Submissions by ElLayBee_Lab (ELAyBee)
Poet Introduction
Words are weapons of love...and I'm commiting aggravated assault.
Danger's Fruit by Elaybee (figure out the metaphor)
Danger’s Fruit
by: ElayBee
Your-- your mystique aroma,
oh pleasant smell!
Avidly, you graze upon my hungry soul,
Fed by everlasting pastures of temptations,
Meanwhile, I am your audience.
Embraced are the leaves,
which disguise your foreboding intentions,
as I proceed to harvest your pitch,
your fruit.
you replace the feeling of seclusion,
for you become a cherished companion.
And in you I bestow my trust,
for I am banished, by...
by: ElayBee
Your-- your mystique aroma,
oh pleasant smell!
Avidly, you graze upon my hungry soul,
Fed by everlasting pastures of temptations,
Meanwhile, I am your audience.
Embraced are the leaves,
which disguise your foreboding intentions,
as I proceed to harvest your pitch,
your fruit.
you replace the feeling of seclusion,
for you become a cherished companion.
And in you I bestow my trust,
for I am banished, by...
622 reads
French Kissing Your 2nd lips
![restricted poem](/images/extremecontent.jpg)
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DU Poetry : Submissions by ElLayBee_Lab (ELAyBee)