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Gematria Language, Numbers

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Thank you...

Now you know the other site I have...

This is a simple version of one of the chants
you could use...yet if we speak later , there
are more :

( If you do not yet belong to "Wellspring" there , join... )


Practice...this is a very simple pronunciation of sixteen sounds

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

"you know, i've never known why 5s and 13s are so magical for me.
my birthday is 12/08/1976 is there anything in them that might shed
some light?"

Everything "sheds light" on the deeper levels of reality...

Consider that statement...( meditate on it )...both / and

Now , as for your question...

All is in the Code...however , I would need your full legal birth name ,
birthdate , time , etc...and it would take ***much*** to explain , and
far longer than I could put into it...

Let me just say , if I put an "I" letter value above each column , there
would be two columns of nine , and , ( it just so happens ) ;

99 = Name

99 = Net

There is a reason for birth dates , and "name"...

( symbols on right , make skeletal or muscular system of
human body , bottom symbol on right means "Know Thyself" ,
symbols on left , equal the value for Hebrew / Obri value
for "Inner Light"...it would take much to *properly* decode
a name... )

Yet , if you invert column on right , the two top symbols
would then be an "O" and an "M" , and equal 78 , the Hebrew
or Obri value for :

78 = To Initiate

Thus , why you are given a "Name" by a guru / teacher / elder / witch , etc...

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Would you care to learn more today ?

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Absolutely ;

I am sure there is much to be shared , as that
is how the universal ( multi - verse actually )
system works , through diversification and union
of information embedded into the matrix...;)

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

God = 77

Age = 604 ( high value for "e" )

To Come / To Go = 3

Time = 64

Passage = 245

Therefore :

God's Age : Time Passage + Coming / Going = 993

( Even Though The Value For The Two Columns Of Symbols Is 994 ,
There Is An Oscillation / Vibration Factor To Be Considered In Wave ,
Thus A Plus One , Directly On , Minus One Differential Possibility )

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Some Formulas To Ponder :

Sum of the two columns ( just one arrangement of the Code ) = 994

Cryptex + Line Code = 994

Looking At Encryption And Decryption = 994

Associative Cortices Weave Key = 994

To Reveal Alchemist's Green Language = 995

Computer Motherboard = 994

Yet : ( just for fun )

Hacking Reality = 357

Dna Helix = 537

Consciousness = 573

Artificial Intelligence Data Stream = 735


Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Writing poetry utilizing the Code...

Ahhh...now THAT has applications !

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

And *this* should give some something to think about :



CIA Cover : Hugh Ashmead :
Secret Code Name : Ku / Mother = 995






What I am showing you here , is this man , who was

made the head of the CIA cryptography division , when

the OSS , became the CIA , after WW2 , knew the code


That is why he used the code to create the cover name

( false name ) Hugh Ashmead


Then , further using the same code I am teaching ,

and that is also the code of the Craft ,

( and everything else you know in the universe )

created his code name "Mother"


Those who know the code , use the code

and there are ***many*** who know the code

but don't talk about it


The CIA , and many in government ,

especially black ops know the code


Heads of corporations , and major organizations

know the code


Gates , knows the code , Zuckerberg , knows the code


Those at the top of Masonry , Odd Fellows ,

Lions Club , Rotary Club , all the different

"secret societies" know the code


Rock musicians , like Grateful Dead , Jim Morrison ,

Rolling Stones , Neil Young , Axel Rose ,

etc , etc , etc , are initiated into , and know the code ,

just like Tupac , Puff Daddy , Wu Tang Clan ,

all the big rappers know the code


Some Were Members Of The Five Per Centers

Read All The Way Through And Understand

They Developed Their Language From The Code




Islam = 106

Same As = 113

I = 61

Self = 61

Lord = 304

And = 44

Master = 318

= 1007


I Say Again And Again

Those Who Know The Code

Use The Code


You Will See One Part Of Our Tree

Adds To



Yet :

My President Trump

= 804


And The Rest Of The Tree




Yet :

United States America Ruler


To Strike / Beat

= 691


And Those Who Know The Old Code

And Magic


Looking At = 26

Pillars = 408

Of = 150

Masonic = 216

Temple = 207

= 1007


Got Him Into Office


There Are Two Columns Of Eight Runes

8x8 = 64

See The Chess Board ?

Feel Like A Pawn ?


Learn The Code


Get To The Otherside


Otherside = 995



Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Okay ;

So today , I just decided to try something , due to knowing the Code ;

Do not ask me , WTF reality we are living in...;)

Take a look ;

Police = 247

Knee = 150

Throat = 294

Choke = 155

= 846

The amount of time the officer had his knee on the neck of George Floyd

Let alone , we have a number for 64 straight line runes , that go around
four sets of sixteen runes , and that rune has the meaning of :

"Possible Need For Sacrifice"

That number is 448

Yet , turns out :

Throat = 294

Choke = 155

= 449

Just sayin'...little strange...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572


It just got even stranger :

George = 356

Floyd = 190

Throat = 294

Choke = 155

= 995

Please check this number in the other parts of this thread...

994 is the sum of our two columns of symbols , one of our main sets...

And , just to mention :

Boy = 78

Blue = 78

And 78 , is the number for our two top symbols ,
when one of the columns of eight is inverted...

( Thus , "Boys In Blue" )

Anyone care to comment ?

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