Submissions by Mad_Girl (Miss Kay)
Poet Introduction
Ah, so you too find comfort with pen and paper? I am glad to know that I am not the only one. Stop by for a chat sometime. - Sincerely, Miss Kay
Save You
". . .How do I save you?
How do I set you free?
Behind the curtain, waits a darker world.
If I can't make you leave, how do I save you from. . ."
Stay away--
Oh my love so many years have gone by in which we both have wanted and pined for the other. But now that we can be together, I turn away from you and now you must see the otherside of my disorder. You must see the bitterness behind the loving heart you so fondly adore. You must see what I use to save for the evil villians in my life, and now I must allow this demon to creep out of the cracks...
How do I set you free?
Behind the curtain, waits a darker world.
If I can't make you leave, how do I save you from. . ."
Stay away--
Oh my love so many years have gone by in which we both have wanted and pined for the other. But now that we can be together, I turn away from you and now you must see the otherside of my disorder. You must see the bitterness behind the loving heart you so fondly adore. You must see what I use to save for the evil villians in my life, and now I must allow this demon to creep out of the cracks...
1162 reads
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My Sucidal History
To be suicidal or not be suicidal?-- That is the question.
When the truth is, one does not become suicidal because they want to, one does not wake up one day and try on Manic Depression as if it were a new skin that they needed to see fit right. The truth is, my suicidal thoughts stem back to the root of my childhood when I would wonder if the fall from the oak tree would kill me, or how many bones would I break if I jumped from the second floor window of my apartment? Oh yes, I thought about it daily, the carving knives became icons of self-indulgence, the darkness that hung...
When the truth is, one does not become suicidal because they want to, one does not wake up one day and try on Manic Depression as if it were a new skin that they needed to see fit right. The truth is, my suicidal thoughts stem back to the root of my childhood when I would wonder if the fall from the oak tree would kill me, or how many bones would I break if I jumped from the second floor window of my apartment? Oh yes, I thought about it daily, the carving knives became icons of self-indulgence, the darkness that hung...
1275 reads
L'Inconnue (Unknown Woman)
I remember the morning, it was foggy out that day.
Like many mornings in Paris, France where I lived-- Or more where I was kept prisoner.
My name is Anne, I have no last name-- At least not anymore.
I have been the servant of a cruel man, for many years now and here I am standing on the bridge, above the River Siene on this lovely morning.
I wear a simple white gown, as do most young women when they will being attending their funeral, you wear something white-- Lace that makes you look as if you are going into a peaceful sleep-- That is what I shall be...
Like many mornings in Paris, France where I lived-- Or more where I was kept prisoner.
My name is Anne, I have no last name-- At least not anymore.
I have been the servant of a cruel man, for many years now and here I am standing on the bridge, above the River Siene on this lovely morning.
I wear a simple white gown, as do most young women when they will being attending their funeral, you wear something white-- Lace that makes you look as if you are going into a peaceful sleep-- That is what I shall be...
753 reads
God Help Me

1711 reads
Pretty Little Thing
Aren't I a pretty little thing?
For the soft hair that people love to pet, love to touch, love to comb their fingers through.
For the beautiful eyes that with a couple of bats of the lashes have men on their knees, hypnotized by my gaze.
For the perfectly pale skin that makes the slightest compliment noticable with the red blush that stains my marble colored skin.
The slender body that I hide with heavy, baggy clothes so that I may hide my body from the eyes of the men who want to stare and gawk at it.
These men are the ones that follow me around...
For the soft hair that people love to pet, love to touch, love to comb their fingers through.
For the beautiful eyes that with a couple of bats of the lashes have men on their knees, hypnotized by my gaze.
For the perfectly pale skin that makes the slightest compliment noticable with the red blush that stains my marble colored skin.
The slender body that I hide with heavy, baggy clothes so that I may hide my body from the eyes of the men who want to stare and gawk at it.
These men are the ones that follow me around...
1171 reads
I Have Known Love
I have known love.
Known the love that is married for 15 years
and then unravels in violence and tears.
I have known love.
Known love that calls you it's child
and then leaves you with nothing
but a rope to hang yourself.
Because you are nothing but a disappointment.
I have known love.
Known love that no matter how
precious is frowned upon by society.
I have known love.
Known love that cradles you only to steal
the innocence from inside your heart.
I have known love.
Known the love that is married for 15 years
and then unravels in violence and tears.
I have known love.
Known love that calls you it's child
and then leaves you with nothing
but a rope to hang yourself.
Because you are nothing but a disappointment.
I have known love.
Known love that no matter how
precious is frowned upon by society.
I have known love.
Known love that cradles you only to steal
the innocence from inside your heart.
I have known love.
1377 reads
F.A.T. (Female Anorexia Trigger)
90 pounds of skin and bone still looking in the mirror and seeing a girl who is over weight and fat. I'm not exactly thin, am I? The girl in the mirror isn't that for sure, when was that last time I ate? Oh right I had three crackers for breakfast this morning-- It's only 9:00 at night now and my stomach has resulted to eating itself, it's not hungry anymore. I've been doing this for months, and it's scary how just a couple of random comments from people have made me do this to myself. Why haven't I loss weight, why do I still look fat when I look in the mirror? Why do I feel fat when I eat...
1076 reads
Still not a bit tired yet.
They say an average person should get six to eight hourse of sleep.
Well if I suppose I am not average since I am still awake.
I cannot sleep.
Not here.
Not now.
What is wrong with me?
I only sleep with people I love and so that is why I would suffer from insomnia today-- Tonight, I don't even know anymore.
Still not tired.
Even though my eyes beg me to let them close.
Maybe I don't want to.
Maybe I'm afraid to.
Still not a bit tired yet.
They say an average person should get six to eight hourse of sleep.
Well if I suppose I am not average since I am still awake.
I cannot sleep.
Not here.
Not now.
What is wrong with me?
I only sleep with people I love and so that is why I would suffer from insomnia today-- Tonight, I don't even know anymore.
Still not tired.
Even though my eyes beg me to let them close.
Maybe I don't want to.
Maybe I'm afraid to.
869 reads
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The Stolen Child
Blood-- bleeding.
Why is this happening?
It's not time.
I scream.
I cry.
The doctors whisper.
I hate when they do that.
Something's wrong.
I can't feel my child move.
What happen?
What did they do?
"We're sorry miss-- but is seems you've miscarriaged."
Not another baby died.
Don't let me lose another oh dear Lord, why?
I lay there alone as the child's lifeless body was removed.
And then I cry because I don't know what to do.
And then in a brilliant ray of light, a faerie appeared....
Why is this happening?
It's not time.
I scream.
I cry.
The doctors whisper.
I hate when they do that.
Something's wrong.
I can't feel my child move.
What happen?
What did they do?
"We're sorry miss-- but is seems you've miscarriaged."
Not another baby died.
Don't let me lose another oh dear Lord, why?
I lay there alone as the child's lifeless body was removed.
And then I cry because I don't know what to do.
And then in a brilliant ray of light, a faerie appeared....
840 reads
Some Very Good Advice
To my Children:
I am your mother, reason you are here. I am your savior and judgement depends on what I teach you through the years. Let me tell you somethings, about me that I do not hold with pride. Things that I want you to know, some very good advice. I was fifteen when my family broke apart, my father leaving my mother and I, her with a broken heart and me with a broken mind. Nothing in life is to be feared is to only be understood, my father I could never understand and so instead I feared him but now I hate him so. For leaving me in this world, cold and alone. My mother was no...
I am your mother, reason you are here. I am your savior and judgement depends on what I teach you through the years. Let me tell you somethings, about me that I do not hold with pride. Things that I want you to know, some very good advice. I was fifteen when my family broke apart, my father leaving my mother and I, her with a broken heart and me with a broken mind. Nothing in life is to be feared is to only be understood, my father I could never understand and so instead I feared him but now I hate him so. For leaving me in this world, cold and alone. My mother was no...
894 reads
Unborn Child
To my Unborn Child that I never got to hold,
It's been a few years since that day that I had you removed from inside me. I know that you were a gift but you were not suppse to happen when you did. I love you and I regret what I did to this day, I even tried to join you but the world needed me to stay. I do not know if you were a boy or girl, it was too soon to tell but I love you still and I hope that you're doing well. I may not believe in God like I should, but for a little baby I think I could. I know you're in heaven and you're safe in an angel's arms, born again to someone who...
It's been a few years since that day that I had you removed from inside me. I know that you were a gift but you were not suppse to happen when you did. I love you and I regret what I did to this day, I even tried to join you but the world needed me to stay. I do not know if you were a boy or girl, it was too soon to tell but I love you still and I hope that you're doing well. I may not believe in God like I should, but for a little baby I think I could. I know you're in heaven and you're safe in an angel's arms, born again to someone who...
1020 reads
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Rant II
Who are you? I do not recognize the face that I proclaimed vows to not too long ago. Who are you now, this is not the man that I married because all I see is a fist smashing into me and making me fall to the ground, where I shall bleed like I have many times before this in my life. This isn't what I asked for, this battle in which I am never the one with the upper hand. I did not know that the things that I do and the things that I say could be pointed as evidence of me being a harlet, and so I shall bow my head to you Good Sir, and wear a scarlet 'A' on my apparel for all the world to know...
816 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Mad_Girl (Miss Kay)