Submissions by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Poet Introduction
A dictator will "make war on the saints [the Christian nations],gain power over every nation," (Revelation 13.7).This conquest implies world war. Yes, NUCLEAR war would explain "sudden destruction" at Rapture(1 Thessalonians 4.16-5.3)
The Pope,Rome, Western Europe and America-All 4 Together Are Going to Get Hit
The present Pope is the LAST POPE.
This is according to St Malachy,
The Archbishop of Ireland,
Who lived in the 1100s.
(He received a vision which revealed to him
There would be 112 more popes.
The present pope is number 112.)
So the Roman Catholic Church is coming to an end.
For if it doesn't end,
There will be successor popes.
Most likely he dies when Rome gets "burned with fire,
In a single hour," (Revelation 18.10,17,19).
"Babylon"(Rome) gets judged at the same time that
"the cities of the nations...
This is according to St Malachy,
The Archbishop of Ireland,
Who lived in the 1100s.
(He received a vision which revealed to him
There would be 112 more popes.
The present pope is number 112.)
So the Roman Catholic Church is coming to an end.
For if it doesn't end,
There will be successor popes.
Most likely he dies when Rome gets "burned with fire,
In a single hour," (Revelation 18.10,17,19).
"Babylon"(Rome) gets judged at the same time that
"the cities of the nations...
665 reads
"Life Is Suffering" - Buddha
Life is suffering," said the Buddha.
Suffering is emphasized in Christianity, as well.
For Paul the Apostle writes,
"I glory in my infirmities,tribulations"
(Romans 5.3;2 Corinthians 11.30; 12.5,9).
"I fill up in my body the afflictions of Christ"(Colossians 1.24).
What is the point?
We are supposed to want to be with Christ.
But how can we possibly do it?
By living Christ's life over again, His suffering. ...
Suffering is emphasized in Christianity, as well.
For Paul the Apostle writes,
"I glory in my infirmities,tribulations"
(Romans 5.3;2 Corinthians 11.30; 12.5,9).
"I fill up in my body the afflictions of Christ"(Colossians 1.24).
What is the point?
We are supposed to want to be with Christ.
But how can we possibly do it?
By living Christ's life over again, His suffering. ...
705 reads
"God Has Provided Something Better For Us"(Hebrews 11.40)
Paul the Apostle says,
"Faith comes by hearing..the Word of God"(Romans 10.17).
Then he asks,"Have they not heard[the Word of God]?"(10.18).
("They" refers to the Jews, based on "Israel", verse 19).
Then Paul answers,"Yes,their sound went to all the Earth,
Their words unto the ends of the world"(10.18).
Whose "sounds," whose "words"?
He's quoting Psalms 19.1-4:
"The heavens declare the glory of God..
"Faith comes by hearing..the Word of God"(Romans 10.17).
Then he asks,"Have they not heard[the Word of God]?"(10.18).
("They" refers to the Jews, based on "Israel", verse 19).
Then Paul answers,"Yes,their sound went to all the Earth,
Their words unto the ends of the world"(10.18).
Whose "sounds," whose "words"?
He's quoting Psalms 19.1-4:
"The heavens declare the glory of God..
732 reads
Where Does It Come From?
If a male wants sex with another male
where does that desire originate?
The answer becomes clear by asking this question:
Who is the first male that you have sex with? Yourself.
For it is with oneself that one has sex in masturbation.
How does(self-centered)masturbation relate to homosexuality?
There is a cause and effect relationship between certain things.
For example, danger generates fear.
Likewise, pleasure generates liking.
When something gives you super pleasure,
Liking expands into loving.
Self-stimulation generates...
where does that desire originate?
The answer becomes clear by asking this question:
Who is the first male that you have sex with? Yourself.
For it is with oneself that one has sex in masturbation.
How does(self-centered)masturbation relate to homosexuality?
There is a cause and effect relationship between certain things.
For example, danger generates fear.
Likewise, pleasure generates liking.
When something gives you super pleasure,
Liking expands into loving.
Self-stimulation generates...
947 reads
"Do All to the Glory of God"
How are we to decide which is right:
(a)The Young Earth view? Or is it,
(b)the Old Earth position?
Which is the truth?
(a)The view that the Earth and universe is just 6,000 years old, or
(b)the view that the Universe has been here for billions of years.
Well, we read in the New Testament, "Whatever you do,
Do all to the glory of God"(1 Corinthians 10.31).
This gives us a way to decide the "origins" question. ...
(a)The Young Earth view? Or is it,
(b)the Old Earth position?
Which is the truth?
(a)The view that the Earth and universe is just 6,000 years old, or
(b)the view that the Universe has been here for billions of years.
Well, we read in the New Testament, "Whatever you do,
Do all to the glory of God"(1 Corinthians 10.31).
This gives us a way to decide the "origins" question. ...
864 reads
The Crisis in Ukraine - Let Me Explain
I'm into the study of "End Time Bible Prophecy."
Russia will play the leading role in the End Time.
When I explain the evidence for that idea,
People bring up the Ukraine crisis.
What is going on, they ask me.
If we start off with a certain presupposition,
This puts a new slant on things.
My presupposition is this:
Russia is going to bomb America in the near future.
For the Bible says a dictator("the Beast")
Will "make war on [the Christian nations] and overcome them."
In short, he will...
Russia will play the leading role in the End Time.
When I explain the evidence for that idea,
People bring up the Ukraine crisis.
What is going on, they ask me.
If we start off with a certain presupposition,
This puts a new slant on things.
My presupposition is this:
Russia is going to bomb America in the near future.
For the Bible says a dictator("the Beast")
Will "make war on [the Christian nations] and overcome them."
In short, he will...
771 reads
Another Copernican Revolution
To ancient authorities like Ptolemy
The unmoving Earth was the central figure.
The servile sun orbiting the Earth,
played only a subordinant role.
But then Copernicus discovered
It is the sun that stands still,
The Shining One is at the center.
The Earth orbits dutifully,
Totally under the power
of the Solar orb's great gravity.
Oh the glory of the Copernican Revolution -
For it was prophetic of what is to come.
The Family (and society) is where
The unmoving Earth was the central figure.
The servile sun orbiting the Earth,
played only a subordinant role.
But then Copernicus discovered
It is the sun that stands still,
The Shining One is at the center.
The Earth orbits dutifully,
Totally under the power
of the Solar orb's great gravity.
Oh the glory of the Copernican Revolution -
For it was prophetic of what is to come.
The Family (and society) is where
663 reads
Poem For Mother's Day
The Church is "the Bride of Christ"(Revelation 21.2;22.17).
But it's also called "the Body of Christ"(Ephesians 1.22-23).
Put these 2 ideas together and you have a female version of Christ.
Jesus is the male Messiah,the Church is the female Messiah.
But the Church isn't just limited to the religious institution.
The Christian COMMUNITY is the Church.
Christian SOCIETY is rightly called the Church.
The Church is to take over the world(Luke 24.47-49;Acts 1.8)
Til all of society is characterized by...
But it's also called "the Body of Christ"(Ephesians 1.22-23).
Put these 2 ideas together and you have a female version of Christ.
Jesus is the male Messiah,the Church is the female Messiah.
But the Church isn't just limited to the religious institution.
The Christian COMMUNITY is the Church.
Christian SOCIETY is rightly called the Church.
The Church is to take over the world(Luke 24.47-49;Acts 1.8)
Til all of society is characterized by...
877 reads
The Pharisees brought Him a woman
who had been caught committing adultery(John 8.3-4).
(a euphemism for something worse:prostitution?).
They said to Him,"Now Moses in the [Torah]Law
Commanded that such should be stoned [to death].
But what do you say?(John 8.5)."
"..But Jesus stooped down and with His finger
Wrote on the ground, as though He didn't hear them.
But when they continued asking Him,
He lifted Himself up and said unto them,
'He that is without...
who had been caught committing adultery(John 8.3-4).
(a euphemism for something worse:prostitution?).
They said to Him,"Now Moses in the [Torah]Law
Commanded that such should be stoned [to death].
But what do you say?(John 8.5)."
"..But Jesus stooped down and with His finger
Wrote on the ground, as though He didn't hear them.
But when they continued asking Him,
He lifted Himself up and said unto them,
'He that is without...
964 reads
Only ONE WAY Back to Heaven For Christ
Troops in the Soviet army in WW2 couldn't retreat(without orders)
For the troops behind them had orders to shoot anyone who ran away.
Likewise Christ couldn't run from His ron-day-voo with the Cross.
God the Father arranged that the gates of heaven would be
Closed to him unless He went to the Cross.
One way, yes, there was only one way back to Heaven.
If Christ had run as the Jews,coming to arrest Him, approached
Escaping in order to continue preaching, healing the sick,elsewhere
This would have made Him real rebel against God the Father!
He would...
For the troops behind them had orders to shoot anyone who ran away.
Likewise Christ couldn't run from His ron-day-voo with the Cross.
God the Father arranged that the gates of heaven would be
Closed to him unless He went to the Cross.
One way, yes, there was only one way back to Heaven.
If Christ had run as the Jews,coming to arrest Him, approached
Escaping in order to continue preaching, healing the sick,elsewhere
This would have made Him real rebel against God the Father!
He would...
757 reads
A Dog Named Bear as a Christ Figure
A couple weeks ago I called the Vet and made
an appointment to get my dog neutered on April 18.
I had no idea at the time that it is Good Friday,
The anniversary of Christ's crucifixion!
Christ didn't want to go to the cross(Mark 14.34-36).
Likewise, Bear, if he knew what awaits him
He would definitely want to avoid it at all costs.
I could cancel or postpone the procedure.
But the AC, Animal control, is making me do it.
(AC are also the initials for the Antichrist.)
I'm going thru with it - for an unusual reason:
It will help me identify with...
an appointment to get my dog neutered on April 18.
I had no idea at the time that it is Good Friday,
The anniversary of Christ's crucifixion!
Christ didn't want to go to the cross(Mark 14.34-36).
Likewise, Bear, if he knew what awaits him
He would definitely want to avoid it at all costs.
I could cancel or postpone the procedure.
But the AC, Animal control, is making me do it.
(AC are also the initials for the Antichrist.)
I'm going thru with it - for an unusual reason:
It will help me identify with...
684 reads
Christ's Flirtation with Mary Magdalen
Christ said to Mary Magdalen
After His Resurrection
"Don't touch me, for I have not
Yet ascended to my Father"(John 20.17).
It sounds like a flirt to me.
He was hinting that if she
kept on touching Him
He wouldn't even want to ascend
to his heavenly throne.
It was as though He said to her,
"I'm tempted to give up heaven
just for you, Mary dear,
Fairest of all fair maidens."
After His Resurrection
"Don't touch me, for I have not
Yet ascended to my Father"(John 20.17).
It sounds like a flirt to me.
He was hinting that if she
kept on touching Him
He wouldn't even want to ascend
to his heavenly throne.
It was as though He said to her,
"I'm tempted to give up heaven
just for you, Mary dear,
Fairest of all fair maidens."
558 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)