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I don't want to find a cure for the common cold

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 22nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 115

Why does everybody make that "Hummn..." sound when you mention you'd probably just like to write every day in your shed instead of embarking on a magnificent career?
Say you'd like to take a part time job in the local supermarket and spend the rest of the time just making up lines and words, you know?
And you get all that mumbled shit about money and paying bills. As if that's all life's about.
Why are people scared of not being 'content'? Everything that is great has stemmed from poeple not being content.
Without struggle there is no progress. And all that.

poet Anonymous

I agree. I grow so weary of the condescending types who smile 'tolerantly' when I tell them I want to be a poet, and my grandmother who says I read too much and need to do what all the other boys do; play football and listen to tedious pop music and find some boring dolly to hang from my arm. Verse and the expression of ideas is the only talent I have, and also my one true friend. I consider fresh notebooks and pens to have a strangely sensual quality, like a doorway to higher pleasures, thoughts and feelings. If all of us want to be happy simpletons then we may as well abandon civilised society and become Neanderthals again. I personally consider wanton conformity to be much more terrifying than a life of madness and solitude, producing beauty through my pain. Though maybe I'm just being pretentious...

poet Anonymous

wow, how refreshing to hear u two!well im always kind of looked upon as a mutant thing or some such stuff for lacking career ambitions.i do have a job, which i cant quit , but which also drives me to desperation almost on a daily basis,n i expunge them in writing n nowadys i dnt mind being depressed bcoz thats when i can read /write/moon.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 22nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 115

I hate these invisible standards imposed on everybody by the machine. I don't want to spend hours in Topshop or wear make up everyday. Just like you said Jack, why the fuck do we all have to fit in? And why if we don't do we get a load of shit from everybody else?!

Judas Kesler
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 2nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 75

Because the majority who impose their views are unthinking clones of each other.
I spent years just wishing I could be one of the unthinking masses,
their lifeless drone was like a siren song.
Then I took a step back and realized I could never be one of them.
But I digress.
Fitting in is a survival mechanism because its always easier to pick off the individuals.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
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Supposedly there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. The masses believe being content is to strive and fail for a near impossible dream while being drowned by drudgery and monotany.
"Per adua", through adversity. "Per angusta ad augusta", through difficulties to greatness.
People try to place their idea of content on others to reinforce their personal idea. Content is an individual idea, and by no means a struggle to do. We are human beings not human doings.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 22nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 115

[quote]Mo57 said:
You've never taken up a local super market job where you'd need to take a second job just to pay your luxery of writing.  I'm recently (now)a chef from unemployed (television vision mixer) earning a good whack to min wage (U.K.) I you want to write poetry do it..If you want to write about how to appreciate a job you will...don't bother. If you believe you think you can earn more part time in a supermarket writing poetry than on the dole..sign up..or you must be a student I would guess or art without life? sorry if it seems crass I've had a beer or two...yet if you are a youngster believe you can achieve what you want (coz u prob can) but if your over 21..grow up eh

Can't understand most of what you said. The rest does sound a bit crass. I'm not a student. So I must be an art without life. Sounds better than a chef, at least.

poet Anonymous

Why do you need to be a student and have government degrees to produce art? That's rubbish. Anne Sexton never graduated from college and she wrote some of America's most beautiful poetry. I do attend university, but only to study classic books. I'd never take a class to learn how to be creative, because the poetic learning process should be a thoroughly private, even solitary affair.

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
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Yawn...The job's a necessity...A harsh Reality...Pardon me I've stolen Celine's format...I suppose we pick up the pen when we need to...I've never been pinched upon for writing, occassionally my boss tries to advise me away from the bottle, but some things are necessary...At the end of the day, what really matters...Writing is a release and an easy one at that...If you need it do it...Whether you're good or not, well, that's another question.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 4th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 36

I'm almost two people about it. There's the student, doing a degree completely unrelated to writing or English or whatever, looking towards getting a career in the civil service...

And then there's the poet, happy to sit writing lines on the backs of notepads.

And both sides - all of me - is completely happy with that. I want to pursue a career; I want to write. Why not at least try both - if I fail, I can at the very least say that I tried.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 9th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 12

well i have to agree with Jamie... it'd be lovely to write all day, stead of being a drone as some have called it, but i'm sure T'hey too once had dreams bigger then the mind can handle... i hate to work, hate the people i must be cordial with, hate the way the place smells, but then again i'd loathe living under a freeway pass with a bucket to piss and shit in and only my pen and paper... but thats just me

poet Anonymous

I agree. But on the other hand I'd be more than happy with a menial job and an almost desolate flat. As long as I have food, water, a bed, a radiator to keep me warm, a stove to cook my meals on and toilet facilities then I'll be more than satisfied. Then I could spend the rest of my time composing poetry.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 9th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 12

i agree! as long as it wouldn't suck the life out of me, but then again i suppose that would make for some beautiful poetry

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 22nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 115

[quote]Dazed said:
i agree! as long as it wouldn't suck the life out of me, but then again i suppose that would make for some beautiful poetry

Exactly. It's like Plato's cave allergory: so coming out the cave into that bright light is horrible and alien and frightening, but aren't you better off knowing all the grisly details of reality than lying dormant in a dull cave, just about content?

poet Anonymous

I've never cared much for Plato, but I do love that allegory.

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