Submissions by BDOT
Poet Introduction
I am a poet . Poetry is my passion . My pain and my love bleeds through that ink onto the paper . I breathe in experience and breathe out poetry .
Here on earth imperfection , there in heaven perfection ~ Here on earth discontent , there in heaven content ~ Here on earth discrace , there in heaven grace ~" Heaven" Where the streets are made of gold , where you never age or grow old ~ Where the life secrets unfold , Heaven , where the secrets are told ~ Heaven , where we are free , Heaven , can't you see ? Heaven , it's for you and for me , Heaven , when we are free . B.
782 reads
"Angel Wings"
I fly with my own wings looking up at the stars , trying to reach the top and alleviate these scars ~ Trying to remain positive in this life that I'm given , sooner or later these wounds will turn into wisdom ~ These blows I take these hits these stings , in the end will only create stronger angel wings ~ In the meantime one or both will break , just giving me more strength for what this man can take ~ Down in my heart from here to the sky , I'm taking steps with wings to fly ~ When I fly it will be perfectly clear , I know this because I've built my own atmosphere ~ Life's not easy but it's...
791 reads
Money is the root of all evil then greed is the seed , when you decide to take more than you need ~ It's the devil taking over your soul , one taste of this sin will turn your heart cold ~ You have enough money yet you still want more , angry and stingy despising the poor ~ More and more i see hungry money fiends , as i get older it's getting worse it seems ~ A rotten exploiting deed , that manifests with speed ~ Lurking everywhere is inspiring greed , ready to take advantage and proceed ~ B.
660 reads
"Miss you friend"
It was a cold December day , when my friend sadly passed away ~ I shut my eyes and prayed it was a dream , but it was reality the lord had taken away Fene ~ It was time for you to go , your friendship was a blessing and I will miss you so ~ I wish I could give you many more years , and erase away all the tears ~ We shared so many secrets you brightened up my days , you brought a lot of happiness with your kind and caring ways ~ Now you and I must part , I love you forever and you will always live in my heart ~ B. R.I.P. Steve Gregory
689 reads
You say you hate the rain but you love the rainbow , you say you don't feel pain but you cry when they call you a hoe ~ You say you have friends but you always keep to yourself , you try to mask your demons with that bottle on the shelf ~ You say you're in love but it's a feeling you can't act , you say your'e pretty but inside your'e full of black ~ B.
774 reads
"Lake County Jail"
This place is filth the smell is stink , and God only knows what comes out the water that we drink ~ Floor full of trash table full of crumbs , almost everyone in here is a fucking bum ~ No respect for the next man resting , and some say that coming to jail is a blessing ~ In my eyes this place will only make you worse , you gotta do what they say and your treated like dirt ~ We're like neglected animals locked in a cage , so don't be suprised that this mans full of rage ~ But one thing I pray is that i never come back , doing the best I can to escape this other world full of black ~ B.
711 reads
1 Comment
"Your Smile"
Your smile , pretty as the sun beautiful as a newborn child ~ So wonderful perfect finesse , it glows so bright you are truly blessed ~ In my mind I sit and wallow in it , I think of your smile and forget about my sorrow for those minutes ~ So fascinating it really blows my mind , it can change a life in seconds to happiness from suicide ~ That one smile can make a billion hearts fall , that one smile can take the pain away from all ~ It makes my heart bloom like the flowers , the smile God gave you has so much power ~ It touches my soul brings a tear to my eye , makes me feel so good it's a...
1246 reads
Some people say that life sucks and that life's full of shit , while other people say life's beautiful and that life is a gift ~ I must say that I agree with all of those , there is more behind the word life I suppose ~ Life is whatever you think of it and everything you think of it , life is what you say of it and everything you make of it ~ Life is pain and life is sorrow , life's full of rain which could end tomorrow ~ In no way is life pretend , life is the beginning not the end ~ Life is a circle going round and round , life continues after we are all in the ground ~ B.
879 reads
The cold is here but only months it will stay , old man winter is about to display his rage ~ The winter chill is here , seeping through cracks ready to freeze a tear ~ The chirping birds no longer sing their song , winter has come and seeks to live long ~ We fight against this season of nature's independency , the lone trees stand as the wind howls endlessly ~ This one season comes and takes everything , the silence of nature's life as we ponder on spring ~ The snowflakes fall from unimaginable heights , covered in white brings us bright nights ~ Frost lying like a blanket it covers the...
754 reads
Never give up if you still wanna try ~ Never wipe your tears if you still wanna cry ~ Never settle for an answer if you still wanna know ~ Never love something and let it go ~ B.
631 reads
Some don't believe when said destiny's in our own hands , I believe you choose your own destiny like you make your own plans ~ Some say that's a lie , cause what about the thousands of kids from hunger they die ~ Their destiny was in God's hands could be the case , or just happened at the wrong time being in the wrong place ~ Destiny doesn't seem to ring truth , if you were born on the street and homeless in your youth ~ It's 50/50 could go either way , but if you dreamt then you began to build a destiny that day ~ it's one of the things in life that you decide , the Lord can forfill it if by...
762 reads
"Ready to die"
I feel like a grown ass man that's about 82 , and it seems all my fun filled days are through ~ What I say and what I write I state the truth , and all this pain in my life I wonder what I came to do ~ Another day down another day did , I look all around and I aint got shit ~ No wife no kids no house no whip , this life I live I've hit the skids ~ My friends are all gone my world's become dark , this might sound wrong but death sounds like a new start ~ Heart full of hurt my brain full of stress , so they can put me in the dirt and lay my soul to rest ~ So in the event of my demise please...
814 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by BDOT