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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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On September 3, 1976, Viking 2 landed on Mars @ 7:37 PM EDT, and sent the first close color photographs from the surface of the Red Planet.

I remember this because I was a junior in high school. It was accompanied by fear and dread by many! I felt nothing but excitement for the possibility of discovery!

I thought it would be fun to run a chart for that day and was amazed but not surprised to discover a stellium in Libra consisting of Mercury ( Gemini/Virgo), Venus ( Libra/Taurus ), Mars ( Aries/Scorpio ), Pluto ( Scorpio ), Juno and Priapus ( asteroids ). Libra is the Cardinal Air sign of Autumn, denoting leadership, cooperation, and diplomatic, peace-loving social adventures.

Conversely, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, had just left the grounded sign of Taurus and was detrimental at 0°47' in Airy Gemini. Being in a detrimental position would prevent Jupiter from operating at its full emotional and intuitive capacity; therefore, would have taken on the coloring of Gemini ( Air ) rather than expressing its own nature, fire. Being Fire NEEDS Air to survive, Jupiter relented to Gemini's coloration through this transit: Adventurous, inventive, and versatile!

The Sun was 11°34' Virgo, who is analytical, scientific, and fact-finding. Ruled by Mercury ( also ruler of Gemini ), signifying intellect, the signature trait of air signs.

The Moon was detrimental at 17°28' Capricorn so assumed the sign's coloration: ambition, discipline, responsibility, and focus. Just as Jupiter mentioned above, a detrimental position decreases the planet's ability to operate at full capacity; thus, it's dependent upon the sign it occupies.

With Uranus, Ruler of Aquarius ( Air ) exalted 04°17' in Scorpio, transformation is magnified and embodied through futuristic avenues of science and intellect.

Air signs cannot be contained and are known to require extensive freedom. Without an overabundance of emotion, they possess the ability to think logically and are cerebral in the ability to express themselves confidently.

Science and intellect were highly favored on this day back in 1976. But that really isn't a surprise, is it? Because astrology is literal.

"To the Moon, Alice! To the Moon!" Or in this case, Mars or bust!

Regardless, We went in peace.

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #history #Mars #Viking2 #MarsLanding

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Aspecting the Cosmos: Sunday, Sep 03, 2023:

Sun in Virgo sesquiquadrate Moon in Aries; Moon in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn; Venus in Leo inconjunct Vesta in Gemini.

💫Our identity ( Sun ), who we are as a person and what we want to project, and emotions ( Moon ) in a sesquiquadrate may feel somewhat abrasive. It's always a good idea to pay attention to what rubs us the wrong way; they're clues to possible wounds that haven't healed. Many in the U.S. will be sleeping through this one. However, should we wake @ 3:27 AM - pay close attention. . .

💫Later, our emotions ( Moon ) may be rising from our depths ( Pluto Rx ), from a tigger or someone pushing our buttons. A square is the most stressful and challenging of all aspects ( unless a conjunction is unfavorable ). These are most likely old wounds triggered awake.

Because Pluto Rx is currently backpedaling through Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the Teacher, here lies an opportunity to learn a lesson orchestrated to propel our evolution forward through difficulties. A Saturnic lesson is one never forgotten.

If we feel that the Universe hates us, remember that the Universe is on our side, and sometimes must evict us from our complacency in order to get us going in the direction we truly desire. Contrast is evolution's perfect medication.

💫Right on its heels Venus Rx, Goddess of Love and Affection ( backpedaling through Leo ) inconjuncts Vesta, Goddess of Hearth and Home in Gemini. This aspect denotes an adjustment is required and could portend a health problem or "offbeat wisdom".  Remember contrast is evolution's perfect antidote to complacency.

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to overcome lessons will in turn lessen the unfavorable effect of them.

Degree, Aspect, Time:

Sun: 10°VIR33'
Moon: 25°ARI33'
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 3:27 AM EDT

Moon: 28°ARI12'
Pluto Rx: 28°CAP12'
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:56 AM EDT

Venus Rx: 12°LEO12'
Vesta: 27°GEM03'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:26 AM EDT

Image: Gratitude by Melina Del Mar

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #aspects #planetary #cosmic #cosmos #Universe #Moon #Pluto #Venus #Vesta #sun

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Weekly Oracle Card: 30. True love can never really be lost

To love another is a wonderful thing. To be loved in return is the highest state that the human being can achieve. The ascended masters in the higher realms of the spirit world have known love beyond the human condition, and remind us that love in human form may be perceived as incredible bliss when you experience it, or deep sorrow when you feel its absence.

But when it has truly touched your life, it is forever and neither time nor death can destroy it.

Authentic love lives forever in your heart, not in your head, and that is why it hurts when you fix your thoughts on love, lost or otherwise. It's best to feel it in your heart where it can truly be understood and experienced. Remember, the head was made to think. The heart was made to feel.

Deck: Healing Spirits by Gordon Smith
Image: Naomi Walker

#inspiritualservice #oracle #oraclecard #oraclereading #weeklyoracle #weeklyoraclecard #love #loveisforever #time #death #loss

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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Venus Stations Direct @ 12°LEO12, 5TH House @ 9:29 PM EDT

In astrology, Venus represents love, relationships, beauty, and harmony, and is very comfortable in Leo, who is associated with confidence, creativity, self-expression, and leadership. When Venus turns direct in Leo, you can expect fiery, passionate energy, especially in matters of the heart (Leo) or aesthetics (Venus ).

The fifth house is a house of life, creativity, and romance highlighting children, amusements, speculations, and the love that we give. Its natural sign is Leo, and its natural ruler is the Sun. This will add even more fire and spice to personal expression, revealing our individuality and how we want to market and express ourselves to others.

Venus in the fifth house is social, jovial, and affectionate. She basks in the light of the Sun, creative arts, and social groups such as book clubs, etc. Romance is right up her alley, as the ruler of Libra, a celestial flirt, let the fun and games begin! But take care against pride and social snobbery, as this placement has been known to produce possessive jealousy from the Lion. A little flirtation is okay, but beyond that will rouse the Lion's territorial nature.

This month, with vigilant awareness guarding against negative expressions, we can expect socializing and the spotlight of the Sun illuminating all that is beautiful and harmonic in our relationships.

Romance is the keyword during this transit.

Individuals with Venus in Leo are often attracted to vibrant and confident partners who can match their enthusiasm and energy. They enjoy the excitement of romance and appreciate grand gestures of affection. They may also have a strong sense of personal style and a love for luxury and beautiful things. In relationships, these individuals are generous, warm, and loyal.

They value loyalty and commitment and expect their partners to be just as devoted. They are natural leaders and enjoy taking charge in their relationships, but they also need to be recognized and appreciated for their efforts. They thrive in relationships where they feel admired, respected, and adored.

In terms of creative expression, Venus in Leo individuals are often drawn to the arts, entertainment, and fashion. They have a flair for drama and enjoy expressing themselves through their unique style and creativity. They may have a strong sense of aesthetics and a desire to be noticed for their artistic talents.

Overall, Venus in Leo adds passionate and expressive energy to a person's love life and creative endeavors. It emphasizes the importance of being seen, appreciated, and admired for one's unique qualities and talents.If we sense we're gravitating toward the dark side, acknowledge it as something that needs to be treated. That way, we aren't denying the existence of something letting us know we have triggers that need attention.

The tiniest of wounds can become massively infected if untreated.

Image: Venus in Leo by SpaceCowKB

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #Venus #venusinleo #VenusDirect #venusstations #Leo #LeoTheLion #horoscope #horoscope2023

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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AaronBraveHeart said:It is a new beginning for me! I am quitting my job...

LOL @ Boyana! The first square too!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Monday, Sept 04, 2023:

💫 Venus stations direct in Leo @ 9:23 PM ( Sept 03 ) Transit posts: https://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events

💫 Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus @ 10:11 AM EDT until December 24, 2023 ( Happy Christmas ): https://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events

💫 Early morning Mercury Rx in Virgo Trine Jupiter in Taurus. This is a perfect time to expand on literary pursuits or communication endeavors.

💫 This evening the North Node in Aries will oppose Ceres in Libra ( where the South Node is currently stationed ). Ceres represents abundance and harvest, as in what we've sown. There's something karmic about this opposition that is preventing us from moving forward. Are we paying any price for peace? The courage and strength of Aries is there for the asking.

Maintain boundaries and speak our truth in love from the heart.

Degrees, Aspects, Time:

Mercury Rx: 15°VIR34'
Jupiter: 15°TAU34'
Aspect: Trine
Time: 6:29 AM EDT

North Node: 25°ARI44'
Ceres: 25°LIB44'
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 9:10 PM EDT

Image: Vincent Van Gogh Corn Harvest in Provence Farm

Boyana Popova
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 1awards
Joined 4th Sep 2020
Forum Posts: 54

Ahahhaha yeah true, true.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

💫 Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus @ 10:11 AM EDT, 2nd House, until December 24, 2023 ( Happy Christmas ):

The 2nd House is the natural home of Taurus and is ruled by Venus, who just stationed direct in Leo. This house is a house of substance and values highlighting financial affairs and investments, including gains and losses, as well as material debt by our own efforts. It also highlights our gifts and resources. A need to feel fulfilled and a sense of self-worth are highlighted here.

Jupiter is known as the greater benefic and rules wealth, leisure, business, and the higher mind of philosophy, reasoning, and aspirations. Jupiter's action is orderly and promotes growth because it expands whatever it touches. However, there's something here that needs review surrounding our finances and possibly a legal matter, as Jupiter is also the judge, lawmaker, and helper.

We should take inventory of our finances and double-check all contractual agreements during this time. But that doesn't mean anything dire by any means! It's just better to be safe and orderly, especially in the sign of Taurus and the 2nd house.

This is also a time of deep reflection, both philosophical and spiritual, and the revelations we receive can and do promote growth on both levels. As the Greater Benefic, Jupiter does have a shadow side; however, for the most part, it's a planet that highlights luck and fondness for animals.

It's a wonderful time to expand into a topic that interests us. We can reflect on how we want to proceed and make an orderly plan for our goals to succeed. Epiphanies are common during this time, especially if you take the time to go deeply inside. Make sure that they are logged in a journal. I can't count the ones I've lost, thinking I would remember them.

Take advantage of this opportunity for growth at a slower pace. It will become more ingrained in our minds and hearts. With Taurus' ruler, Venus, now direct in Leo, there doesn't have to be a lack of passion in whatever endeavors we embark upon.

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrolger #astrologypost #Jupiter #JupiterRx #Jupiterretrograde #JupiterinTaurus #Taurus #retrograde #retrogradeseason

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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This is Labor Day weekend in America. However, instead of posting it here ( as I do on my site under Beliefs ), I have opted to post it in my alternate thread, since it pertains to Labor Day in history.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

See the moon meet up with Jupiter in the night sky tonight

The moon will meet up with Jupiter tonight, making a close approach to the solar system's largest planet in the night sky.

From New York City, the 19-day-old moon and Jupiter will be visible from shortly after they rise above the eastern horizon at around10 p.m. EDT (0200 GMT) until just before they dip below the horizon at around 11:52 a.m. EDT (1552 GMT) on Tuesday, Sept. 5, according to In the Sky.  Jupiter will be just above and to the right of the moon.

Both the moon and Jupiter will be in the Aires constellation during the close approach and conjunction. The moon will be in its waning gibbous phase, with around 64% of the lunar disk illuminated by the sun during the close approach. Jupiter will appear within just 3 degrees of the moon, or about the width of two fingers at arm's length.

Ref: https://www.space.com/moon-jupiter-conjunction-september-2023

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Aspecting the Cosmos: Tue, Sep 05, 2023:

Moon in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn:

Pluto is the harbinger of transformation through destruction and is the archaeologist of Ultimate Truth, no matter how deep it has to go into the underground to discover its treasure. When Pluto makes an aspect with another planet ( or in this case luminary ), it strips that planet down to its basic expression. Regarding the Moon, it's emotions and the domestic, nurturing urge.

A trine denotes a peaceful flow of interaction between the two planetary bodies making the aspect. If we feel safe to share deep secrets of emotional truth with someone, by all means, do. The only caveat to this pairing is indolence. We may feel so at peace we fail to take advantage of the available energy.

Sun in Virgo sesquiquadrate ( sesquisquare ) Pluto Rx in Capricorn:

Later in the evening, our core sense of identity is going to be challenged. Pluto strips away the masks and personalities that we want to show to the world and reveals the truth of who we are. This can feel abrasive, leaving us vulnerable. Maybe we revealed a deep emotional truth earlier, and now feel exposed and naked among the world?

That is why it's imperative to feel safe in the presence of someone you trust. If there is any doubt, heed that feeling.

Degrees, Aspects, Time:

Moon: 28°TAU09'
Pluto Rx: 28°CAP10'
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:45 PM EDT

Sun: 13°VIR10'
Pluto Rx: 28°CAP10'
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 8:09 PM EDT

Painting: Vulnerability Project

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Welcome to International Day of Charity!  

In Spiritual Service is proud to support The Maria Gomez DREAM Foundation. We raised over $500 for the foundation last year.

Founded in 2015, The Maria Gomez DREAM honors Maria's Legacy by continuing to serve the community and making a positive impact in the lives of many.

In their words:

"We are extremely grateful for the support of In Spiritual Service in recognizing The Maria Gomez DREAM. This year marks the 9th year of our work in supporting high school students and their pursuit of their educational goals. We thank you for helping us continue the legacy of our beloved friend, Maria Gomez, who unfortunately lost her battle against cancer in 2014."

"Maria was a loving individual who always gave back to her community and others. As an organization, we continue to carry on Maria’s legacy with all of your support!

Each year we award students from the Phoenix Union High School District with college scholarships to help them in pursuit of their dreams.

With the support of our families, friends, and the community, your generosity enables us to continue our work in support of students.

You can visit their facebook page for more information and ways to donate:


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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Wed, Sep 06, 2023:

Early AM Neptune Rx in Pisces is going to oppose Vesta in Virgo. With Neptune backpedaling through Pisces and Vesta signifying the harvest, there's a karmic edge to this opposition that needs to be reconciled. What did we miss when Neptune was direct?

Originally the Greek god Poseidon and a god of fresh water, Neptune became the Roman god of water and sea. Representing intuition, and either the spiritual or escapist urge, the theme is to face our fears or hide from them. He represents dreams, illusion, delusion, maritime animals, and addictions of all kinds. His action is subtle and often insidious.

Pay close attention to whatever shadow aspect arises: Anger, resentment, manipulation, etc. Ask to know the root of the issue. Where did it begin? How far back can we remember so that we can correct it? And we can alter it. Message me about how.

Later in the AM the Sun conjuncts Mercury Rx in Virgo, 1st House. The first house is ruled by Mars and the natural home of Aries, who currently hosts the North Node - our destiny. The 1st house is all about health, energy, action, and a new beginning.

The Sun rules Leo and the 5th House, a house of life and creativity.  Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo and the 3rd and 6th Houses respectively, houses of communication, conscious & unconscious minds, intellect, health, and habits, it's a GREAT DAY for open communication and creative endeavors involving art and the written word: poetry, novels, short stories, etc.

Speak and create from the heart. Nothing is better for our health.

Degree, Aspects, Time:

Neptune: 26°PIS37'
Vesta: 26°VIR37'
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 4:23 AM

Sun: 13°VIR36'
Mercury: 13°VIR36'
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 7:09 AM

Image: Heartfelt by Marion Rose

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #astrologypost #astrologynews #astrologyupdate #planetary #Neptune #Vesta #Sun #Mercury #Conjunction #Opposition #energy #energyupdate

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616


Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
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Ahavati said:Truth.
Ha! Good for you, A. 👍😎👍

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