Submissions by SamuelJWeaver (Johnny Stefanski)
The Mason And The Milk-Maiden
A mid-May morn’ where shining bright the day
Did climb with downy, flitt’rng wings, away
From night defeated. Fool is not the great
And wisest fire who seeks once more to sate
Both mighty tree and humble weed in like
And equal measures – gracious so, his strike
Upon the fertile land, that man and mouse
And bird and bug can dine within his house
Without deception. Though the creep of shade
Does lengthen slow and languidly to wade
From ‘neath the earth, the shining, open heart
Shall keep a golden hand on guard, impart
Its sympathies throughout and...
Did climb with downy, flitt’rng wings, away
From night defeated. Fool is not the great
And wisest fire who seeks once more to sate
Both mighty tree and humble weed in like
And equal measures – gracious so, his strike
Upon the fertile land, that man and mouse
And bird and bug can dine within his house
Without deception. Though the creep of shade
Does lengthen slow and languidly to wade
From ‘neath the earth, the shining, open heart
Shall keep a golden hand on guard, impart
Its sympathies throughout and...
617 reads
Ode To Stanage Edge
Great guardian watch o’er your empire wide
Where copses dot the climbing slopes which sway
Beneath the gentle breath of clouds. The tide
Of grassy, bleating farms in grand display
Do shelter, nestled in magnif’cent shade
Of violet, sleeping in your sweeping arm
Where grouse and voles are wont to skip and stones
Which lay upon your side, so deftly made
By coarse and common hands, sit witness, calm
And lasting so, to ancient, prudent tones.
Where copses dot the climbing slopes which sway
Beneath the gentle breath of clouds. The tide
Of grassy, bleating farms in grand display
Do shelter, nestled in magnif’cent shade
Of violet, sleeping in your sweeping arm
Where grouse and voles are wont to skip and stones
Which lay upon your side, so deftly made
By coarse and common hands, sit witness, calm
And lasting so, to ancient, prudent tones.
653 reads
White And Red, or Niepodlego
Above the shouts and smiles the eagle flies
All dressed in white and red. With beating wings
And pounding heart, the pride of Poland swells
Like waves throughout our sacred land – we keep
The fruit of patriots forever ripe
And sweet! So sing, my fellow countrymen!
For fathers, sons and life we fought – today
We are one nation great again, so dance
My fellow countrymen! The Tatras to
The Baltic sea, the country speaks as one.
Yet bow your heads, my fellow countrymen,
For sacrifice does walk with us today.
The graves of soldiers slowly...
All dressed in white and red. With beating wings
And pounding heart, the pride of Poland swells
Like waves throughout our sacred land – we keep
The fruit of patriots forever ripe
And sweet! So sing, my fellow countrymen!
For fathers, sons and life we fought – today
We are one nation great again, so dance
My fellow countrymen! The Tatras to
The Baltic sea, the country speaks as one.
Yet bow your heads, my fellow countrymen,
For sacrifice does walk with us today.
The graves of soldiers slowly...
573 reads
Ode On The Murder
One chill November morn I spied a cloud
As black as tar which, perched upon a bough
Nearby, would cackle, caw and cry aloud
Disturbing lines to mock and disavow
All ease. With shining eyes - abyssal spheres,
Such pitch and opaque pearls – they grin
In silent verdict, toying with my peace.
They flit and stalk their way about with spears
For bills and endless shawling wings – therein
The horror reigns and nevermore shall cease.
As black as tar which, perched upon a bough
Nearby, would cackle, caw and cry aloud
Disturbing lines to mock and disavow
All ease. With shining eyes - abyssal spheres,
Such pitch and opaque pearls – they grin
In silent verdict, toying with my peace.
They flit and stalk their way about with spears
For bills and endless shawling wings – therein
The horror reigns and nevermore shall cease.
589 reads
1 Comment
Alpha And Omega
When ages in our world were young,
And man stepped lightly ‘round,
For fear of waking sleeping beasts,
So they talked without a sound.
God of Wisdom, God of Love,
Both fought for upper hand,
But when the world was cleav’d in two,
They each took share of land.
North was split from centre rift,
And South was much the same,
Yet each still fought for triumph’s praise,
For she was theirs to claim.
Wisdom South and Love was North,
There is no reason why
Should one prefer one portion,
For they both...
When ages in our world were young,
And man stepped lightly ‘round,
For fear of waking sleeping beasts,
So they talked without a sound.
God of Wisdom, God of Love,
Both fought for upper hand,
But when the world was cleav’d in two,
They each took share of land.
North was split from centre rift,
And South was much the same,
Yet each still fought for triumph’s praise,
For she was theirs to claim.
Wisdom South and Love was North,
There is no reason why
Should one prefer one portion,
For they both...
794 reads
Harlequins And Dragonflies
Twirling silently like falling petals
In a breeze, a flash of white and blue and green,
All mixing in the palette nature tenders.
Harlequins and dragonflies will dance,
Relinquishing all innocence into the sky.
In a breeze, a flash of white and blue and green,
All mixing in the palette nature tenders.
Harlequins and dragonflies will dance,
Relinquishing all innocence into the sky.
514 reads
Sanctus, A Homeric Satire
O cruel light! Plague me not so with your stark
Intensity! Though glad I am the dark
Ghosts you chase away, be not pitiless
On my pain. That you do forever dress
My waking with unbridled beams and sights
Am I not ungrateful, a demon fights
With all ferocity within the strong,
Compacted confines of my mind, I long
For the embrace whence you brought me. Be great
In your great gift and release me yet late
From the bounteous endowments I lay
Peacefully among. Such visions were they!
Such delightful folly in their tender
Grasp! Vindictive! You...
Intensity! Though glad I am the dark
Ghosts you chase away, be not pitiless
On my pain. That you do forever dress
My waking with unbridled beams and sights
Am I not ungrateful, a demon fights
With all ferocity within the strong,
Compacted confines of my mind, I long
For the embrace whence you brought me. Be great
In your great gift and release me yet late
From the bounteous endowments I lay
Peacefully among. Such visions were they!
Such delightful folly in their tender
Grasp! Vindictive! You...
601 reads
1 Comment
The Sword Shall Call The Mountain
The sword shall call the mountain when the loud
Metallic thunder crash of hilt and proud
Blade on uncomforting stone echoes down
The narrow cobbled streets of the old town.
The sword shall call the mountain when some strife
So mortally awesome threatens the life
Of a noble, sturdy and ancient land –
A call to arms so fierce and great, the hand
Which invasion feeds will flinch and start back.
The steel of Sigismund the old will crack
Stone with dancing and melodious tune
And make rise the southern giant! Rock, hewn
And cleft and broken and...
Metallic thunder crash of hilt and proud
Blade on uncomforting stone echoes down
The narrow cobbled streets of the old town.
The sword shall call the mountain when some strife
So mortally awesome threatens the life
Of a noble, sturdy and ancient land –
A call to arms so fierce and great, the hand
Which invasion feeds will flinch and start back.
The steel of Sigismund the old will crack
Stone with dancing and melodious tune
And make rise the southern giant! Rock, hewn
And cleft and broken and...
524 reads
Transconscious Gravity
Beyond the great grey curtain hang the wise
Old stratospherical eyes that freeze trans-
Cosmic. Boiling winds and silver death whip
Carnivorously crushing the voidless
Form of time and space to render it forgotten.
Old stratospherical eyes that freeze trans-
Cosmic. Boiling winds and silver death whip
Carnivorously crushing the voidless
Form of time and space to render it forgotten.
619 reads
The Dalíphant
A monolith full fifty men in height
With strides full hundred long. Hide as coarse
As scorching leather take the beast in light
And gentle steps across the barren land,
Where crystal tusks and diamond gaze command.
Vast sigils, glyphs and symbols from a source
Unknown and clandestine. Their jointed limbs,
Like legs of giant spiders, twitch and force
The Dalíphant along, directing sheer,
Unwav’ring poise wherever they might steer.
With strides full hundred long. Hide as coarse
As scorching leather take the beast in light
And gentle steps across the barren land,
Where crystal tusks and diamond gaze command.
Vast sigils, glyphs and symbols from a source
Unknown and clandestine. Their jointed limbs,
Like legs of giant spiders, twitch and force
The Dalíphant along, directing sheer,
Unwav’ring poise wherever they might steer.
623 reads
Il Doge Di Venezia - III - April 4th

815 reads
Il Doge Di Venezia - II - April 3rd
My trusted friend Sir Matthew Greatcock met
Me on this morning. Cool and calm and in-
Offensive was the weather, breezes sighed
Across my path and playful sun would dance,
Illuminating Venice – cadence whirled
With cadence round the streets and cobbled lanes.
The water in the rivers sang a tune
To my arrival, pretty as the day
Which greeted me itself.
A rest I had
A short’ning while for I was greatly tired.
The ride from Nottingham was long and slow
And rough upon my brittle bones, although
Wild fancy took me by the hand and led
Me on this morning. Cool and calm and in-
Offensive was the weather, breezes sighed
Across my path and playful sun would dance,
Illuminating Venice – cadence whirled
With cadence round the streets and cobbled lanes.
The water in the rivers sang a tune
To my arrival, pretty as the day
Which greeted me itself.
A rest I had
A short’ning while for I was greatly tired.
The ride from Nottingham was long and slow
And rough upon my brittle bones, although
Wild fancy took me by the hand and led
532 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by SamuelJWeaver (Johnny Stefanski)