Submissions by anewpoet (William Fox)
Poet Introduction
i am only a good fella who writes poems
The Simple Way
The simplest way possible to keep humans
from ever making any real progress in this
world is let humans make their own choices
humans cannot possibly way and you
will see this everywhere in America & around
the world...human beings very seldom beat
the odds against them...oh yes it is very pitiful
of course but it is oh so true and plain to see
if a human does get lucky and they do manage
to avoid all the traps that are set for them and
become comfortable in their life even gaining
positions of importance in this world...
from ever making any real progress in this
world is let humans make their own choices
humans cannot possibly way and you
will see this everywhere in America & around
the world...human beings very seldom beat
the odds against them...oh yes it is very pitiful
of course but it is oh so true and plain to see
if a human does get lucky and they do manage
to avoid all the traps that are set for them and
become comfortable in their life even gaining
positions of importance in this world...
263 reads
That Is The Truth
I am innocent your honor
the defendant pleaded to the judge
I have been framed and I
will swear on a stack of Bibles
as high as my head its the truth
the judge casually replied
you would would you
that won't do you any good
I wouldn't believe a word
that came out of your brain
this court of law has found
you guilty and is gonna hang
your lying ass
that is the truth
the defendant pleaded to the judge
I have been framed and I
will swear on a stack of Bibles
as high as my head its the truth
the judge casually replied
you would would you
that won't do you any good
I wouldn't believe a word
that came out of your brain
this court of law has found
you guilty and is gonna hang
your lying ass
that is the truth
268 reads
Love and A Young Man
Love can be a young man's
worst enemy
his worst nightmare
his eternal pain
when a young man falls in Love
if or when his Love moves on
he will hardly ever let it go
his ego won't let him
a young man will learn
how to live with a broken heart
and the pain of losing his Love
when all along it was only
his ego
worst enemy
his worst nightmare
his eternal pain
when a young man falls in Love
if or when his Love moves on
he will hardly ever let it go
his ego won't let him
a young man will learn
how to live with a broken heart
and the pain of losing his Love
when all along it was only
his ego
415 reads
No TV For Me
I absolutely had to stop
watching TV so many
of the celebrities and the
politicians made me gag
every time I seen them
some would even make
me have a gas attack I
can do without all of that
watching TV so many
of the celebrities and the
politicians made me gag
every time I seen them
some would even make
me have a gas attack I
can do without all of that
297 reads
Happy Homes
Inside all Happy Homes
you will find a woman
who will be the Boss
in that Happy Home
you will find a woman
who will be the Boss
in that Happy Home
266 reads
You Are Fine With Me
I am not gonna say you
have gave me everything
I ever dreamed of from
no one's life is complete
but pretty baby
I will have to say you are
giving me all the good loving
I can handle that's for sure
have gave me everything
I ever dreamed of from
no one's life is complete
but pretty baby
I will have to say you are
giving me all the good loving
I can handle that's for sure
304 reads
The White Oak Babtizing
Out in the White Oak bottoms
east of town out near the river
on Sunday's they used to have
a Babtiizing and there would be
car loads of people show up
my dad had to get tuned up
now and then he would take me
with him there would be 2 lines
of sinners on most Sunday's
women in 1 line men in the other
the preachers would dunk those
sinning men and sinning women
under the water until they lost
their breath and washed their sins
away from'em and then they'd
come up for air screaming like
wildcat's you could hear them ...
east of town out near the river
on Sunday's they used to have
a Babtiizing and there would be
car loads of people show up
my dad had to get tuned up
now and then he would take me
with him there would be 2 lines
of sinners on most Sunday's
women in 1 line men in the other
the preachers would dunk those
sinning men and sinning women
under the water until they lost
their breath and washed their sins
away from'em and then they'd
come up for air screaming like
wildcat's you could hear them ...
207 reads
Lets Make Us A Plan
OK baby lets make us a plan
what would you like to do
this fine pretty day with the
Sun shining so bright and hot
what do you want to do really
what's on your mind this fine day
yes my pretty baby it's a good day
what do you say about you and I
going down to the little creek
where the water is deep we will
take off our clothes throw them
up into the trees then we will be
naked as the little birdies
we will jump into the cool water
where we can swim around
like we were little fishes who are
deeply in Love with...
what would you like to do
this fine pretty day with the
Sun shining so bright and hot
what do you want to do really
what's on your mind this fine day
yes my pretty baby it's a good day
what do you say about you and I
going down to the little creek
where the water is deep we will
take off our clothes throw them
up into the trees then we will be
naked as the little birdies
we will jump into the cool water
where we can swim around
like we were little fishes who are
deeply in Love with...
308 reads
It Could Never Happen
Oh baby it would never happen
honey it could never happen to me
I can't even imagine anyone being
so slick THEY could trick me
anyway THEY wanted too anytime
THEY took a notion and trick me
so dam bad I wouldn't even know it
or ever figure it out and i couldn't
believe it if anyone tried to tell me
the Illuminati had me in the trick bag
honey it could never happen to me
I can't even imagine anyone being
so slick THEY could trick me
anyway THEY wanted too anytime
THEY took a notion and trick me
so dam bad I wouldn't even know it
or ever figure it out and i couldn't
believe it if anyone tried to tell me
the Illuminati had me in the trick bag
189 reads
1 Comment
This Thing
i wonder if anyone is like me I
have done some things and I
thought I was doing the right thing
then when I had done this thing I
had to ask myself where was your
when you started doing this thing
have done some things and I
thought I was doing the right thing
then when I had done this thing I
had to ask myself where was your
when you started doing this thing
265 reads
The Best Policy
It is not a wise policy to
give anyone any advice there
are several reasons for this
the way it has came to be
if they haven't heard it from
the television they won't feel
comfortable with knowing it
even when they can plainly see
you are right and they are wrong
cos then you have insulted their
intelligence and they might get
as mad as a wet hen because
of it so sadly the best policy
will usually be keep your
wisdom to yourself and let
them learn the hard way
give anyone any advice there
are several reasons for this
the way it has came to be
if they haven't heard it from
the television they won't feel
comfortable with knowing it
even when they can plainly see
you are right and they are wrong
cos then you have insulted their
intelligence and they might get
as mad as a wet hen because
of it so sadly the best policy
will usually be keep your
wisdom to yourself and let
them learn the hard way
229 reads
Not A Good Thing
The women have been raising
all kinds of hell with me all over
the world...they are saying they
have been passing out when
they read my Love poems...
oh no I had never imagined of
something like that happening
I'll have to tune those babies down
that's no way to do the women
all kinds of hell with me all over
the world...they are saying they
have been passing out when
they read my Love poems...
oh no I had never imagined of
something like that happening
I'll have to tune those babies down
that's no way to do the women
245 reads
1 Comment
DU Poetry : Submissions by anewpoet (William Fox)