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19th January 2:53pm

True story
Please read . They will be in the best chronological order I can remember them happening. I'm telling a story here with each poem. I have no idea maybe 100-150 total.

19th January 11:06am

New here. Tryna get 3 credits to submit. Went through some kinda shit I first put into words then burned, then paintings, now poetry
18th January 10:37pm

I wondered if anyone else has poems on lots of scraps of paper or is it just me?
18th January 9:07pm

hey I just found this website and I am so excited. if anyone wants to share ideas or anything of the sort I would be very interested.
18th January 5:32pm

I still write guys i just been busy..I'll be posting a new 1 soon
18th January 3:42pm

Need is strange,
At times, out of range.
Some desire it,
Others... it doesn't fit.
Everyone needs something,
Because of what it can bring.
The definition of need
Is subjective indeed.
"Food, clothing, and shelter" say some.
"Love, care, and others" are three in one.
"Greed, money, and power" are not needs.
They are wants and infectious deeds.
I have needs like everyone else.
You have needs if you have a pulse.
Mine are simple, yet complex,
Like shipping and handling with FedEx.
I don't know what I need, it's clouded.
Things I tell myself I need... but am I allowed it?
"Do I need this? Do I need that?"
Always questioning the matter of the fact.
The future haunts me,
My blood boils up a degree.
I get scared,
Slightly impaired.
"What will I need?" I constantly ask.
This makes me want a mask.
I want to hide... or is that a need?
It's like I "need" to worry, it's what I feed
On all the unknowns.
I can't set my own tone.
What do I do?
My mind is split in two.
Reassurance, that's what I need,
Something my mind and heart both have a greed.
That is my request,
What I think is the best.
The only question is how?...
My Savior, to which I bow.
He is my rock, for I stand on His Word,
The most beautiful you've ever heard.
He knows what we need, even when we don't.
He can do the things we won't.
Jesus, I need You.
Help me see it through.
All the darkness,
All the stress,
All the mess,
All the tests.
I can't do this without You,
But of course, this you always knew.
18th January 6:08am
stoned buggy

Mary Stockum: The Coshocton County Witch

A witch, a witch
She killed her husband and kids
They threw her in a ditch
But a witch is still a witch
She came back from the dead
So they cut off her head
Forgetting what the people had said
She’d never remain on her deathbed
Decades later, there was a girl
She was thought a witch, what a world
So they thought of the stories
And they gave it a whirl
The people shouted
A witch, a witch
She killed her husband and kids
They threw her in a ditch
But a witch is still a witch
They cut off her head
Hoping she’d remain dead
Never listening to a word I said
She’d never remain on her deathbed
Written by stoned (buggy)
Hiya, joined literally like a half an hour ago, I'll leave my first poem if you'd like to read
17th January 9:23pm

New Poems
I have just posted my first two poems, please come and read them.
17th January 8:56pm

New here
Hello there. I'm new here as the title would suggest, I repeat myself often. I love to write poems and stumbled across this site. I thought it would be a good way to share my poems and get some feed back as I never have
17th January 2:49am

Hi Everyone
Hello! I am new to this site as of today! I love writing and I love getting any type of feedback back! I do not really consider myself a great writer, but I do try to put a lot of feeling into what I write.
17th January 2:34am

Hello to all.. New to the site, kind of new to poetry. I joined to interact with fellow poets. So please don't hesitate..
Edited 16th January 9:30pm
bmanns BreezyBreeze

Hello everyone! I'm Briana and just became a member today. I would love for everyone's support because this is my first time doing poetry, I love reading and have no fear in constructive criticism. Going to start reading others work and look forward to this new experience