Poetry competition CLOSED 25th September 2016 10:02pm
View Profile Poems by Trixareforkids
RUNNER-UP: dejure

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Alone On The Beach

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

Winter beach chair

As I look out from this chair
I can't
help but to think how those
giant rocks
made and by whom. How long
did it take?
I'm sensing the waves call my
the gloomy but beautiful
portray my sense of what a
should feel like.
Blue and white is the
tonight staring through
lighthouse content on
still watching the world pass by.
It's lonely out here. Is the world
still alive?
Sitting here at this time is an
acquired taste
I hope no one can get accustomed
I am delighted to be alone with

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

let there be the sun at the beach...

no more clouds, please
take them away...
I don't wanna see them
getting dark and cry
because today
she will swim
to the shore
to see me

and I don't wanna
scare her
with the growlings
from up above

she promised to see me
if I hold the victory flag
and I do...

and the horn of the minotaur
the murder of her father...

...of cause with my bow
from half a mile away
I should show off
among my centaurs
and I do that too...

we ran through the sands
where the sea covered for years
the slaying of the bulls
turning the white sand red

I saw her far away in the ocean
staring at me as I ran in the frontline
I know she saw my smirk
just before I was gonna keep my promise

it was the bloodiest day
in this white beach
the yesterday is gone
and with the night rain
washed the smell of
the massacre

so please let the sun god
shine on us today
as I kiss my lady mermaid
after handing over the horns
of her father's killer

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 2awards
Joined 21st Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 47


"Where are you going?" Jade asked, teary, half dressed.
One pant leg eluded me. "Out."
Jade ran past me and blocked the door. "Why do you have to do this!" More of an accusation than a question, "I'm right here. What does the f****** shore have that I don't!"
Finally triumphing over my clothes I pushed past her.
"It was your idea to buy a lighthouse, 'Let's live by the sea!' Remember that."
Icy wind whipped my golden locks into a frenzy. I left the warmness of the lighthouse to Jade's plate throwing antics. It was overcast, making it seem closer to the night then it actually was.
I was still wary how anyone could find peace in such a desolate place. That was until I found the alcove. It seemed to whisper, 'Come, rest your head on my rocky breast.'
I'm a commitment phobe. I thought I could make it work with Jade, her family was welcoming of me. Unfortunately a little too much as Jade witnessed between her mother and I. It wasn't long after she suggested this place. Always the optimist, she thought if she injected enough mystery and sex into the relationship it would prevent me from leaving her.
I glanced up.
The whisper had become a call, one I wanted to answer. I stripped off my shirt and let it fall. The salt tasted gross and the water froze my tits off, but I  continued to wade in deeper. Eventually it swallowed me up.
I saw a woman, or possibly women, or possibly no-one, come towards me, arms outstretched in need. They were beautiful but I knew better.
Easily I could have turned back before they ever reached me.
But I didn't.
I'm dying, they thought they were stealing my breath, but I gave it to them. I knew this surprised them.
'What a delight, what a treat,' they crooned, consuming my lungs.
They grew distant. Violent arms pulled me from the sea, mouths pumped air back into my fragile lungs. Further on the bank, where grass resides instead of sirens, surfers resuscitated me.
Jade was screaming, calling an ambulance, "Of course it is an accident!"
Salt water leaked from my eyes mingling with the rest on me, cooling in the frigid air. And I painfully realised I was alone but too stubborn to join.

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 2awards
Joined 21st Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 47

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Yay! Thank you!

poet Anonymous

As the tide rolls in
I don't know where we've been
As the tide rolls out
There is no need to doubt
Our love on the sandy shore

Here they come waves of the sea
Marching up the sand
but they don't splash me

Here the come waves of the sea
Rolling rock to sand
But they can't catch me

Here the come waves of the sea
Wearing down the shore
But they can't touch me

Cause we're on a dune
We're on a dune
We're on a dune
Dry high safety

As the tide roles in
I don't know where we've been
As the tide rolls out
There is no need to doubt
Our love on the sandy shore

poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 22nd Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 2

Hands that held your broken frame,
Lips that kissed you all the same.
Eyes that watched your back,
Making sure your trust never got cracked.

Memories i built in my head,
On a future i thought was ahead.
Closer than a sister she was,
But closer to her you got.

Endless pain of stagnant reflections,
As lips met behind my imperfections.
True love you asked for,
Real love i gave up all.

Openness is all i asked,
Brokenness you gave me to last,
Let it be known that i loved crazily,
While You loved another shamelessly.

And while i stand at the shores,
silently breaking all laws,
An Oath to think of you no more,
This is not love but War.

poet Anonymous


76 degrees

on a rocking porch

cast a dense sigh

the scent of burnt coffee in the AM …

there is dissention
between the water and the grinds;

radioactive vapors expel from my pores
as I listen to your poetry
climb out of bed;
onto the porch
my heartache steps,
irreconcilable papers in hand
as this is the end
of all your summers
and the beginning of mine.

poet Anonymous

You're with me more in winter
my toes digging in cold sand
listening for your whispers
in the waves

Memories of you and me
fill the space
of this empty beach
and I enjoy their company

Knowing you're part of this ocean
I let the icy waters
wash over my feet
feel you in the freezing, burning ache

Smile at your dreams
of living on the sea
imagine that you're out there
beyond scattered ashes
and things not meant to be

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Memory leafs

No harm the stones can do
wavy water of rain,
tears of sea,
I can see the horizon
but I can’t see
the time, the sound,
the memory leafs.

Whatever I look is blind
whatever I hear is deaf
but I’m still here
saying myself to enjoy
all the shame I created
in order to go on
with a life that ensures
my lighthouse’s crispy old age.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Runner~up ... cool!

Thanks, ML for the nod and the perception of my piece; greatly appreciated!

Trix & Dejure ... Congrats ...

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

Aww, coolness.  Thank you Madame Lavendar for the nod, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate the inspiration.

Congrats also to Dejure and Devlin.

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