher to do with Newtons Law.
An emotional money belt
A Death Cup
ante up
One, Two, Three
Hold, fold, or take
A lifetime at stake
One..not enough
Two..a possible bluff
Three..with an Ace in the cuff
A moment to ponder
can not afford to squander
One, Two Three
rest, action, reaction
This deal of disease
or a change of gamey
All bets are in, steady she goes..
I sit in utter repose
The luck of the draw
Has cypher to do with Newtons Law.
1077 reads
Vowels of Jeopardy
A place that most have seen.
A place that some have been.
E veryday we walk where we may.
E veryday not knowing the price of this sin
I venture to go forward this path
I live, love, laugh, wither, hate, cry.
O nly to come full circle.
O nly to finally die.
U nscathed, I did not escape.
U nscathed, you will not either.
In the Vowels of Jeopardy,
we all will at sometime ask "Y"
A place that some have been.
E veryday we walk where we may.
E veryday not knowing the price of this sin
I venture to go forward this path
I live, love, laugh, wither, hate, cry.
O nly to come full circle.
O nly to finally die.
U nscathed, I did not escape.
U nscathed, you will not either.
In the Vowels of Jeopardy,
we all will at sometime ask "Y"
1015 reads
Sands in the Hourglass
Once Sick
Now Well
Careful of its Grasp
Evils clock does Tick
Demons Voices-
Resting Now. QUIET
They lay in Waiting
God Forsaken Choices-
White washed Walls
Lighters tied by Rope
Zombies walk the Halls
Eyes devoid of Hope
Co-Ed, No-one left Out.
Head shrinks, pills, head shrinks and Pills
Forced circles of nature Sounds
Structure meant to quell the legion Shout
Windows of unbreakable Glass
Doors that open just one Way
Worried, unfamiliar Faces
In a place forced to Stay
Now Well
Careful of its Grasp
Evils clock does Tick
Demons Voices-
Resting Now. QUIET
They lay in Waiting
God Forsaken Choices-
White washed Walls
Lighters tied by Rope
Zombies walk the Halls
Eyes devoid of Hope
Co-Ed, No-one left Out.
Head shrinks, pills, head shrinks and Pills
Forced circles of nature Sounds
Structure meant to quell the legion Shout
Windows of unbreakable Glass
Doors that open just one Way
Worried, unfamiliar Faces
In a place forced to Stay
2229 reads
A gift from Heaven, it is said.
A life, born unto me, a precious hour.
Someone to form with loves needle and thread
How hard can it be, to water such a flower?
Then, the seeds growth does begin
First smile, and bites, steps, and word.
Moments seasoned with revelry and chagrin
Although, "Its all worth it" this...the folly I heard.
Wings. We must give them so they can fly!
But. What if the birds is not of good feather?
Worldly temptations, the proverbial Apple, offered to go high
Used and abused. All lost in ungodly weather.
A life, born unto me, a precious hour.
Someone to form with loves needle and thread
How hard can it be, to water such a flower?
Then, the seeds growth does begin
First smile, and bites, steps, and word.
Moments seasoned with revelry and chagrin
Although, "Its all worth it" this...the folly I heard.
Wings. We must give them so they can fly!
But. What if the birds is not of good feather?
Worldly temptations, the proverbial Apple, offered to go high
Used and abused. All lost in ungodly weather.
1313 reads
Definitions of Reason
A blue Sky-
Gods foundation of Heaven
Living in a Day-
A habit worth Forming
Days gone By-
An occurrence that creates Life
A greatest Moment-
Only determined once you have stopped Living
A good Friend-
Anyone who touches your Soul
A Relationship-
Formed by Communication
Age Old-
Generation to Generation
Does a poem need to Rhyme?-
Not if it has Reason
Part Of Eternal Makeup
Anyone or thing that threatens or argues any of the above!
You Are Free To...
Gods foundation of Heaven
Living in a Day-
A habit worth Forming
Days gone By-
An occurrence that creates Life
A greatest Moment-
Only determined once you have stopped Living
A good Friend-
Anyone who touches your Soul
A Relationship-
Formed by Communication
Age Old-
Generation to Generation
Does a poem need to Rhyme?-
Not if it has Reason
Part Of Eternal Makeup
Anyone or thing that threatens or argues any of the above!
You Are Free To...
1272 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by lisa777 (LisaB)