Submissions by AspectsofNyaboth77 (Hope)
Poet Introduction
I am ART.
My soul is soil with empty holes
The rain is gone; it’s dawn of sad
My heart is alone in this blackness
Its inexplicable sadness
But my misery soon turned to joy
When I heard the song
Of the rain drops thudding
Against my deep holes
They were being filled
Soon they were flooding
In ecstasy and vitality
the tears from my
Dark brown eyes ran down
My dry cheeks
Into the corners of my lips
And soon my tongue tasted
Hope and might
They ran down my throat
And into my…soul
My soul felt complete
Crystal clear rain...
The rain is gone; it’s dawn of sad
My heart is alone in this blackness
Its inexplicable sadness
But my misery soon turned to joy
When I heard the song
Of the rain drops thudding
Against my deep holes
They were being filled
Soon they were flooding
In ecstasy and vitality
the tears from my
Dark brown eyes ran down
My dry cheeks
Into the corners of my lips
And soon my tongue tasted
Hope and might
They ran down my throat
And into my…soul
My soul felt complete
Crystal clear rain...
625 reads
Let the faith
In you produce action.
A soul with a dim light. The light inside was dying; shrinking and withering in the invading blackness of its soul. Faith had eyes of grey and lips of blue. Her skin was becoming transparent; soon she would slowly fade from the reality of her world. But, faith was saved when she noticed her heart. When she heard the music of her humming heart, dancing and going crazy inside her chest. Continuously increasing and then decreasing and doing it all over again. Faith enjoyed the music of her heart. The vibrations of her heart were relaxing...
In you produce action.
A soul with a dim light. The light inside was dying; shrinking and withering in the invading blackness of its soul. Faith had eyes of grey and lips of blue. Her skin was becoming transparent; soon she would slowly fade from the reality of her world. But, faith was saved when she noticed her heart. When she heard the music of her humming heart, dancing and going crazy inside her chest. Continuously increasing and then decreasing and doing it all over again. Faith enjoyed the music of her heart. The vibrations of her heart were relaxing...
751 reads
Find a brown wooded seat
Observe the eyes of nature;
They are alive with rapture
In every corner nature is:
The shaking of the leaves
The rising of the joyous sun
The clap of the yellow wings
The eluding wind
Nature is also a singer;
The howling of the wind
The lyrics sung by the bird
The booming of thunder
And the roar of azure waves
All in perfect synchronicity
To reveal a message about
The creator to those
Who can hear
Observe the eyes of nature;
They are alive with rapture
In every corner nature is:
The shaking of the leaves
The rising of the joyous sun
The clap of the yellow wings
The eluding wind
Nature is also a singer;
The howling of the wind
The lyrics sung by the bird
The booming of thunder
And the roar of azure waves
All in perfect synchronicity
To reveal a message about
The creator to those
Who can hear
545 reads
Love is the bird high in the air
He is above the trees and flowers
These two are beautiful but love
Grabs the attention of every creature
The place he is in is above our reach
But sometimes he swoops down with joy
And rests on the twig of our arms
Or the petals of our blooming hearts
He chirps words of promises to us
And sings blissful lyrics to our ears
But when we are growing in beauty
He takes flight and finds another resting place
But the dove in the fiery horizon
Is spotlessly white and doesn't attract
The world’s attention ...
He is above the trees and flowers
These two are beautiful but love
Grabs the attention of every creature
The place he is in is above our reach
But sometimes he swoops down with joy
And rests on the twig of our arms
Or the petals of our blooming hearts
He chirps words of promises to us
And sings blissful lyrics to our ears
But when we are growing in beauty
He takes flight and finds another resting place
But the dove in the fiery horizon
Is spotlessly white and doesn't attract
The world’s attention ...
457 reads
Pure blackness has found itself in your soul
In your eyes there is misery and dejection
You have an aura of guilt and blackness
What has caused you to feel incredibly guilty?
Is it all your past sins that haunt your heart?
You can’t continue to tolerate this evilness
You can’t hide it from the world anymore
You have to find peace and joy within yourself
Go out into the horizon and spread your wings open
Soar into the air til you reach the doors of heaven
Knock til the door is open to you
You will see light and virtue
Then you will...
In your eyes there is misery and dejection
You have an aura of guilt and blackness
What has caused you to feel incredibly guilty?
Is it all your past sins that haunt your heart?
You can’t continue to tolerate this evilness
You can’t hide it from the world anymore
You have to find peace and joy within yourself
Go out into the horizon and spread your wings open
Soar into the air til you reach the doors of heaven
Knock til the door is open to you
You will see light and virtue
Then you will...
649 reads
Seeking a meaning
Blankness Blackness
My soul is dull
Keeping my mind busy
To make my heart glow
Yet I am still seeking
In the deserted bottom
It is with you;
It is in your hands
And glittering in your spirit
Knowing myself
It'd take a while
Before I find it
I am a night
Without stars-
Bland and
Blankness Blackness
My soul is dull
Keeping my mind busy
To make my heart glow
Yet I am still seeking
In the deserted bottom
It is with you;
It is in your hands
And glittering in your spirit
Knowing myself
It'd take a while
Before I find it
I am a night
Without stars-
Bland and
569 reads
I Want to let go
I am a forgotten
Memory in your soul
I am pleading
to the deaf
I desire to forget
About you people
Emptiness in my world
Company in my heart
Yet I am inconspicuous
A blank in your vision
I want to forget about
you heartless people
Memory in your soul
I am pleading
to the deaf
I desire to forget
About you people
Emptiness in my world
Company in my heart
Yet I am inconspicuous
A blank in your vision
I want to forget about
you heartless people
580 reads
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Anonymous wings
THE red bird
Humms a tune of
It is isolated
In this foreign
Loneliness flies deeply
Into its heart
It seeks company
It remains isolated
In this desolate land
No wings flutter
In his vicinity
The red bird hums
A tune of Melancholy
a song of invisibility
It will one day soar
Into the air-
Into the hands of
It will abide
Feathers of solitude
Will descend to the Earth
The red bird hummed
A tune of Melancholy
A song of invisibility
IT hummed...
Humms a tune of
It is isolated
In this foreign
Loneliness flies deeply
Into its heart
It seeks company
It remains isolated
In this desolate land
No wings flutter
In his vicinity
The red bird hums
A tune of Melancholy
a song of invisibility
It will one day soar
Into the air-
Into the hands of
It will abide
Feathers of solitude
Will descend to the Earth
The red bird hummed
A tune of Melancholy
A song of invisibility
IT hummed...
598 reads
beauty in its own
THE moon-
The background
Loneliness is
In its dents
Yet it hath
A bold of confidence
The stars stand afar
Yet it is joyful
It shineth silver
Despite its
It glows with
Indomitable pride
From deep within-
It finds rapture
In the- blackness
That hides the
The background
Loneliness is
In its dents
Yet it hath
A bold of confidence
The stars stand afar
Yet it is joyful
It shineth silver
Despite its
It glows with
Indomitable pride
From deep within-
It finds rapture
In the- blackness
That hides the
569 reads
1 Comment
DU Poetry : Submissions by AspectsofNyaboth77 (Hope)