Submissions by Ryan (MONK)
Poet Introduction
I enjoy to write a positive message hidden into the poetry with deep meaning , So others can dive deep into it then catch a ride on a wave of my vibes and ride on with life with a different view & outlook.
Dawn rises
The Dawn early morning embraces a beautiful start as the sun evaporates the early morning dew off grass and plant's , The earth's soil and soul is instilled for the moment and again restored with vital needs, giving regeneration for the day's light and graceful healthy air to the lung's , the moonlight glows with a light in a different way, dawn's the cycle of love and light that goes round and round a neverending cycle destin to be profound.
489 reads
5th dimension sunlight
A preception of time vauled as gold, stored away in the mind, vibe's and feelings interwinding with the present time in the current moment , reliving memory's in the later timeline of life's neverending story, feeling then & now come together as one.
457 reads
Story line in the sky
The sky plays out in time for the eyes to see, ascension of where i am & what life has in store for me , A mystic feeling through the air , the clouds form beautiful images through my mind,Visually escaping reality , seeing truth in my future time line of life, trumpets being played , a castle stands strong, ships are sailing ,while the soul of a baby waiting to be born carry on in the detail of the clouds , all these things easing the soul & sparking life with love, a true story to unfold worth all the more then gold.
457 reads
Mind Drifter
Seemly pondering the minds pure thoughts & intentions, seeking wisdom through life experience , a raising of the soul with grace from the heart , the body acting as the mind to store knowledge for activation of celebration, in this journey there will be many positive creations , soul sparking correlations, many expectations of pure elevation, heart & soul as one as we reach for perfection to where we left off & what's soon to become.
522 reads
Reflecting time in the mirror
Mirror reflecting a time line of your life in the present like a projector wheel , One big story with a slideshow of past life images seen through the eyes, The windows of the soul, All thoughts like images shuddering as one as the wheels of life turn, They are all but what they are , stills from the past set in motion in the present like a flip page book with just one look everything starts to move & come to life in play in living color , life flashing befor your eyes then after still alive & fine, just a reminder of standing still in time.
458 reads
Leaving again for nyc
Leaving it all behind once again, As I step on the china town bus on the highway to hell to escape a hell that I was already in, I step off the bus in the middle of the night in the cold streets of the lower east side for my last and final time to be greeted by a friend that made it all happen, the walk was short & sweet blazing cigarettes that were missed out on the bus on the long ride urging me to use my feet walking on no sleep from popping uppers it felt good to hit the night time streets on Christmas eve, I get inside & walk up flights of stairs to the top of the squat where...
503 reads
Tranzit of time
transforming of times, An open veil upon the sky , the minds eye travels at light speed as light codes saturate the body, The connection made with the multiverse , an innovated thought projected & always with good intent of upliftment & enlightment enjoyment.
514 reads
The Dark Basement (true story)
laying on the ground in the basement of a lower east side squat in New York city , Angel dust still trickling in my system from the previous day , making imprints of the haunted building come to life, I lay down to hear blood curdling sounds & screams as the building is breathing with me & sending messages to me with direct contact , sounds you can not pass of to be nothing other then what it is in the moment , a bit weary of what lurks upstairs above me , I get up from it all & wait till dawn to rise as shadow figures pass outside, tired & drained I step out on the street to...
529 reads
Shackles being broken from distant times , unlocked into a free world of infinite beyond creation of inspiration by infractions of past multiple memory's all combined into a pure blissful feeling of the all knowing love , a broken heart beats like a kick drum on & on goes on forever like the burning sun, the plants being in unity as one being of pure nature , as the animals sing & run , the freedom for my soul has just begun.
629 reads
Time of enlightment
Expectation of expanded time in peace with peaceful thoughts & vibes, Beautiful blue sky's as I drive far away in my mind, sympathetic thoughts for all of the kind drifts blissfully with pure love & peace of mind, an abundant manifestation of deep divine creation blooms gracefully through the hour glass of this fast pace but long beautiful time of life , devastation of anything s from the past that didn't seem right , simply drifts off my shoulders, quietly still relaxing on a clear night , Jam packed thoughts & memory just run through my head , sifting out the times when in...
503 reads
Pain of rain
Rain & hail shatter the ground with dark skies above , bringing air so fresh & so clean for the senses, tears of pain wash away the toxins of darkness , creating plants & wildlife to flourish, for nature to sing along in unity with a essence of moving forward interconnected like vines traveling up a tree.
499 reads
Darkness Brings Light
Desolation of earths planet, Light children spread throughout the planets wasteland for the uplifting of all, rooting existence in every country, bringing light to any dark, transforming anything with a hint of stardust, turning around selfish ways as greed or lust, ashes to ashes dust to dust , there's plenty of space to grow together for all of us.
476 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Ryan (MONK)