Submissions by David_Macleod (14397816)
Poet Introduction
Not Such A Brave New World Order
Human existence was never the same
no one knew who was ultimately to blame
Mans tinkering and defiance of natures laws
all of humanity did what they did, just because
realizing her power but choosing to ignore it
seemed to conflate our sentence to a world of shit
it was shit for quite a while for everyone, even us
The 2020 American Civil War turned millions into dust
the Stars and Stripes flying over a burned-out muscle car
their self-destruction predictable but still bizarre
they happily quick marched to their own demise ...
no one knew who was ultimately to blame
Mans tinkering and defiance of natures laws
all of humanity did what they did, just because
realizing her power but choosing to ignore it
seemed to conflate our sentence to a world of shit
it was shit for quite a while for everyone, even us
The 2020 American Civil War turned millions into dust
the Stars and Stripes flying over a burned-out muscle car
their self-destruction predictable but still bizarre
they happily quick marched to their own demise ...
693 reads
There Will Be Blood - A tribute to the 4th of October
too late for even tossing a coin
tacking a chance rolling the dice
several warnings had been given
but not inwardly fuckin digested
you witnessed the European downfall
and the destruction of Great Britain
Your turn was bound to come up
sooner or later; luck will not be involved
Pleading ignorance will not save you
pledging allegiance will not save you
Previous loyalties will be ignored
previous support promises will be broken
everyone becomes a target for someone
the fascists on the left or on the right
will go to war...
tacking a chance rolling the dice
several warnings had been given
but not inwardly fuckin digested
you witnessed the European downfall
and the destruction of Great Britain
Your turn was bound to come up
sooner or later; luck will not be involved
Pleading ignorance will not save you
pledging allegiance will not save you
Previous loyalties will be ignored
previous support promises will be broken
everyone becomes a target for someone
the fascists on the left or on the right
will go to war...
651 reads
No - (A Haiku)
No!" To moving on
Can not be done by one who
Professed a true love
Can not be done by one who
Professed a true love
632 reads
The Many Become Few
So Many have left and for good reason
so many missing, important voices
tossed aside regardless of fault or not
DU is merely a shadow of its former self
those who look at it through honest eyes
know what they have really done
even if the deny any wrong-doing
claiming innocence whilst fully recognising
their obvious guilt laden complicity
these crocodiles happily smile
but crocodiles are not to be trusted
when they bite the bite down hard
regardless of injury or indeed, death
they kill for amusement working as a team
so many missing, important voices
tossed aside regardless of fault or not
DU is merely a shadow of its former self
those who look at it through honest eyes
know what they have really done
even if the deny any wrong-doing
claiming innocence whilst fully recognising
their obvious guilt laden complicity
these crocodiles happily smile
but crocodiles are not to be trusted
when they bite the bite down hard
regardless of injury or indeed, death
they kill for amusement working as a team
676 reads
By the power
of bipolar
and PTSD
my mind is crippled
by the power
of 3 amputations
I am a cripple
by the power of
constant pain
my life is crippled
By the power
of good genetics
my soul fearlessly fights
every waking hour
by the power
of my ancestors
My spirit is strong
as is my resolve
to stay on the path
to enlightenment
by the power
Of my Guru
he keeps me
on the straight and narrow
By the power
of meditation
I am whole again
of bipolar
and PTSD
my mind is crippled
by the power
of 3 amputations
I am a cripple
by the power of
constant pain
my life is crippled
By the power
of good genetics
my soul fearlessly fights
every waking hour
by the power
of my ancestors
My spirit is strong
as is my resolve
to stay on the path
to enlightenment
by the power
Of my Guru
he keeps me
on the straight and narrow
By the power
of meditation
I am whole again
699 reads
The world of humanity
Is a tired, old hospice
Of the mind,
A deathly prison
We in the main
Sleepwalking the
Death march
Quickening our
Journey to the grave
When you read this message
You may think 'This is not for you'
Very much on the contrary
This is exactly what
You need to hear
It is time
Those claiming power
And wisdom, are truly,
Powerless over us
Their wisdom is
Idiotic mesmerism
Those who ascribe
Weakness to themselves
Are in the deepest ...
Is a tired, old hospice
Of the mind,
A deathly prison
We in the main
Sleepwalking the
Death march
Quickening our
Journey to the grave
When you read this message
You may think 'This is not for you'
Very much on the contrary
This is exactly what
You need to hear
It is time
Those claiming power
And wisdom, are truly,
Powerless over us
Their wisdom is
Idiotic mesmerism
Those who ascribe
Weakness to themselves
Are in the deepest ...
661 reads
Of Mice and Dung Beetles
the dung beetle
reminds me of a line
from Good Morning
[quote]It's a huge shit sandwich
and we're all going to have
to take a bite:
It is served to dung beetles
in vegetarian meatballs
with an elephant-pee-king sauce
Having said that I once got
food poisoning from a MacDonalds
it ironically tasted like shit
Do Dung beetles,
given their regular diet,
ever get food poisoning
from its shit sandwich?
the dung beetle
reminds me of a line
from Good Morning
[quote]It's a huge shit sandwich
and we're all going to have
to take a bite:
It is served to dung beetles
in vegetarian meatballs
with an elephant-pee-king sauce
Having said that I once got
food poisoning from a MacDonalds
it ironically tasted like shit
Do Dung beetles,
given their regular diet,
ever get food poisoning
from its shit sandwich?
724 reads
Plastic Heroes
There are no more heroes anymore
no role models to follow
no one to look up to
the word hero has been terminally devalued
its meaning truly lost in over-use
apparently we are all heroes
If we wear a COVID mask we are heroes
if we practice social distancing
if we abide by the narrative
if we shop in a supermarket
if we eat in a cafe
if we wash our hands we are called local heroes
If we do shopping for someone elderly we are heroes
if we great each other with an elbow bump
if we do not hug we are...
no role models to follow
no one to look up to
the word hero has been terminally devalued
its meaning truly lost in over-use
apparently we are all heroes
If we wear a COVID mask we are heroes
if we practice social distancing
if we abide by the narrative
if we shop in a supermarket
if we eat in a cafe
if we wash our hands we are called local heroes
If we do shopping for someone elderly we are heroes
if we great each other with an elbow bump
if we do not hug we are...
1019 reads
Just listen
Darling, sweetness
There's a sound
Coming from the
Bathroom drain
Cant, you hear it?
Can't you hear it
Sounds like muffled screams
And the sounds of the others
The tortured lost souls
Fear and trembling
Can't you hear it?
Cant, you hear him
The master is coming
Heavy is his foot stomp
Like rolling thunder
And his pain-causing laugh
Can't you hear him
Can you hear it?
Can you sense their terror
Can't you taste their agonizing
The pain of their ripping flesh
Exquisite is it...
There's a sound
Coming from the
Bathroom drain
Cant, you hear it?
Can't you hear it
Sounds like muffled screams
And the sounds of the others
The tortured lost souls
Fear and trembling
Can't you hear it?
Cant, you hear him
The master is coming
Heavy is his foot stomp
Like rolling thunder
And his pain-causing laugh
Can't you hear him
Can you hear it?
Can you sense their terror
Can't you taste their agonizing
The pain of their ripping flesh
Exquisite is it...
668 reads
Future Presidential Mass Debates
Maybe the two sides could have a proper debate, this time with different Big Dave's sensible ground rules:
1. Each candidate and the moderator is fitted with an electronic shocker or shot with a taser.
2.This electrification shot would follow any negative personal comment to the other candidate or their families.
3. It would follow any negative comments about the other side of the house
4. It would follow from any negative comments about the country and its flag
5. It would follow any negative comment whatsoever
6. It would follow any explicit or...
1. Each candidate and the moderator is fitted with an electronic shocker or shot with a taser.
2.This electrification shot would follow any negative personal comment to the other candidate or their families.
3. It would follow any negative comments about the other side of the house
4. It would follow from any negative comments about the country and its flag
5. It would follow any negative comment whatsoever
6. It would follow any explicit or...
603 reads
Is This Your Community?

#frustration #disappointment
#frustration #disappointment
1139 reads
Resistance Futile
Resistance Futile
Democratic socialists spill their bile
It's moronic, stupid and infantile
The sheep are so easy to beguile
Encouragement to hate and revile
Violently protest and looting, always hostile
Sheep are easy to brainwash and rile
Communist totalitarian is their honest style
The lies that they tell you are evil and vile
Listing falsehoods are so easy to compile
Their bull shit forcibly dropped in a pile
Enjoying cruelty wearing a crocodile smile
Should be locked up not needing a trial
Nothing they ever say is...
Democratic socialists spill their bile
It's moronic, stupid and infantile
The sheep are so easy to beguile
Encouragement to hate and revile
Violently protest and looting, always hostile
Sheep are easy to brainwash and rile
Communist totalitarian is their honest style
The lies that they tell you are evil and vile
Listing falsehoods are so easy to compile
Their bull shit forcibly dropped in a pile
Enjoying cruelty wearing a crocodile smile
Should be locked up not needing a trial
Nothing they ever say is...
701 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by David_Macleod (14397816)