Submissions by PenelopeM
I take pleasure in pissing you off.
After all you have done to me, your anger is my satisfaction.
So, you may get your steak...stake, but I'll be eating my peanut butter sandwich with bananas. That is what you tell them, right?
After all you have done to me, your anger is my satisfaction.
So, you may get your steak...stake, but I'll be eating my peanut butter sandwich with bananas. That is what you tell them, right?
55 reads
Trail Of Intuition
The day your hands decided to pound the drums, ancestors made sure everyone was listening.
Their language echoing through mighty oaks, confusing English thoughts.
Wrap her in the beautiful Buffalo hide, she's tired and full of broken.
What, Sitting Bull, did you study the stars while in heaven and use them as stepping stones to cross the plains of time?
Lay her in the Tipi that sits by the waters edge, where the warm wind can blow her bad memories away, cradling the little girl inside, like a child laying in her mothers arms.
As the frog sings a new hope for Spring...
Their language echoing through mighty oaks, confusing English thoughts.
Wrap her in the beautiful Buffalo hide, she's tired and full of broken.
What, Sitting Bull, did you study the stars while in heaven and use them as stepping stones to cross the plains of time?
Lay her in the Tipi that sits by the waters edge, where the warm wind can blow her bad memories away, cradling the little girl inside, like a child laying in her mothers arms.
As the frog sings a new hope for Spring...
68 reads
Oh Yes She Did
It seems to be a "pick me" generation.
Soft words on lonely ears, giving way to temptation.
Bended weak knees, handing over beautiful flowers.
Begging for love in the midst of cold showers.
Don't you know your worth, don't you know your strength?
Men are to be leaders not simps in the ranks.
Even if you are lonely, don't let your heart be torn, a real man should be loved, not just a prisoner of war.
Soft words on lonely ears, giving way to temptation.
Bended weak knees, handing over beautiful flowers.
Begging for love in the midst of cold showers.
Don't you know your worth, don't you know your strength?
Men are to be leaders not simps in the ranks.
Even if you are lonely, don't let your heart be torn, a real man should be loved, not just a prisoner of war.
75 reads
Tootsie Roll
Laying the sweet stuff strategically in the path of hungry mice.
Where they willingly eat of everything, hoping their worship and perverted gratitude of leftovers from her seductive mouth gives them an advantage to occupancy within her mattress.
Where they make their nests and wait on crumbs.
Where they willingly eat of everything, hoping their worship and perverted gratitude of leftovers from her seductive mouth gives them an advantage to occupancy within her mattress.
Where they make their nests and wait on crumbs.
66 reads
Hat Man
He spends his time lurking in dark shadows of corner closets.
His hat wide brimmed in felt, his cloak always covering his body.
Few, or maybe many have seen him through out the ages.
Gripping hearts with fear, his silent presence intimidating.
I remember one night, at a tent revival, the preacher talking to him after service, he told a few in the congregation the next night that the man didn't have a face. I seen him, well only his backside anyways, I was about 5 years old, as the preacher was talking to him just at the edges of the arena,...
His hat wide brimmed in felt, his cloak always covering his body.
Few, or maybe many have seen him through out the ages.
Gripping hearts with fear, his silent presence intimidating.
I remember one night, at a tent revival, the preacher talking to him after service, he told a few in the congregation the next night that the man didn't have a face. I seen him, well only his backside anyways, I was about 5 years old, as the preacher was talking to him just at the edges of the arena,...
#love #redemption
#love #redemption
94 reads
Looking Up
There is an old path, it's beautiful there, where your feet have weathered the thorns for me.
I'm sorry you weathered the thorns for me. ❤️
I'm sorry you weathered the thorns for me. ❤️
106 reads
A wooden spoke in a wheel of gold.
A broken bone in a body fitly jointed.
A beautiful white blanket dawning a deep blue ink stain.
I stand on the outside of the tank, fear gripping my heart that I might disturb the waters in which there is life.
I take my stance in the middle so as to not tip the scales either way, id rather hurt than to see someone else hurt.
This balancing act, is in fact no act, it's life or death to me.
A broken bone in a body fitly jointed.
A beautiful white blanket dawning a deep blue ink stain.
I stand on the outside of the tank, fear gripping my heart that I might disturb the waters in which there is life.
I take my stance in the middle so as to not tip the scales either way, id rather hurt than to see someone else hurt.
This balancing act, is in fact no act, it's life or death to me.
118 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by PenelopeM