Submissions by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)
Poet Introduction
I'm going through
It's me again the story teller of unspoken words ✍️ FOR what I want to talk about what makes some folks think, which makes no sense when some people's think what your going through in your own life. Really isn't what you're going through 🤔 yet to tell you that you are not going through what you say what you have in your own life. 😧 Let me remind you that you ain't me and I'm not you, 😔 going through the process of the stages that I have to face on a daily basis of life. For you tell me that you don't believe that I have cancer but yet I do, from prostate...
60 reads
Secret Family Tree
From what I can remember when we all gathered together, at Big Mama's house where the elders of the women's, would prepare a Home Town cook out for gathering, for the family. IT was a time that I will never forget. As it was a gathering of the elders and uncles and aunts and sisters and brothers, with their off springs children running around playing children games. While the olders people would play cards or shuffle board games, as the elders would look out and see the families all together in one place. Yet they could be found sitting up under a old oak tree, in the shade of the afternoon...
52 reads
Compassion is love
To have compassion we must have a sense of real love with support to care about others, for sure it's cost you nothing to care about someone else well being of life. For sure to have compassion we must reach out and touch, the truth of the heart and spiritual soul for salvation, is always gonna be a blessing in the dark deepness of the soul. For sure we have to learn what compassion, is truly understanding that it's the importance of really caring about others, as well as thyself. For it's true that if you don't have compassion, how can you imagine what others are going through in there own...
67 reads
Step into someone else's shoes
It's true that through this life we all may someday, have to go through somethings, that happens unexpected in your own life. 🤔 That will you have you feeling like your back is up against the wall. 🧱 For it's life that will throw you a curve ball, and leaving behind the devastation of things to come, into our lives. For no matter what the situation will be whether it concerns, your health or your well being with the insanity of not knowing why is the happening to me. 😔 For it might be your fault for it can be hereditary like cancer, or some type of mental disorders...
60 reads
Generation to Generation
It's me again the story teller of unspoken words ✍️ For what does it mean to pass down from generation to generation, as it was a precious red stone pass down from Generation to Generation. FOR the elders say that the red stone was not created by man, as it came from out of the ground but it was created, by the elements of time. FROM the ancient times of long ago before man even existed in the land, that time has forgotten. For it's sole purpose was as it was presented as a gift, created as a gift that had Mystikal powers. AS it was created out of a...
52 reads
Between the lines there is a space that is empty, follow by the next line of the chapter to be created. FOR the next line is slowly taking shape, to unfold the truth of deepness of the story. For with every line there are words ✍️ to be compose just from pen 🖊️ to paper. For it's true about love and life with thoughts of betrayal and deception, filled with the closeness of the darkness over shadowing. The page making it darker, as it prepares you to what comes next, down the line of dark mystery. THAT still you can't see through your own eyes...
51 reads
Expose the truth
When there is danger in your path you are given, a chance to chose the path that you will have, to chose to journey and travel and walk. For it's true that you have to learn to realize, that this life was chosen for you to walk, since the first day of your own life. FOR the sole purpose of you learning what you must do for thyself. TO ensure that you have the ability, to manifest that which you want and need. As it is necessary to be able to understand, that it's you are in charge of your own destiny. FOR can't no one make that decision but you, if you want to change your life into your...
46 reads
I am your protector
I am your protector your entity that gives you, the energy and strength that you will need to survive, this cycle of life. For sure life is an never ending cycle of ups and downs, that could make you lose your mind. For I heard you in the silently sounds of whispers, that you cried at night with tears just running, down your gentle face. For I understand your pain, along with your hurt and the silents of your heart, FOR have no fear cause you are not alone in your struggles. For it's in moments like these, I will never forget you nor forsake you, that you do exist even in your time of need,...
55 reads
When it's love
We all want and need to be loved unconditionally, at least once in our life time. FOR we all want to have a real connection, that will bond us together as one. But instead sometimes we find ourselves involved, with the wrong kind of person, as it turns out that we were wrong in our decision. 😞 Yet through the course of our lives, we finally found the truth of what is real evidence of love, and support and understanding. For sure no one is sent to you by chance or Accident, yet one day that becomes true. YET we find ourselves questioning ourselves can this be true, that we finally...
56 reads
Let not your heart be heavy
Through life we will be tested by somethings, that we may not see it coming our way. BUT yet it doesn't mean that you keep an blind eye close, to really not see that is before you. For that will be your time to become aware that you have to learn, some lessons that you thought you didn't have to learn. How to navigate through the process of the nonsense, that will surely bring you down. For sure life wasn't meant to be easy, when you know that it's hard to find the right one for you. FOR sure life is a mind game of chance or even leaps of your own faith at times. Which makes your thoughts run...
67 reads
Valentines Day
Here we are upon another day but what makes this so special is a blessing in disguise for so many people's lives 🙏 for it's a a day that we show your affection and love man to woman and woman to man. For sure it doesn't matter if you are alone, give thyself the same kind of love no matter how you wish to spend this day, treating yourself with kindness and love for you deserve it too have a blessed Valentine's Day. For sure for those that have someone to share this day with you, deserve to have a blessed and beautiful Valentine's Day, with love and honor and happiness and respect for...
45 reads
The gateways
The elders say that there are those things, that we all will never truly understand, things that are beyond our mortal mere existence. For it's not an mirage, or a figment of your thoughts or imagination. FOR it's real as it goes way back in time, before you and I were ever was Born. FOR sure even back then evil forces, were always against the good spiritual forces of souls of what is good. For I can remember, when I was young somethings from my own dreams, in the wee hours of the night, having feelings like I wasn't really alone in my room. 🫣 Yet I was to afraid to move and tell...
49 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)