Submissions by SinacleMe (WillIamm)
Poet Introduction
If you are looing for intellectual,thaught provoking poetry on self loathing,anger,and addiction written by a sexy smartass teenager then look no furthur!!!
So far from you is where i need to be
And girl if your arms felt like home
You know i'd never leave
But im just a visitor in a vacant house
So for now
Far from you is where ill be
And girl if your arms felt like home
You know i'd never leave
But im just a visitor in a vacant house
So for now
Far from you is where ill be
550 reads
dear:your name here
When it's just you and me in my head,dear friend,i, think of how you left me, all the words that touched my heart.You took the time to befriend an old,ugly,mean bastard such as myself,and for that i thank you.I can never repay you for the brother you have been,so i guess the least i can do is say hi when i join you in the dirt.See you soon buddy.
561 reads
Just leave
If you are trying to drive me away
I'd give you the keys and
Let you take control
And i know the rain would never stop you
From doing what you want
So baby please dont say i love you
When you go
I'd give you the keys and
Let you take control
And i know the rain would never stop you
From doing what you want
So baby please dont say i love you
When you go
512 reads
If i could show you who you are
All your thaughts
And all your scars
If i could help you be
And help you see
Could you stay and be with me
If i could erase your pain
And take your shame
Could you stay and stay the same
All your thaughts
And all your scars
If i could help you be
And help you see
Could you stay and be with me
If i could erase your pain
And take your shame
Could you stay and stay the same
489 reads
show me your colors
Just one song to express the tears you never shed over the fears i never faced.that is what i want.simplify the pain inside so i can feel your aches and wants,worries and desires
743 reads
silent goodbye
There comes a time in every persons life when they must fend for yourself and provide from your own means.I just dont want to fail.I want to be the definition of a man in my fathers eyes,weather he sees it in life or looking down.i know im capable of great things but his gentle guiding hands pushing me along the way would give me the assurance that i can accomplish anything i set out to do.
You're basically already gone but,i want you to know that i love you.i dont blame you for anything.know that when you go,you'll be taking my heart and soul with sense of respect,non selfish...
You're basically already gone but,i want you to know that i love you.i dont blame you for anything.know that when you go,you'll be taking my heart and soul with sense of respect,non selfish...
638 reads
incomplete without entrapment
After all the anger carried
My shoulders have grown strong
I once carried this burden with ignorant pride
But to keep a grudge is to be unhappy
When my arms grew tired
I knew ive seethed for too long
This load became too much when
My pride disentegrated with my self respect
Im tired of holding anger for the past
So ill drop it from my shoulders..
Now im free!
Anger entraps,keeps you from your peace.So i let it im in peices.It seems we are a match,anger and me.A fireplace with no fire.A gun with no bullets.A dope-feind with no...
My shoulders have grown strong
I once carried this burden with ignorant pride
But to keep a grudge is to be unhappy
When my arms grew tired
I knew ive seethed for too long
This load became too much when
My pride disentegrated with my self respect
Im tired of holding anger for the past
So ill drop it from my shoulders..
Now im free!
Anger entraps,keeps you from your peace.So i let it im in peices.It seems we are a match,anger and me.A fireplace with no fire.A gun with no bullets.A dope-feind with no...
518 reads
best "you're gay" comeback
No you're gay!!you person!!so there.take that!! Ya big meanyhead!! What now son!!!BUURN BITCH BURNN!!haha i got you so bad you couldnt think of anything to say lmao;);)simple shall one day have the skillz that i posess,but only if i show you how not to be a sheltered girl who is afraid to have fun unless you have permissiion from you're mommy and daddy. Until that day...just remember;im praying for you girl.good luck..i hope you do well in you're future endeavors;););)*-* .... Goodbye my young go on,fly....and live...then hang upside down in a body cast...
569 reads
Im high once i say "i am at the top!".now im at the lowest of of the low...when sleep evades your grasp it is all you can do to not blowup on the slightest temper is almost as short as my fading will to live.the rope is at its end,keeping company with my exausted wits.self respect has driifted away with the smoke from recent,constantly rolling in, mistakes...up in the clouds where i used to be alive.where i left my dignity all alone.someday i will take you back.someday i will be be complete again.
608 reads
my suicide note
The scars on my wrist are proof i care,the worst side effect of existing.numb is the only cure, but when your're always numb,how can you be sure? the blood on my hands match nicely with the dripping blade.its times like these when you quit,then its goodbye you say...goodbye.
650 reads
chemical clouds of happy
Dancing white thaughts of things you have yet to accomplish,entrapt in a porcelien dome of temporary happiness.when the dance is over and the bells have tolled you're left with the same expected accomplishments,still not accomplished.instead your pores are filled with chemical happy and your lips are burnt.your left with nothing but guilt and shame with no option or way to gain your thaughts but to reup on your chemical thaughts and happiness.this porcelien dome has monoplied emotion and the only cure is more...
580 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by SinacleMe (WillIamm)