Submissions by The_Roaming
Vows Of Friendship
He vowed to never hurt his friends,
He vowed to never hurt their hearts,
He vowed to never hurt those close,
but knows he has and turns to dust,
The vows he took, his mind echoing,
The words ringing in his ears,
The way the words slipped out,
He knows he has hurt them,
The things he says foul as carcass,
The rotten things from his rotten mind,
His heart and mind be not pure,
The only things he had left.
He thought he was different,
but no he isn't,
The black stain on a white satin ribbon,
He should forever be gone,
Forever left...
He vowed to never hurt their hearts,
He vowed to never hurt those close,
but knows he has and turns to dust,
The vows he took, his mind echoing,
The words ringing in his ears,
The way the words slipped out,
He knows he has hurt them,
The things he says foul as carcass,
The rotten things from his rotten mind,
His heart and mind be not pure,
The only things he had left.
He thought he was different,
but no he isn't,
The black stain on a white satin ribbon,
He should forever be gone,
Forever left...
465 reads
1 Comment
On Love and Friendship
From a persons view a gentle soul,
Here to help, Here to stay
In his oceanic mind hurricanes did loom,
Doubts returned to haunt him
He never spoke his mind,
He doubted what they may say if he did
He fakes his laughter and his smile
To all those who were around him
He has cried many a time but never
Has anyone understood his rhyme.
Now today he faced his last blow
His friend who stole his heart of hearts,
A heart he always cherished and cared,
His friend a thief took it away instead
He had no choice but to give up
Here to help, Here to stay
In his oceanic mind hurricanes did loom,
Doubts returned to haunt him
He never spoke his mind,
He doubted what they may say if he did
He fakes his laughter and his smile
To all those who were around him
He has cried many a time but never
Has anyone understood his rhyme.
Now today he faced his last blow
His friend who stole his heart of hearts,
A heart he always cherished and cared,
His friend a thief took it away instead
He had no choice but to give up
489 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by The_Roaming