Submissions by LokiOfLiterati
Poet Introduction
I am the awakening of what shouldn't be. I am just a glimpse of the future.
In now news
As long as this dystopian New Normal shit is some kinda new permanent part of the national consciousness then maybe just for kicks we should stop letting science name Covid variants after Greek letters anymore. Maybe we should switch to Babylonian/Sumerian letters. That way instead of Omicron or Decepticon or other Michael Bay villain variants we can let scientists battle it out with eldritch abomination variants. Let’s make 2022 the Tim Burton era of science instead of the Mystery Science Theatre Era (If Loki of Literati were in charge of public health policy)
467 reads
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Brain Drain
Mistress giving brain is a sentience merger / A sense disturber / Tense and turgid / A pair of crows on a wire: attempted murder / Loki was sent to take shit further / Circles evolve / Berserker jaw / Espionage / Expressing the raw / The depths I saw / Never forget / Illlicit spit won’t pause / Lyrical law infractions / Equal and ri-cock-lous reaction / Drooling masses and their factions / Lacking the RAM and vernacular feed / Can't understand my words but the intuned still felt me / ‘Stead of blank stares like Dracula examining a selfie / Ahead and aware enough to put the Library of...
382 reads
On the now
Higher alignment on the now / When did science take a bow? / Fucking cheeseburgers from sacred cows / The space endowed / The dangerous pace / When baseless philosophy races to escape velocity / Revolving like Revenge of Shel Silverstein’s Giving Tree / Evolving never came free / Letting it all be with a lap full of mistress’s feet on some small beach / Remarkably finding a start to infinity / Every article a particle reminiscent of lucidity / Like the sparkle that glistens on unshaven pussy
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Late flow
Whole fucking map got bugged when Atlas Shrugged / Trading slugs / Psychotropic drugs / As below, so above / Steel hand, velvet glove / Grand entrance with the cascade of doves / Just fucking ‘cuz / All of us stuck doing what we does / Liberty is a pirate’s buzz / Higher shit / Firespit is spherical / Spycraft in the lyrical / Lipstick on a mirror? Or blood on a wall? / Muddy Waterfalls / My ink blotter saw it all / On the brink neo-sapiens evolve
324 reads
Second Renaissance
Fuck riding the rails; I’ll hurdle a train for the syrup of my pain / Purple Rain / Merge into the dirtiest lane / I heard that’s where they found my brain / Nerd games / Betting on myself is wagering against shame / Every player has a third dame / Epiphany or Pandora’s usually her bedroom name / Headroom gains / Like the mushroom’s holy flame / Every year humans grow more tame / Those the cultural purges don’t claim / Until only superlatives remain / Autograph with a pearly stain / The second Renaissance spurred by raising cain / So early it came / You heard it from Loki first; / By the end...
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Just a f**king joke, yo
No preamble, fuck it / Teach your kids: This used to be a republic / Blame The Usual Suspects / Conveniently they always stay around / Is the world still our American playground? / Reagan babies / Raised by punk rock used to salute when they hung the flag upside down / Now we approve of puppets and clowns / Geriatric prop up wearing the crown / Bounds of Seers / Digital towns and tiers / Sounds so much nearer / Being clearer / Like peering at a mirror / And only seeing a sheet of glass peering back / Adapt up / Stack the touch / Fast luck route / “Fuck!” is the plural of “Ouch” / The...
473 reads
Turning pages
When crows attack / Scarecrow at the pulpit / Pharaohs with skulls to sip / Arrows with diamond tips / Narrow mindfulness / Bandalero of bullets and baby doll heads / Loki will pause when Noah’s dead / Evolve past the misled / Credit to the inner hardened broken child / Cloak of the wild / Slippery slope to a trope pile / Freestyle subliminally / Milestones get shimmery / Old black belts surrounding me are all walking piles of injuries / Wily guile unhurried / So life’s trials find me unworried / Curry a riddle for the sages / Blurry but I’ll whittle it in stages / These Middle Ages / Turn so...
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The new old times
Rays of a cold sun / Between the days of old and the nights that’re still young / Playing for screams and cream from a Möbius tongue / Stunning tracks / Slumbering through tesseract / Intelligence laughs when relevance adapts / A knack for these jewels / Clapping back at fools / Snapping that Crazy, Sexy, Cool / Graduate of Stray Cat school / Lost somewhere between the Golden Rule and “Leviticus: Thou shalt not harvest embryonic stem cells for Alzheimer’s Research” / All time reversed / Unwind unrehearsed blasts / Blinded when the first becomes the last / Mindful of thirst traps / The curse...
371 reads
Infinite hail
Talking through technique / Walking what I preach on any street / Any spot, always feel the beat / Real recognizes real / Indiscrete geek unpeels any spiel / What’s the deal? / Just another layer / Onion flavored life / Slayer slices with literary device / Like Musashi used a pen to bite / And Machiavelli took it as a lark to bark / Starts and stops / Bob Lazar and those shots in the park / Fucking Sublime with “What I got” / Hip Hop like rain drops / Tips my cranium from the bottom half / To top hat rabbit tricks / Oral acrobatic shit / Portal to stacks of graphic quips / At the tap of a...
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Inner worlds
I’ve said before / If we’re going to Culture War / So vultures can turn our best into bores / Intellect into swords / Ideology enforced / Tribal psychology weaponized forth? / Then cool. I’ll be the working class Oliver North / Good to do business forward / Bear witness to the whole course / Cerebral fitness in force / Shit that implores 56 steps further / Illicit jests merge / Every breath ahead of the social curve / The rest of Time is fluid so I rhyme submerged / Divine urge / Turgid disturber / Murderous cranium tracks / Someone talk nerdy to me / I’d rather maintain that / Brains in...
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Cerebral blast
Sentence medicine rains on me from brain clouds / Until Mother Nature cashes her investment out / Loudly switching code / Never outmoded / Mouth of gold / Mount escapes and holds / Road to riches / Flowing explicit quips / Rolling illicit and with it / Invoke the Galileo of social physics / Kick off the slipknots / Drip drop / Ticking clock groove / A lot of truth is spiced with a little wrong / Riddles and psalms / Word is bond / Strong beliefs / Your mom’s thong between my teeth / Indiscrete technique geek / Has within reach / Experience to leak / From completely clearing interference / A...
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Beachside views
To the fine-ass milf meditating on the beach just now:
So much skin / Lotus position / Lotioning up a whim / Peace and Samsara / My beast and your sports bra / Releases the orchestra / Of fucking lightning in a bottle / But word I’d only disrupt your enlightenment model / A delightful sight for invoking my synergy / But I don’t play Woke so I won’t talk to you “about your energy.” / Thanks for the high note and a quick beachside reverie
So much skin / Lotus position / Lotioning up a whim / Peace and Samsara / My beast and your sports bra / Releases the orchestra / Of fucking lightning in a bottle / But word I’d only disrupt your enlightenment model / A delightful sight for invoking my synergy / But I don’t play Woke so I won’t talk to you “about your energy.” / Thanks for the high note and a quick beachside reverie
456 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by LokiOfLiterati