Poetry competition CLOSED 25th February 2016 8:41am
RSena (Sena)
View Profile Poems by RSena
RUNNER-UP: Zambambo

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Portrait...through words....

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Poetry Contest

create a unique character study through poem...
In poetic form...
Create a vibrant character study...
one everyone can picture
Sex God ..ess
Animal like...

Give them physical quality
and a purpose...
stank? lol

I don't usually require a title..would prefer one on these..something that encompasses the character...a name or type preffered....if it just does not feel right...that is fine.

Please no images on these. I want to see a portrait through your words...
2 entry
2 weeks
no colabs....

New writes...anywhere, not just DU...
Zambambo has posted a great piece that is a very good idea of what i am looking for..thank you Sir..hope you don't mind i used you...lol

Luck have fun!..i comment on each entry..if you would prefer me not to..no prob, no worries...just say no comment please at bottom...

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Example piece..."inspired by" my dear friend Darksighs...Though T is nowhere near this dark...she is light...love you sweetness....

Black Widow

She leaves a dainty footprint...
A trick to cover her sly track
her step taken heavy and with
Feline power full of nefarious  purpose..

Woman begins again a sticky journey started by ruby lipped generations of her past...
She carries them in her candle..

She wears her ancestors femme gleam with fierce pride...
In eyes that show up the night sky.
The moon is hung there..
In her glimmer and glinty ways..

One wink outta her bedroom hoods
Fluttered in black spider leg trim
Cat cornered and deadly....

She is the last of the great few  Beautiful Wicked
Blood starved scarlet shine tummied Widows. .🌙
With vices of the damned...

Strange Creature
Joined 11th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1

Like standing an inch away from the sun,
his wings would blind you.
Vengeance incarnate, his wrath is pure.
Wielding a blade that would make the heavens themselves cower in fear.
He fears nothing.

Traveling alone, boldly, into the darkness.
He attempts to reclaim what was once his.
her soul, forfeit.
manifested into the darkness that surrounds them.
with a flash of rage, he purges those that would end her.
He fears nothing.

Alone, he sits.
wondering if he had just been faster.
would she be next to him, now?
the darkness that surrounded him once, penetrated his very being.
he is hollowed by it,
and except for this loneliness,
He fears nothing.

poet Anonymous

Very interesting comp. I'll be back!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

TheGoddessMinerva said:Very interesting comp. I'll be back!

Thanks...Cannot wait darlin!
Dig your avatar BTW...so sexy cool..

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Wow! and welcome doll...
Yes...exactly what i was looking for...
Interesting...i hadn't looked at your avatar before reading...and had an image very similar to it in my head...

Wielding a blade that would make the heavens themselves cower in fear.
He fears nothing.
Great....and here..i was thinking..i hope he repeats this..he fears nothing...

there is a very romantic quality to this...a dark angel for this woman...monstrous maybe to some...but if you look deeper...very nice emotional destruction to him...but the readers compassion for your Character grows..skillfully done.

Alone, he sits.
wondering if he had just been faster.
would she be next to him, now?
the darkness that surrounded him once, penetrated his very being.
he is hollowed by it,
and except for this loneliness,
He fears nothing.

super powerful leave doll...i have a visual of him sitting alone...sweaty headed from effort, taking off a mask or armor of some sort...
and i just love the juxtapose of human quality you leave him with...

i am left wanting more of him...so well done...be proud of this darlin. Not that i have to tell you....

Awesome...and thanks for kicking it off! So nice to meet you!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

The Slut

Eyes that smoke with passion  
Suggesting lascivious longings  
I see her in the bar no bra    
Doing a sluttish solo dance  
To decadent music  
Slippery saxophone sounds
Slide across her salaciously  
Muted trumpet wails for this strumpet  
Her hands caress her thighs  
Like sinuous sliding snakes  
Her hips gyrate inciting
No underwear  
I stare  
She doesn’t care  
Torn her scant dress  
Her hair’s awry    
Mascara’s run  
She's had a cry  
Lipstick smeared  
She looks weird  
A total fucking mess
I've watched her all night
Feeling sorrow for her plight  
So why do I have  
This raging fuckin' hard on?

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Kitty Cat!
Yay!! Told you it would be purrrrfucked here....thank you.
I love this piece....
It was crass but you still find compassion in her...
and i just love the image...
gal cryin her way in sway and a
slow grind...solo alone in whatever hurt she is going through...
you get the feeling he feels she has had quite enough of man...and a bit of guilt for the erection...

love this whole scene...
there are two well discoveted characters here...
thank you for both!!

love you darlin!!

Thought Provoker
Canada 1awards
Joined 15th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 66

“A Look Inside”

I am a survivor and a loner, quiet and passive, secretly aggressive
Hard working and creative, determined and focused
I survived a near decade of setbacks and slayings to my soul
And yet I stand tall and sure of myself for I know I have surpassed
all expectations and silenced the critics!

Defied stereotypes and overcome the greatest of challenges, the son of a teen
Mother single since birth given, grown up all alone, at a loss for bothers
and sisters.

I deny all shortcuts in pursuit for the ultimate

In the long wait for
A Martial Art

Twenty-three years of life hath completed another lifetime still in the horizon a
Future so bright and prosperous yet anonymous and daunting.
I have reached my dreams and have set ones anew for tomorrow I plan
Though I know it may fail to shed its light to light my way through it.
A wifie and kiddies a family wanted, yet my family I shall never fall
short of respecting. The Veterans I shall never cease to remember, everyday

A look inside I have given, for a  
personal and honest insight to my personal conscience

A look inside
A look inside
A look inside

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Awe, Pheonix..
A very nice look.inside...
I had intended this to be a created character...but this is lovely...

I had picked up.many of these things reading your poetry..
You put so much of your heart and self into it..

Twenty-three years of life hath completed another lifetime still in the horizon a
Future so bright and prosperous yet anonymous and daunting.

Most of your pieces are expressions of your thought..political..your background..I would like to see you try to create someone different...unlike you..here in fiction...

But this was a gorgeous offering..
Thank you so very much darlin!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Complete Woman

Even though she's now reached fifty
Her sex life is still very frisky
Her sleek body and long black hair
Attract men, she's well aware

She first had sex when still a lass
Expecting that the urge would pass
But now she finds decades later
Her urges are so much greater

She's cashed in on her desires
Men pay her to cool their fires
Form a queue for their turn
Next week they will return

The sexiest person that I know
But she has much more to show
A horny women; that's for sure
But her attitude to life's mature

Although sex dominates her life
She is a good mother and wife
Her conversation is intelligent
And her business skills, excellent

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Awe.. What a cool piece!
Truly the harlot with a heart of gold..
I love her mature sexuality...and her
passing some on..

Although sex dominates her life
She is a good mother and wife
Her conversation is intelligent
And her business skills, excellent

You give her great dignity..intelligence..and this is really about a good woman..set apart from stereotypes...but you make it part of who she is.. and that is ok...

Very skillfully done..and fun to.read..
this seems personal..as if you do know this person..if you dont..brava for that..
if you do..you did a really nice job honering her for exactly who she is..

Excellent! thank you!!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625


My subject is an enigma
But don't let that be a stigma
She is a lovely woman
But full of contradiction

A beautiful body and a lively mind
Make her the type that I am fond.
She's kind and concerned for people
Her interest in animals is equal

She can discuss things of substance
Or trivia without reluctance
She's scatterbrained and yet tidy
Has her flat cleaned each Friday

She's rarely returns my texts;
Does not notice I get vexed;
Yet we remain good friends,
When we meet and make amends

Sex is important to this dame
Seduction to her is no shame
Very often she gets laid
And is thrilled when she gets paid

She is a nudist and a swinger,
She's also a rollercoaster rider
And yet with all these extremes
She appears normal to me it seems

poet Anonymous

Cool Comp, interesting

poet Anonymous


if i tilt my head,
squint my eyes,
it is possible that i might
see the remembrance of

your sunset hair tangled in
the hot wind.
delicate crinkles barely contain
the spark of green exposing your soul.
i swear that God, in his infinite wisdom,
stood above you with a shaker of cinnamon
and spangled your pale skin with freckles.

staring at you is like being drawn
to your favorite memory and
wanting to run
all at the same time.

how is it possible that you slipped from me?

i’ve started taking my coffee with cream.
you would approve.
each sip dousing me in
easy laughter and robin egg blue.
your palms flat on the table, the only tick
of serious, reminds me that
while we laugh and throw our heads back
in mock fierceness,
life is fleeting.

life is fleeting.

your yellow mug still hangs on its hook
by the sink. ideal placement for
easy reaching.
but now, a fine layer of dust on
the happy enamel.
i’m afraid to touch it. afraid that
my clumsy fingers will break it.

smiling eyes above that silly cup
are burned into my brain.
even when the pain of seeing your
i love you face is too much to bear,
and i wish i could forget,
for one blessed second,
your green windows burn
into me.

you were good for me.
you said i was good for you.

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