Submissions by amber15
Think next time
Did you even look to see your effect on the world?
What happened to that girl you made fun of yesterday?
The one with cuts all up her arms
You used her problem as your entertainment
When she got home yesterday she was beaten and told she was worthless
And she begins to think it’s true because of you
Your words repeat in her head like a broken record
And they make her sick in side
So she locked herself in her room to try and hide so she could cry
Cause god knows that if her dad sees her cry he'll make fun and beat her again
So she’s left...
What happened to that girl you made fun of yesterday?
The one with cuts all up her arms
You used her problem as your entertainment
When she got home yesterday she was beaten and told she was worthless
And she begins to think it’s true because of you
Your words repeat in her head like a broken record
And they make her sick in side
So she locked herself in her room to try and hide so she could cry
Cause god knows that if her dad sees her cry he'll make fun and beat her again
So she’s left...
674 reads
Behind her smile
She smiles everday even when she wishes she could die
She only smiles so all the questions can stop
But what you don't know is she is the girl that goes home to yelling and screaming
To be told she is worthless
She goes home to lock her self in her room
to turn up the music so loud no one can hear her cry
But that's not all her pretty little smile hides
It hides the cuts all over her body
The scars everyone can see
But no one cares to ask
It hides all her pain oh to well
So yea she's the one that slits her wrist to let it all out
The one...
She only smiles so all the questions can stop
But what you don't know is she is the girl that goes home to yelling and screaming
To be told she is worthless
She goes home to lock her self in her room
to turn up the music so loud no one can hear her cry
But that's not all her pretty little smile hides
It hides the cuts all over her body
The scars everyone can see
But no one cares to ask
It hides all her pain oh to well
So yea she's the one that slits her wrist to let it all out
The one...
729 reads
Mommy you see my pain
The cuts and scares
But yet you remain silent
What if i ended it all tonight?
Would you regret not saying anything as you bury you'r baby?
Would you shed a tear for me?
I am so close to the edge
To giving up
And you can tell that I am not me
That I am changing
I am slowly deing inside
But yet you look the other way
The cuts and scares
But yet you remain silent
What if i ended it all tonight?
Would you regret not saying anything as you bury you'r baby?
Would you shed a tear for me?
I am so close to the edge
To giving up
And you can tell that I am not me
That I am changing
I am slowly deing inside
But yet you look the other way
953 reads
She's been hurt so many times..
So she trys blocking out her feelings
but that never works
She finally found one escape to slove her peoblems
although it's a secret and no one can know it gives her relief
Just to feel the bite of the blade
She's been hurt so bad it's driven her mad
She has been hurt by everyone faimly, friends, even poeple who don't care about her
Shes lost with no where to turn
but her escape cause that is the one thing that never fails her
To her it's the greatest feeling ever
but how long can she keep cutting...
So she trys blocking out her feelings
but that never works
She finally found one escape to slove her peoblems
although it's a secret and no one can know it gives her relief
Just to feel the bite of the blade
She's been hurt so bad it's driven her mad
She has been hurt by everyone faimly, friends, even poeple who don't care about her
Shes lost with no where to turn
but her escape cause that is the one thing that never fails her
To her it's the greatest feeling ever
but how long can she keep cutting...
938 reads
I am not afraid of the blade in my hand
I am not afraid of death
I am merarly afraid of the pain and tears it will bring to my loved ones when i am gone
so i dig the balde in one last time
and watch the blood drip onto the floor
I am alive for now
but I am slowly dieing inside
I am not afraid of death
I am merarly afraid of the pain and tears it will bring to my loved ones when i am gone
so i dig the balde in one last time
and watch the blood drip onto the floor
I am alive for now
but I am slowly dieing inside
788 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by amber15