Submissions by lattefoam
Poet Introduction
I write with the stars imbued in the ink and shimmering across the page. I am gorgeous and so is my voice. Hear me.
Don't You Dare
Don’t you dare look me in the eye
And tell me you know how it feels.
Rejection after rejection
Slowly, surely digging into your chest,
Pulling you apart from the inside out.
Don’t tell me it will all be okay,
When I don’t have the energy to fall asleep
Because I can’t find the motivation to lay down
Or even to shut my eyelids.
Don’t tell me you understand
When everything you want
Gets handed to you on a silver platter.
Don’t look at me and say you know how it feels.
Do you know how I scroll through name after name
Until I find someone,...
And tell me you know how it feels.
Rejection after rejection
Slowly, surely digging into your chest,
Pulling you apart from the inside out.
Don’t tell me it will all be okay,
When I don’t have the energy to fall asleep
Because I can’t find the motivation to lay down
Or even to shut my eyelids.
Don’t tell me you understand
When everything you want
Gets handed to you on a silver platter.
Don’t look at me and say you know how it feels.
Do you know how I scroll through name after name
Until I find someone,...
734 reads
untitled 5.7.16
Success does not define you,
Rise above it.
If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.
I rack my brain for more empty, contrived, platitudes,
In an attempt to mollify the ache.
I keep looking at you and seeing the bright joy I wanted so badly.
You took what I wanted and yes.
I’m jealous
I want so badly to not have to sit behind the constant row of reserved seats,
Watching my dream unfold in front of me.
Watching you all laugh at inside jokes I have no hope of ever understanding.
You have already gone where I have no hope of ever following....
Rise above it.
If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.
I rack my brain for more empty, contrived, platitudes,
In an attempt to mollify the ache.
I keep looking at you and seeing the bright joy I wanted so badly.
You took what I wanted and yes.
I’m jealous
I want so badly to not have to sit behind the constant row of reserved seats,
Watching my dream unfold in front of me.
Watching you all laugh at inside jokes I have no hope of ever understanding.
You have already gone where I have no hope of ever following....
581 reads
Ghost Next Door
The ghost that lives next door to me is kind
He will not say how he died
But the whispers around town say
He shot himself
He hung himself
But I heard that he died peacefully.
In his bedroom, in his sleep.
I went into his house, I went into his room.
I don’t know why.
His body gone, his bed unmade.
I prayed there, I wept there.
As i made to leave, I looked at the tree outside his window.
In the screens fraying edge was a scrap of fabric.
I looked back at the bed and noticed the folded paper on the pillow.
I didn’t read it, but the last...
He will not say how he died
But the whispers around town say
He shot himself
He hung himself
But I heard that he died peacefully.
In his bedroom, in his sleep.
I went into his house, I went into his room.
I don’t know why.
His body gone, his bed unmade.
I prayed there, I wept there.
As i made to leave, I looked at the tree outside his window.
In the screens fraying edge was a scrap of fabric.
I looked back at the bed and noticed the folded paper on the pillow.
I didn’t read it, but the last...
550 reads
who she is
How do you know me?
I barely know me.
I wake up and look at the phantom
Sharing my face and name, and i hate her.
Her forehead creases and furrows unattractively,
And her inelegant nose.
Her thin lips, her acne ridden cheeks,
The jut of her chin, and the fat on her neck.
Her shoulders are too broad and there is acne covering her arms.
Her limbs are awkward, and her hands and clumsy and sloppy.
Her stomach, the rolls of fat, the stretch-mark riddled thighs.
I hate her.
But she loves me.
My richly colored hair, that glitters in the sun.
I barely know me.
I wake up and look at the phantom
Sharing my face and name, and i hate her.
Her forehead creases and furrows unattractively,
And her inelegant nose.
Her thin lips, her acne ridden cheeks,
The jut of her chin, and the fat on her neck.
Her shoulders are too broad and there is acne covering her arms.
Her limbs are awkward, and her hands and clumsy and sloppy.
Her stomach, the rolls of fat, the stretch-mark riddled thighs.
I hate her.
But she loves me.
My richly colored hair, that glitters in the sun.
522 reads
1 Comment
Happily Never After
A little girl locked in a tower
Waits for her prince.
She waits waits waits
The clock ticking on the wall
Day after day after day after day
Always tick tick waiting tick tick
For years tick wait tick wait tick tick wait
On her eighteenth birthday her prince comes
And they share a tender kiss.
The mother closes the storybook and says goodnight.
Now her daughter will wait wait wait for a prince who will not show up.
Tick tick tick
The clock in the tower?
No the clock in the alligator
Haunting captain hook
Lurking waiting waiting...
Waits for her prince.
She waits waits waits
The clock ticking on the wall
Day after day after day after day
Always tick tick waiting tick tick
For years tick wait tick wait tick tick wait
On her eighteenth birthday her prince comes
And they share a tender kiss.
The mother closes the storybook and says goodnight.
Now her daughter will wait wait wait for a prince who will not show up.
Tick tick tick
The clock in the tower?
No the clock in the alligator
Haunting captain hook
Lurking waiting waiting...
610 reads
There is a man
He lives somewhere,
In an apartment
That he presumably bought
Presumably using money that
He attained presumably through a job.
None of it matters.
The thing that matters is the fact:
He has a window box
Full of vibrant flowers.
The man, who does not matter,
Works 9-5 in a cubicle,
A mindless cog.
Yet he has flowers.
7 flowers.
The first of which, is a rose.
It’s lovely and red
Rich and soft.
But it’s thorns have overgrown
And it’s dangerous.
He does not touch the rose,
He is afraid.
He lives somewhere,
In an apartment
That he presumably bought
Presumably using money that
He attained presumably through a job.
None of it matters.
The thing that matters is the fact:
He has a window box
Full of vibrant flowers.
The man, who does not matter,
Works 9-5 in a cubicle,
A mindless cog.
Yet he has flowers.
7 flowers.
The first of which, is a rose.
It’s lovely and red
Rich and soft.
But it’s thorns have overgrown
And it’s dangerous.
He does not touch the rose,
He is afraid.
544 reads
Of Course
Of course
It was all lies
And of course
You were transparent
Under all the layers
You had wrapped
So tightly around you
I knew you were not going to last
But God was I going to try to hold on.
I tried to hold you close
With limp fingers
And you slipped away.
I saw it coming,
And I looked away.
I held you tighter,
And it made it hurt so much more
When you broke a part of me
Off with you
When you turned around
And walked away.
It was all lies
And of course
You were transparent
Under all the layers
You had wrapped
So tightly around you
I knew you were not going to last
But God was I going to try to hold on.
I tried to hold you close
With limp fingers
And you slipped away.
I saw it coming,
And I looked away.
I held you tighter,
And it made it hurt so much more
When you broke a part of me
Off with you
When you turned around
And walked away.
602 reads
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Rain Rain Go Away
A night like any other
Dad drives you and mom to the grocery store
Though tonight
The air is thick and heavy
Dripping with something
Anticipation hangs in the air
Energy thrumming through your veins
The rain gets heavier and
Faster faster faster FASTER
You put in both headphones and still hear it
Still feel it
Thudding against the roof
Sliding down the windows
When dad rolls his window down.
The wind blows the rain into the backseat
Misting your face
Close your eyes,
Open your eyes and smell the muggy mid spring air
Dad drives you and mom to the grocery store
Though tonight
The air is thick and heavy
Dripping with something
Anticipation hangs in the air
Energy thrumming through your veins
The rain gets heavier and
Faster faster faster FASTER
You put in both headphones and still hear it
Still feel it
Thudding against the roof
Sliding down the windows
When dad rolls his window down.
The wind blows the rain into the backseat
Misting your face
Close your eyes,
Open your eyes and smell the muggy mid spring air
751 reads
I was the girl you could take home to meet your mother.
I was smart, I suppose, I went to church, and I didn't smoke or drink.
To a parent, I was good.
She was the girl who wouldn't meet your parents if you begged her.
She was messy and that was good for you.
To a parent, she was damaged.
There was a mutually understood agreement,
Unspoken, but deafening.
Me in the streets,
Her in the sheets.
I went with it,
Until one night,
I looked in the mirror.
And I didn't like what I saw.
So I screamed.
I screamed at what...
I was smart, I suppose, I went to church, and I didn't smoke or drink.
To a parent, I was good.
She was the girl who wouldn't meet your parents if you begged her.
She was messy and that was good for you.
To a parent, she was damaged.
There was a mutually understood agreement,
Unspoken, but deafening.
Me in the streets,
Her in the sheets.
I went with it,
Until one night,
I looked in the mirror.
And I didn't like what I saw.
So I screamed.
I screamed at what...
700 reads
1 Comment
You (The Second Installment)
I'm so glad.
I'm so glad that you're happy
And I'm glad that they can give you
Everything that I can't
And I'm glad they have everything
That I don't.
I'm glad that I can see you when you
Aren't lost in the crowd.
I'm glad that you found people who understand you.
I'm glad for you,
And I'm glad you can be you.
I'm glad that you can so easily
Forget everything that we were.
The rain on my skin feels just like
Tears unnecessarily shed over you
And the lighting cracking overhead
Feels the same as what I feel
When I look at...
I'm so glad that you're happy
And I'm glad that they can give you
Everything that I can't
And I'm glad they have everything
That I don't.
I'm glad that I can see you when you
Aren't lost in the crowd.
I'm glad that you found people who understand you.
I'm glad for you,
And I'm glad you can be you.
I'm glad that you can so easily
Forget everything that we were.
The rain on my skin feels just like
Tears unnecessarily shed over you
And the lighting cracking overhead
Feels the same as what I feel
When I look at...
650 reads
1 Comment
I smell like second-hand smoke
And I can't wash you out of my hair
And I'm so sorry I'm not pretty
But now I'm left alone
With a crushed cigarette
Under my foot
I was nobody and
You were somebody
And you smelled like smoke
But not from the cigarettes
That I had fallen in love with
But you smelled like fire
And now I light matches
And I smell you on my fingertips
I used to want
To burn the world.
But then you touched me
With hands that wanted
To see
To feel
To be in the world
You stroked my hair,...
And I can't wash you out of my hair
And I'm so sorry I'm not pretty
But now I'm left alone
With a crushed cigarette
Under my foot
I was nobody and
You were somebody
And you smelled like smoke
But not from the cigarettes
That I had fallen in love with
But you smelled like fire
And now I light matches
And I smell you on my fingertips
I used to want
To burn the world.
But then you touched me
With hands that wanted
To see
To feel
To be in the world
You stroked my hair,...
911 reads
I Haved Loved
I have loved fully,
And I have loved deeply.
I have loved the way you laugh,
gasping, and light.
I have loved how you speak,
Biting, harsh, and cold.
I have loved the way you cast shadows,
empty, dark, and fleeting, like you
I have loved the way you break down,
completely, and exposing all of you
I have loved the way you repair yourself,
through smoke, a bottle, and nameless girls.
I have loved the way you break me,
through your lies, and your hands
I have loved the way I cried,
aching, screaming,...
And I have loved deeply.
I have loved the way you laugh,
gasping, and light.
I have loved how you speak,
Biting, harsh, and cold.
I have loved the way you cast shadows,
empty, dark, and fleeting, like you
I have loved the way you break down,
completely, and exposing all of you
I have loved the way you repair yourself,
through smoke, a bottle, and nameless girls.
I have loved the way you break me,
through your lies, and your hands
I have loved the way I cried,
aching, screaming,...
975 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by lattefoam