Submissions by _Ani_
Written off, pages of love
I can't make you love me
you know I don't want to
It's just that I want you
just a little piece of your heart
to know that I'm special
not like all the others
all those forgotten chapters
written off pages of love
my heart is a flower
it's opening up
I can't make you love me
you know I don't want to
but my heart is a flower
it's starting to bloom
your touch is like water
I feel myself floating
can't let myself drown
you're not like the others
forgotten chapters
written off pages of...
I can't make you love me
you know I don't want to
It's just that I want you
just a little piece of your heart
to know that I'm special
not like all the others
all those forgotten chapters
written off pages of love
my heart is a flower
it's opening up
I can't make you love me
you know I don't want to
but my heart is a flower
it's starting to bloom
your touch is like water
I feel myself floating
can't let myself drown
you're not like the others
forgotten chapters
written off pages of...
595 reads
Sun hurts my eyes
I love you
like punishment loves pain
and flowers love the rain
you're so beautiful
it hurts
I love you
like punishment loves pain
and flowers love the rain
you're so beautiful
it hurts
688 reads
The elephants have arrived
Please stand by
the elephants have arrived
but try to pretend that
(despite their size)
you cannot see them
with your eyes
do not acknowledge
they're even there
for if you do
they'll only stare
the only option
that I can see
is to just ignore them
and leave them be
Please stand by
the elephants have arrived
but try to pretend that
(despite their size)
you cannot see them
with your eyes
do not acknowledge
they're even there
for if you do
they'll only stare
the only option
that I can see
is to just ignore them
and leave them be
537 reads
you are my blackbird
i am your dove
we cannot allow ourselves
to fall in love
i am locked in your eyes
as the moon to the sky
every star that shines bright
a softly placed sigh
when slowly the darkness
falls away like a feather
my breeze, let me fly
we cannot be
you are my blackbird
i am your dove
we cannot allow ourselves
to fall in love
i am locked in your eyes
as the moon to the sky
every star that shines bright
a softly placed sigh
when slowly the darkness
falls away like a feather
my breeze, let me fly
we cannot be
562 reads
That's poetry
The way I bleed
it's fucking poetry
that's what you want to see
everything dirty and broken in me
all those scenes that capture the eye
all that shit that fucks the mind
that's poetry
it's like a sick disease
rape me
break me
drop me to my knees
everything salty and raw
this is what you need
and I shouldn't care
what anyone says
sticks and stones
they're all in my head
when I cut it open
and everything's been bled
that's poetry
that's poetry they said
668 reads
On a plain white screen
I get lost in dreaming all my dreams
too scared to make those dreams come true
my doctor says I only dream in blue
but I told him "Doc, we both know that ain't true"
(insert swear word here for you)
I write it all out on a plain white screen
bringing words to life in coloured scenes
a woman floats by, red umbrella in her hand
a man looks up but he can't understand
now there's a train running away on the tracks
and sometimes love is always just like that
you blow off steam and then you run away
another lump of...
550 reads
A name that still exists
I could have stuck a pin in it
popped it like a balloon on a string
holding on to everything within
but it seemed more appropriate to just let it go
To float away, slowly deflate
and maybe be found again someday
after the songs on the record player have changed
and ghosts no longer dance the night away
Maybe your brain slows down when you age
maybe it gives you time to think
to finally catch up with thoughts
that kept running away
I could wipe the mirror clean and dress up my face
but I'm still the...
627 reads
You are fire
I am air
You need me
659 reads
hot georgia nights
i recall those hot georgia nights
with so little reprieve
from the sticky heat
of beautifully bruised
and my teeth
sinking deep into flesh
that bleeds sweeter than a virgin
breaking her chaste vows
i reckon it's a sin
to taste something
so sweet
my lazy hand
wipes at the juices
trickling down my chin
i sure do miss them
those hot Georgia nights
with so little reprieve
from the sticky heat
can't recall a...
i recall those hot georgia nights
with so little reprieve
from the sticky heat
of beautifully bruised
and my teeth
sinking deep into flesh
that bleeds sweeter than a virgin
breaking her chaste vows
i reckon it's a sin
to taste something
so sweet
my lazy hand
wipes at the juices
trickling down my chin
i sure do miss them
those hot Georgia nights
with so little reprieve
from the sticky heat
can't recall a...
#sex #food
#sex #food
660 reads
i’m dripping in it
black on white
day and night
i can’t work with colour
i'm colour blind
it’s like eating ice cream
and not tasting the flavour
like sex without love
a fuck you can’t savour
it's just ink
and i'm dripping in it
621 reads
If love could be heard in colour
If love could be heard in colour
I would sing your name in gold
whisper sweet nothings of rose
cry for you in deepest blue
and call for you
in shades of longing
I would moan
in blushes of red
from where I lay tangled
in white cotton sheets
wishing upon a yellow moon
for love to return to me true
but at night when all is dark
black tar spreads over my heart
your betrayal reeks of a different shade
as her purple lipstick
reluctantly fades
the orange sun of morning
brings you home to...
I would sing your name in gold
whisper sweet nothings of rose
cry for you in deepest blue
and call for you
in shades of longing
I would moan
in blushes of red
from where I lay tangled
in white cotton sheets
wishing upon a yellow moon
for love to return to me true
but at night when all is dark
black tar spreads over my heart
your betrayal reeks of a different shade
as her purple lipstick
reluctantly fades
the orange sun of morning
brings you home to...
646 reads
I was never the child with daffodils in her hair
I was never the child with daffodils in her hair
I never had the chance to play like that
to go to the park or anywhere
to have friends
laugh and share
I dreamed of oceans and stars
things that were deep
places I could get lost
tall grass and a cool breeze
I dreamed of these
I could never have dreamed
of the simple things
I could never have hoped
to have a true friend
I chased bees
craving their sting
and jellyfish in the oceans
all those pretty hurtful things
I was never the child ...
I never had the chance to play like that
to go to the park or anywhere
to have friends
laugh and share
I dreamed of oceans and stars
things that were deep
places I could get lost
tall grass and a cool breeze
I dreamed of these
I could never have dreamed
of the simple things
I could never have hoped
to have a true friend
I chased bees
craving their sting
and jellyfish in the oceans
all those pretty hurtful things
I was never the child ...
856 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by _Ani_