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* The Meditation Room *

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534

For all things Reflective, Ritual, and Personally Sacred.

So this is a space to share methods of meditation or spiritual practices that have enhanced your life in some way. Whether it's a daily commune with nature; or, practicing one of the many the art forms. It can be as simple as a morning prayer or commune with nature; or, as intense as a daily ritual involving deep meditation. It can be an expression of gratitude or blessing upon another; or, it can be through a meal you prepare with love.

Share with us how you have maintained your equilibrium during these covid-days; or, how you have helped others.

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  Share your Light & Music ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

As a Zen practitioner I practice zazen each day...shikantaza, known as just sitting. Zazen is a goalless form of meditation. One sits comfortably in the moment, allowing thoughts to arise and subside without becoming attached...seeing the impermanent nature of thoughts...or as they are called in Zen..."mind secretions". The word Zen literally means meditation, so zazen practice helps one to practice zen...meditation...throughout all aspects of one's daily life...from preparing meals, cooking, cleaning the toilet, conversing with others, etc.
So, what is "satori"..."enlightenment"? Personally, after more than 30 years of practice...it is simply to see my true nature...to forget the small self and realize that there is absolutely nothing that I can ever do that doesn't require some sort of assistance. When I prepare a bowl of cereal and fruit...I become aware of all the unseen humans that have assisted in the making of the cereal...the bowl...the spoon. It is seeing the sunshine, rain, soil, that has assisted me in preparing my simple bowl of cornflakes and fresh blueberries...oh and let's not forget the wonderful cow lol. So next time you have your morning bowel-movement...spare a thought for trees...the workers that made your toilet paper...for the Universe...gentle appreciation is a reward in itself.

🙏 Harry

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534

Hi, Harry. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. One of my favorite quotes is 'Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment chop wood and carry water.'  Another is 'No man is an island.'

You're right, every step of progress we've acheived, or modern blessing we've had has been through a team effort of provision, be it the visonary to the lumberjack to the manufacteror to the consumer.

I was just sharing the 'Eternal Now' with someone else, and how important it is to be in the moment so as to co-create.  Co-creation isn't performed in the past or future; and too much time in either distills one's ability to manifest their dreams from the moment.

My day starts with a brief offering of gratitude while opening everything up and allowing light and fresh air to circulate throughout. Even if it's the dead of winter, fresh air is fresh air, but for a few moments. This clears out the stuffiness from being shut up overnight.

It's followed by a cleaning of surfaces, particularly my work area and altars, then sweeping the floor of dust before clearing with sage, dragon's blood incense, and white candles throughout the rooms. This both clears and seals my sacred space for prayer offerings, oracle readings, and work.

Ritual is very important to me, as is protection. Recharging my crystals nightly on a selenite slab before the morning's placement also deters and transmutes negative energy into positive.

I loved your post because it embodies gratitude; and I would be able to do NOTHING in regards to rituals without the work of others such as candle & incense makers, sage harvestors, etc.

Namaste, my Friend! I hope you are well and blessed! xo

poet Anonymous

I sit and drink my morning coffee in the dark.

I express my gratitude for what I am experiencing, which I then I spend time imagining I am experiencing. This takes anywhere from minutes to an hour. Possibly even two hours; depends on how early I woke up.

And then I attempt to focus on nothing for at least 15 minutes, removing all resistance to any experience previously focused on.

If I am going to screw up by thinking of anything during the actual meditation phase, it's likely what I was already thinking about. If that's the case, it's still a win. So, I'll try meditating again before noon.

Morning is the best time for all of this, given I've yet to be distracted by any of the day's events.

During all of this, I end up with a lot of cold coffee as I neglect my cup.

Yes, it sounds pretty dull, but it works for me. My life is a lot better since I
made this as routine as possible. And if you're life improves, you naturally improve conditions around you as others experience your positive vibrations and or lack of negative vibrations.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534

JohnnyBlaze said:
[ . . . ]
Yes, it sounds pretty dull, but it works for me. My life is a lot better since I
made this as routine as possible. And if you're life improves, you naturally improve conditions around you as others experience your positive vibrations and or lack of negative vibrations.

No ritual is dull to the one performing it. On the contrary, it's a precious part of surviving.  You're exactly right about improving yourself before you improve others.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

No ritual is dull to the one performing it. On the contrary, it's a precious part of surviving.  You're exactly right about improving yourself before you improve others.

This world would be so different if less people tried to control its outcome through physical action. 😌🌎🌌

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534

JohnnyBlaze said:

This world would be so different if less people tried to control its outcome through physical action. 😌🌎🌌

Fear is a very powerful motivator in that respect. Those who are insecure attempt to control their outer environement in order to feel safe.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

My experience yesterday was  way beyond the realms of what one would consider " normal" meditation, I can only describe it as truly enlightening.

" I tried so hard to make a man out of you, I almost missed the man that you've become"

Words spoken  by an old man to his son on his death bed.

How does one meditate while watching a movie?
Etruscan Smile
A compelling story that will open your heart to the beauty of life through death

A piece of me has fallen off
Allowing growth to spring forth  

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534

Valeriyabeyond said:My experience yesterday was  way beyond the realms of what one would consider " normal" meditation, I can only describe it as truly enlightening.

" I tried so hard to make a man out of you, I almost missed the man that you've become"

Words spoken  by an old man to his son on his death bed.

How does one meditate while watching a movie?
Etruscan Smile
A compelling story that will open your heart to the beauty of life through death

A piece of me has fallen off
Allowing growth to spring forth  

I have noticed a lot of people having an enlightening experience this week, Val. I was just telling Eerie ( I'm just going to copy/paste because it's easier! ) that  beginning last Saturday, I participated in a six-day, intense two-hour-daily discipline, The 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination, to raise global consciousness to all beings on the planet, hosted by Patricia Cota-Robles. The videos are still available on her website.  It is by far the most intense sessions I've attended in regards to focus and concentration ( and let me tell you, EVERYTHING came at me this week too! ). Had it not been for covid-19 and social isolation, I would not have been able to attend the live global gatherings.

Her weekly vlog and monthly articles are highly enlightening. Keep in mind that there are as many paths to the Divine as there are people—the calling home is unlimited. We get it into our minds that things should be a certain way and are thus closed to possibility. Never be afraid to learn or delve into something; you are protected by your own innate intuition, which lets you know what is right for you; or, not.

I am so happy for your experience! Particularly this week!

P.S. I plan on watching Etruscan Smile if it's available on Netflix or Prime.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534

I'm going to experiment with something this week and see how it's received. Each day I'll post three cards from an oracle deck. Either publicly or privately, let me know which number resonates with you. Keep in mind that you can remain open for all three cards, as each might have its own message specifically for you..

Enjoy today’s messages from the marine animals. Choose from 1, 2, or 3 ( or remain open to all ). I'll return each evening and post the front of the cards and their messages. You can share your insights or how the card/s resonated if you feel led.

The deck and messages are designed/channeled by Dr Lisa Thompson, Author and speaker of "Sacred Soul Love" and "Sacred Soul Spaces" and are shared with permission.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:I'm going to experiment with something this week and see how it's received. Each day I'll post three cards from an oracle deck. Either publicly or privately, let me know which number resonates with you. Keep in mind that you can remain open for all three cards, as each might have its own message specifically for you..

Enjoy today’s messages from the marine animals. Choose from 1, 2, or 3 ( or remain open to all ). I'll return each evening and post the front of the cards and their messages. You can share your insights or how the card/s resonated if you feel led.

The deck and messages are designed/channeled by Dr Lisa Thompson, Author and speaker of "Sacred Soul Love" and "Sacred Soul Spaces" and are shared with permission.

You have got to be kidding me
I saw you do this yesterday during meditation
Hah I love the connection

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

Ahavati said:Hi, Harry. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. One of my favorite quotes is 'Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment chop wood and carry water.'  Another is 'No man is an island.'

You're right, every step of progress we've acheived, or modern blessing we've had has been through a team effort of provision, be it the visonary to the lumberjack to the manufacteror to the consumer.

I was just sharing the 'Eternal Now' with someone else, and how important it is to be in the moment so as to co-create.  Co-creation isn't performed in the past or future; and too much time in either distills one's ability to manifest their dreams from the moment.

My day starts with a brief offering of gratitude while opening everything up and allowing light and fresh air to circulate throughout. Even if it's the dead of winter, fresh air is fresh air, but for a few moments. This clears out the stuffiness from being shut up overnight.

It's followed by a cleaning of surfaces, particularly my work area and altars, then sweeping the floor of dust before clearing with sage, dragon's blood incense, and white candles throughout the rooms. This both clears and seals my sacred space for prayer offerings, oracle readings, and work.

Ritual is very important to me, as is protection. Recharging my crystals nightly on a selenite slab before the morning's placement also deters and transmutes negative energy into positive.

I loved your post because it embodies gratitude; and I would be able to do NOTHING in regards to rituals without the work of others such as candle & incense makers, sage harvestors, etc.

Namaste, my Friend! I hope you are well and blessed! xo

Hello A...yes that chopping wood carry water is a very famous Zen saying. And we often forget that none of us are islands and everything is connected and interdendent.

I certainly believe that being in the moment is extremely important...and a very practical way to train your mind. In Zen practice it is the simple reminder to "Pay Attention"...when washing dishes, just wash the dishes...when crossing a busy street, just cross the street...or your karma will be hit by a car .

I love the wonderful freshness of early morning air...then I to light incense and then sit my aging body on my beloved zazen cushion (zafu) for my first sitting of the day. I don't chant or pray as such but I do recite the "Heart Sutra" every morning after sitting and my tai-chi.

I think rituals are very important in life...part of the whole paying attention...part of that includes the very ordinary in life...my keys have a permanent home...my mala beads...my bag, etc...one suffers a little less stress if one patterns one's life...ritualizes as much as one can...that way you are never running around searching for your car keys...or clean underwear .

I think gratitude and politeness are simple practices...although I still fail often, but that's OK...after all, enlightenment and delusion are two sides of the same coin.

Namaste my wonderful friend...stay well.
Harry XO

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

JohnnyBlaze said:
I sit and drink my morning coffee in the dark.

I express my gratitude for what I am experiencing, which I then I spend time imagining I am experiencing. This takes anywhere from minutes to an hour. Possibly even two hours; depends on how early I woke up.

And then I attempt to focus on nothing for at least 15 minutes, removing all resistance to any experience previously focused on.

If I am going to screw up by thinking of anything during the actual meditation phase, it's likely what I was already thinking about. If that's the case, it's still a win. So, I'll try meditating again before noon.

Morning is the best time for all of this, given I've yet to be distracted by any of the day's events.

During all of this, I end up with a lot of cold coffee as I neglect my cup.

Yes, it sounds pretty dull, but it works for me. My life is a lot better since I
made this as routine as possible. And if you're life improves, you naturally improve conditions around you as others experience your positive vibrations and or lack of negative vibrations.

Sounds like a good routine, Johnny. As I always say, if your boat is floating and there are not too many leaks...smile a little.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:I'm going to experiment with something this week and see how it's received. Each day I'll post three cards from an oracle deck. Either publicly or privately, let me know which number resonates with you. Keep in mind that you can remain open for all three cards, as each might have its own message specifically for you..

Enjoy today’s messages from the marine animals. Choose from 1, 2, or 3 ( or remain open to all ). I'll return each evening and post the front of the cards and their messages. You can share your insights or how the card/s resonated if you feel led.

The deck and messages are designed/channeled by Dr Lisa Thompson, Author and speaker of "Sacred Soul Love" and "Sacred Soul Spaces" and are shared with permission.

I let the Universe reveal to me #2 from an old fashioned hat drawing.

Been a firm believer for quite a while that nothing is random.

poet Anonymous

badmalthus said:

Sounds like a good routine, Johnny. As I always say, if your boat is floating and there are not too many leaks...smile a little.

Sound advice to me, Harry!

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