Submissions by brokenpoisen1
I am the creater of the immortals the shadows hinding in the dark the creatures of the night i am the poison in ur vains, the venom that buring in ur heart i am the pain u indure the sorrow of ur soul i am the hades of the gods the deval of this world i am the broken poison, crimson shadow, the wiccen of darkness, all mortlas know it all fear it now rest in peace.
569 reads
The Blade
As the cold blade touches your skin... you think it will solve your problems it just makes them stronger your addiction, is lies you one you loved lost everything when u left the darkness became his home hell became his kingdome, he fades away slowly forever lost his memories have left as the poisen consumes him he layes there as the broken lost forgotten damned and dead become his minions he dies slowly waiting for the light but the light is now more now sleep forever..
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As the blood drips from the broken love no more the addiction, the poisenis monster bites your neck drinks your crimson blood from your soul draining you of your life, as the cold blade touches your hands you think it might solve every thing, but it just makes things wrong u still love the broken poisen the one who lost his memories the broken hearted the lost the forgotten he nolonger lives among you mortals he is no dead among the immortals burning alive.
640 reads
The Burning Light
As you walk through the shadows you will find no light no way out you will find me in a casket burning alive as the poisen from my vains covers this world clouding your minds you become broken, as the coruption spreads through the veins of the damned and the living as your blood turns blacker then your heart the shadows cover you in the darkness of your soul forever forgotten.
645 reads
Broken Poison
As i lay there broken among immortals doomed to be forgotten, lost among shadows burning alive from the sins you feed your mind the shadows consume your heart, forever lost never found. broken poiden covers your body corupting your soul forever frozen in time.
603 reads
Burning Poisen
As i lay there in the shadows longing for the light, but yet i fade away like a burning memory doomed for eternity, the burning poisen this world has given me burns within me melting me from the inside, the shadows cover me like a cover over the blinded doomed for damnation singing the reapers song as the world falls asleep the poison covers your body burning you alive for you shall kno the terror of hell.
663 reads
As the blood in your veins poisend by the shadows. I lay there fading away like the lost souls, doomed to be forgotten I lay there in the darkness lusting for your poisend blood, feeding off your sins in tell your black heart beats no more as the poisen now flows through me now I fade away as a forgotten soul never to be found.
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DU Poetry : Submissions by brokenpoisen1