Submissions by lashawnscott92 (Visual Lyricist)
Poet Introduction
I am a visual Lyricist
System Reboot, System Restored (Part 2 of System Overload)
"Systems have detected a possible source"
Can it be?
Finally some thing or some one to give me the power I need
The energy to fuel this hungry heart
Computer, what is the source?
"A female,She seems to fit all the criteria"
Give me the diagnostics.
"She is a beautiful creature.Her features are admirable."
What about her mind and heart?
Are they sustainable to power me?
To give me just the right nudge I...
"Systems have detected a possible source"
Can it be?
Finally some thing or some one to give me the power I need
The energy to fuel this hungry heart
Computer, what is the source?
"A female,She seems to fit all the criteria"
Give me the diagnostics.
"She is a beautiful creature.Her features are admirable."
What about her mind and heart?
Are they sustainable to power me?
To give me just the right nudge I...
1118 reads
1 Comment
System Overload
Problem after problem is all life throws my way
I am worn out at the end of each day
People seem to think I am strong and that I am
But there are times when i do not want to be a man
I just want to turn off all the lights and sit in the dark
Be left alone in a land so stark
My mind computes every ones problems plus mine
And I think it is finally that time
Logic has reached full capacity
Judgement has reach full capacity
Character has reached full capacity
Inner Strength failing
What's going on with me
"System Overload, Systems...
I am worn out at the end of each day
People seem to think I am strong and that I am
But there are times when i do not want to be a man
I just want to turn off all the lights and sit in the dark
Be left alone in a land so stark
My mind computes every ones problems plus mine
And I think it is finally that time
Logic has reached full capacity
Judgement has reach full capacity
Character has reached full capacity
Inner Strength failing
What's going on with me
"System Overload, Systems...
1219 reads
Mind Over Matter
If the logic of my mind won I would have chosen you
But it lost and now it has left us both feeling blue
It had two choices to make and you were the logical one
You fit to all my likings, it would have been a perfect match
But at first you didn't like me, that was the catch
The only flaw in this all but perfect equation
Now it seems this is the worst situation
You are beautiful and I got lost in your eyes
With you anything I said flied
Your body, I appreciated every part of it
No matter what anyone else said, because it was just bullshit
I cherished...
But it lost and now it has left us both feeling blue
It had two choices to make and you were the logical one
You fit to all my likings, it would have been a perfect match
But at first you didn't like me, that was the catch
The only flaw in this all but perfect equation
Now it seems this is the worst situation
You are beautiful and I got lost in your eyes
With you anything I said flied
Your body, I appreciated every part of it
No matter what anyone else said, because it was just bullshit
I cherished...
1153 reads
Locked Away
People, people, people, all of them
So confusing like chem-
Istry because chemistry is what we lack
A world turning black
Blacker then black, a colorless planet
Where is God at got damn it
Rapes, suicides, homicides
It's fuckinghard to get by
The government has all the control
We're just idiots stuck paying the toll
Trapped in a box called society
Can't you all see it, its not hard to see
We're just slaves of a white man's world
We are just his little girl
His bitch, the trick he keeps us on a leash
But were powerful with the...
So confusing like chem-
Istry because chemistry is what we lack
A world turning black
Blacker then black, a colorless planet
Where is God at got damn it
Rapes, suicides, homicides
It's fuckinghard to get by
The government has all the control
We're just idiots stuck paying the toll
Trapped in a box called society
Can't you all see it, its not hard to see
We're just slaves of a white man's world
We are just his little girl
His bitch, the trick he keeps us on a leash
But were powerful with the...
1185 reads
Rough f**k

7360 reads
Your the man that they call my father, my Dad
But where were you all those years, did you really not want me that bad?
You left me with so many questions that only a father could answer
So a boy grew up not knowing how to take on life, so unsure
How to treat a girl, take care of the family, be a man
What boy knows how to do this without a guide, a helping hand
You left me with a huge void in my heart and soul, my mind
But now I know who I am, and where's my bottom line
I thank you for leaving as much I hate you for it
Thank you for all the friends I've...
But where were you all those years, did you really not want me that bad?
You left me with so many questions that only a father could answer
So a boy grew up not knowing how to take on life, so unsure
How to treat a girl, take care of the family, be a man
What boy knows how to do this without a guide, a helping hand
You left me with a huge void in my heart and soul, my mind
But now I know who I am, and where's my bottom line
I thank you for leaving as much I hate you for it
Thank you for all the friends I've...
1103 reads
Pleasure's Treasures
Her succulent breastsuck you in until you fuck them then
Her moans and groansleave you hard like a bone
Thrust after thrust andbust after bust till morning dusk
Skin smooth, smoothsoothing, your hands cruisin'
All over her body,naughty and doughty
Carresing her breast,such finesse to impress
Exploring and adoringher luring, roaring assuring curves
Pleasing, teasing, nomisleading in this leading role
His character, the bigfactor, big whacker, no lacker
Stripped rippedclothing, body dripped and dipped in
Her moans and groansleave you hard like a bone
Thrust after thrust andbust after bust till morning dusk
Skin smooth, smoothsoothing, your hands cruisin'
All over her body,naughty and doughty
Carresing her breast,such finesse to impress
Exploring and adoringher luring, roaring assuring curves
Pleasing, teasing, nomisleading in this leading role
His character, the bigfactor, big whacker, no lacker
Stripped rippedclothing, body dripped and dipped in
1559 reads
If I Were....
If I were God I'd end the existence of mankind
I'd saythou hastbroke theboundaries andcrossed my line
I give thee the option of free choice and how do you abuse it?
Well no more,thou areall nothing but children,thy had it but nowthy lose it
Murder, suicide, genocide, starvation, that wasn't my intention for this world
You all complain that life isgoing wrong whenyou still breath, whining like a little girl
I grantthee the very lives you live, fillthou up with so many talents, andpossibilities
And you wasteth it all away on drugs, sex, the easy life ignoring...
I'd saythou hastbroke theboundaries andcrossed my line
I give thee the option of free choice and how do you abuse it?
Well no more,thou areall nothing but children,thy had it but nowthy lose it
Murder, suicide, genocide, starvation, that wasn't my intention for this world
You all complain that life isgoing wrong whenyou still breath, whining like a little girl
I grantthee the very lives you live, fillthou up with so many talents, andpossibilities
And you wasteth it all away on drugs, sex, the easy life ignoring...
976 reads
I am something that you can not see
I am someone you don't want to be
I live alone but that comes with the job
I'm the door, the key, and the knob
When you fall in love I will be there
I hack away away at it until it's wear and tear
He makes a promise, I will make sure he does not keep it
He tells you he loves you, I'll make sure you don't believe it
I am the devil in a red dress, I am the lust in his heart
I love tearing you people apart
You are all so susceptible to my gift, your curse
All I need is the right wink, the right curves ...
I am someone you don't want to be
I live alone but that comes with the job
I'm the door, the key, and the knob
When you fall in love I will be there
I hack away away at it until it's wear and tear
He makes a promise, I will make sure he does not keep it
He tells you he loves you, I'll make sure you don't believe it
I am the devil in a red dress, I am the lust in his heart
I love tearing you people apart
You are all so susceptible to my gift, your curse
All I need is the right wink, the right curves ...
1028 reads
Gifted With a Curse
> I was born into this world with a gift
> More like a curse because this gift is shit
> In the end I always seem like the bad guy
> And sometimes I am, I can't lie
> I was taught how women should be treated
> Love them with all your heart even when it get's heated
> Tell them they're beautiful like the queens they are
> Say every word with sincerity and mean it from the heart
> Women will love you for a long time and you'll never have to be alone
> This gift didn't with come instructions, it didn't say what girl should be...
> More like a curse because this gift is shit
> In the end I always seem like the bad guy
> And sometimes I am, I can't lie
> I was taught how women should be treated
> Love them with all your heart even when it get's heated
> Tell them they're beautiful like the queens they are
> Say every word with sincerity and mean it from the heart
> Women will love you for a long time and you'll never have to be alone
> This gift didn't with come instructions, it didn't say what girl should be...
1209 reads
1 Comment
On a Leash
As I think these thoughts flowing down my rivers mind
~I see all the clocks slowly ticking away time
~My minds eye isn't blind to the minds blind lie
~No one will ever break me down but few have tried
~I see all the options, my minds ambidextrous, I see from the left right
~My mind used to be dark lost and lonely, now it's full and bright
~You should all open your eyes to the worlds lies
~It keeps you in the dark but its time to see the light
~My fist are as powerful as my words and thats how it should be
~I see all the clocks slowly ticking away time
~My minds eye isn't blind to the minds blind lie
~No one will ever break me down but few have tried
~I see all the options, my minds ambidextrous, I see from the left right
~My mind used to be dark lost and lonely, now it's full and bright
~You should all open your eyes to the worlds lies
~It keeps you in the dark but its time to see the light
~My fist are as powerful as my words and thats how it should be
1147 reads
Hi my name is MANWHORE
Hi, my name is Man
I'm here to take your virginity
If you're not one I still want your goodies
Now let me be honest, I will fill your head with lies
I'll tell you things just so I can get in between those thighs
I'll lead you on, even steal heart
But what I won't tell you is, how I'll take it apart
Yea, I have nice eyes, a nice smile some muscle in my arms
I'll even win you over using my flirtatious charms
You won't see this coming because your a fool
But you'll be like a...
I'm here to take your virginity
If you're not one I still want your goodies
Now let me be honest, I will fill your head with lies
I'll tell you things just so I can get in between those thighs
I'll lead you on, even steal heart
But what I won't tell you is, how I'll take it apart
Yea, I have nice eyes, a nice smile some muscle in my arms
I'll even win you over using my flirtatious charms
You won't see this coming because your a fool
But you'll be like a...
2833 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by lashawnscott92 (Visual Lyricist)