Submissions by ByronGates (Byron Gates Jr)
my silence.
i enjoy my silence
listening to my thoughts
knowing they are mine
and none others.
a world where i am free
to do as i wish
without judgment.
just myself.
my silence.
and me.
byron gates jr
listening to my thoughts
knowing they are mine
and none others.
a world where i am free
to do as i wish
without judgment.
just myself.
my silence.
and me.
byron gates jr
752 reads
1 Comment
i love rejection.
i love to watch the eyes
of those who offer up their rebuff.
those who reject you
for whatever pleases them.
those who reject you
just for the evidence of reaction.
i love rejection.
byron gates jr
i love to watch the eyes
of those who offer up their rebuff.
those who reject you
for whatever pleases them.
those who reject you
just for the evidence of reaction.
i love rejection.
byron gates jr
732 reads
1 Comment
i don’t have the courage i once had,
nor the abilities i once felt comfortable with.
i have lost some of those qualities;
occasionally, i even miss them.
now i have more time,
more peace,
more heart,
more patience,
and more tolerance.
now, i am more comfortable in my skin,
in my life,
and with my courage.
byron gates jr
nor the abilities i once felt comfortable with.
i have lost some of those qualities;
occasionally, i even miss them.
now i have more time,
more peace,
more heart,
more patience,
and more tolerance.
now, i am more comfortable in my skin,
in my life,
and with my courage.
byron gates jr
1094 reads
idle time.
it’s the weekends
that hurt the most;
idle time can be so destructive,
when used in such a foul way.
the mind seems to go
where it is least wanted
and thoughts start to create
their own form of loneliness,
stripping away
at each layer of sanity.
losing a love
is the master of all pain,
and reliving the words
on those long weekends,
can be so very insane.
byron gates jr
that hurt the most;
idle time can be so destructive,
when used in such a foul way.
the mind seems to go
where it is least wanted
and thoughts start to create
their own form of loneliness,
stripping away
at each layer of sanity.
losing a love
is the master of all pain,
and reliving the words
on those long weekends,
can be so very insane.
byron gates jr
1151 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by ByronGates (Byron Gates Jr)