Submissions by BigBadWolf
Poet Introduction
my writings tend to be dark and maybe a little psychotic in nature and that is only because I use them as a release for the demons that live inside my head
thier loss
do not waste your
time and feelings
if someone wants to
be part of your life they
will stay, if not they will
leave and it is thier loss
time and feelings
if someone wants to
be part of your life they
will stay, if not they will
leave and it is thier loss
642 reads
its all over
there is no hope
this planet has given
all she can to us and
it doesnt seem to ever
be enough for uss, we
want more and more but
never seem to understand
that we need to put back,
lest we collapse in on itself
this planet has given
all she can to us and
it doesnt seem to ever
be enough for uss, we
want more and more but
never seem to understand
that we need to put back,
lest we collapse in on itself
649 reads
my thought run amok
not too fast nor too slow
just not in one direction it
is like the fucking street
signals went out, I mean I
have happy ones goin this
way and some violent ones
over there goin along smoothly
and then these sexy ones come
along and go against the flow and it
turns into utter fucking chaos,funny
ones get in line with sleepy ones and
my mind just short circuts, I go into
auto-pilot and become a zombie until it
all calms down again,but to be honest I
cant really relax cause I know it is goin to
not too fast nor too slow
just not in one direction it
is like the fucking street
signals went out, I mean I
have happy ones goin this
way and some violent ones
over there goin along smoothly
and then these sexy ones come
along and go against the flow and it
turns into utter fucking chaos,funny
ones get in line with sleepy ones and
my mind just short circuts, I go into
auto-pilot and become a zombie until it
all calms down again,but to be honest I
cant really relax cause I know it is goin to
596 reads
you will bleed for your father
you love your God? well we
shall see about that white-lighters
my God and father has sent me to
rape,mutilate and destroy all in a test
of your "faith" in the one you call "god"
or "your savior" it matters not what color
sex or age you are none are exempt from
this test,should you fail and beg for your life
or the lives of your loved ones,your souls along
with the souls of those loved ones will be lost to
my fathers true kingdom and you shall feel his true
love for you eternally.Should you pass the test your
shall see about that white-lighters
my God and father has sent me to
rape,mutilate and destroy all in a test
of your "faith" in the one you call "god"
or "your savior" it matters not what color
sex or age you are none are exempt from
this test,should you fail and beg for your life
or the lives of your loved ones,your souls along
with the souls of those loved ones will be lost to
my fathers true kingdom and you shall feel his true
love for you eternally.Should you pass the test your
569 reads
1 Comment
Santa Claus

528 reads
dark eyes

558 reads
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the place of my desolation
is of my own creation it is
a place where I must remain
for you world I distain
is of my own creation it is
a place where I must remain
for you world I distain
556 reads
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one shot
thats all it would take to end it
your corruption,the plague you
brought to this town,and the death
you brought to the people,you have
turned women into whores,men into
slaves,children into orphans and happiness
into grief.Yet you are worshiped like a king,
a king of a crumbling kingdom,but it doesnt
seem to bother you what you have done,but
I will observe and plan,soon my friend soon
I will take that one shot and end your reign as king
your corruption,the plague you
brought to this town,and the death
you brought to the people,you have
turned women into whores,men into
slaves,children into orphans and happiness
into grief.Yet you are worshiped like a king,
a king of a crumbling kingdom,but it doesnt
seem to bother you what you have done,but
I will observe and plan,soon my friend soon
I will take that one shot and end your reign as king
537 reads
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I am damaged but not
dead,I protect myself
inside I let some in and
keep others out please take
your shoes off as you come in
dead,I protect myself
inside I let some in and
keep others out please take
your shoes off as you come in
570 reads
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need a ride?
you were walking down
the side of the road it was
raining you had your thumb
up,just driving down the road
on my way somewhere anywhere
you thinking how horrible your day
and life is,had an argument with mom
stormed out no words spoken, you regret
that and maybe shed a tear or is it the rain?
I pull over,and wait for you to climb in and shut
the door,suddenly you dont need to worry anymore
as I slit your throat and slowly drive off you will be missed
but seen nevermore
the side of the road it was
raining you had your thumb
up,just driving down the road
on my way somewhere anywhere
you thinking how horrible your day
and life is,had an argument with mom
stormed out no words spoken, you regret
that and maybe shed a tear or is it the rain?
I pull over,and wait for you to climb in and shut
the door,suddenly you dont need to worry anymore
as I slit your throat and slowly drive off you will be missed
but seen nevermore
585 reads
1 Comment
no forgiveness here

767 reads
for your love
I will bring down the Gods
for you so they may weep
at your beauty, and sing of
your kindness and care for
all things I love you.
for you so they may weep
at your beauty, and sing of
your kindness and care for
all things I love you.
744 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by BigBadWolf