Poetry competition CLOSED 9th September 2015 4:24pm
View Profile Poems by NicodemusReuben
RUNNERS-UP: Ant1-Her0-Project and rowantree

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I've got rhythm

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 103

Poetry Contest

Words that really move
Doesn't necessarily have to rhyme, but write a poem that has really good rhythm, something that will make my heart beat along as I read.

Extra points if it's a new write (posted on or after 8/26), though you can submit old pieces as well.

Limit one poem per poet (if you're too good, how can I choose between two?!)

Collabs encouraged!

Please name the same and/or link to a submitted poem for more reads and comments.

Readers: Please visit the poem on the poets' profiles and comment there!

Looking forward to reading!

Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

I've been 'high'
I've been low
I've been hunted by the law.

I've been poor
I've been rich
A fuckin' coward son of a bitch.

I've been smart
I've been dumd
Trapped in a remorse I shouldn't have.

Self abused
self destroyed
turned into a man you used to avoid.

Self destroyed
self abused
turned into a addict to be amused.

I've been low
I've been high
I've been wondering of why.

I've been rich
I've been poor
I've been looking for a cure.

I've been dumb
I've been smart
watch myself falling apart

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217

To Shout at the Sky

Skylight, shake me,
daylight, take me,
rhythm, break and bend;
Seconds, wear me,
minutes, scare me -
hours, tear and blend:

Fear, exalt me,
hear and halt me;
hold me till the end -
kiss me sweetly,
slice me neatly -
leave me here to mend.


Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

Slap You Hallelujah

too much too soon
and the balloon pops
too hurried and too worried
and the moon drops

everybody now somebody later
put the alligator in the elevator
give a cookie take the cake
miss the train make a mistake

nobody has time on a leash
too early  yes rest in peace
too late rest on your laurels
time does not equate equatorial

hallelujah time
how did you lose your mind
hallelujah hallelujah
pay to peep into the window of  time

hallelujah, hallelujah
what time ever did to ya

Lost Thinker
Joined 24th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 8


you know life is unstable
Stop shaking
love might be blind
but stop staring
sorry for not being so kind
reality is just braking,
its fine if you don't mind
at least i now know when you faking.

it was nice,let me say
guess i only have one choice, not to stay
for once that's not a lie
so Goodbye!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

The Land of Sleep

The Land of Sleep is hard to reach
When you set out from Not Tired Beach.
Ahead stretch miles and miles of night,
But Slumber Point is not in sight.
Deep in the woods of Wide Awake,
You thresh around. Which path to take?
You try the route of Tranquil Thought,
But all your efforts come to nought.
Perhaps a book? The clock tolls one,
Too tired to read, you soldier on.
For hours, your thoughts and sleep contend;
God, will this journey never end?
As first light dawns, you sense a calm,
A peaceful, drowsy, healing balm.
Dozing, you drift through misty vales,
Stark wakefulness no more prevails,
Soft breezes blow, cool willows weep,
But just before the Gulf of Sleep,
One more shape looms, to your dismay:
Alas, it's Time To Get Up Bay.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 103

Awesome start, everyone! Thanks for contributing! Looking forward to reading more! :)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Throw yee your eyes
'pon the soul of any ragamuffin
be he of steady toe or no

and you'll feel the brunt of his pains

so look low
where wind rolls cold drizzle
'cross cracks in the foot-path

and the dull glow of ten cent
shimmers slight
'gainst the white of his aged dog

Lost Thinker
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 2

Good  write man

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 13th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 34

I cant tell you what these feelings are,
or why your heart has soo many scars.
your life is so bad,
you have every right to be sad.
it happened over night
like love at first sight.
you found a new friend
that made you happy again.
the feeling of hope the feeling of trust..
someday you'd realize it was the feeling of lust.

i'll tell you this once & maybe once more,
this new friend is a drug you'll always adore.

you cant ever get away;
you'll be with her, every night & every day.
everything you've gained in the past,
will all disapear & time will pass fast.
everyone you loved will be gone;your mom & your dad.
the cravings you have will drive you mad.

I told you once, now i'll tell you again,
you'll love her always;through thick & through thin.

she'll always be there; through your darkest sorrows.
she'll steal from your life & take your tomorrows.
& when she is done, she'll leave you alone.
you'll be there lonely & all on your own.
but she always welcomes you back,
with her beautiful eyes; stone cold & so black.
and if you try to get away, you must be very clever,
because she's there by your side...


Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 198

“Soldiers of Circumstance”

There is no such thing as a fear of failure — you fail every day you get out of bed,
and invest the majority of your energy in a cause you don’t identify with…
Those who have something to fall back on — always do!

No one ever tells you depression is self-induced,
And THAT knowledge is power we cowards will seldom use —
Mountain of excuses, I doubt it'll ever move,
We're just counting down the hours like ours will self-improve,
in this prison of our own design...

Often, while pursuing the pursuit of happiness,
We forget the truth about the rumors that exist —
Endlessly repeating disposable dialogue,
In an emptiness we're breeding while bleeding and dying off...
It was human to ruin in that abyss —
It's about winning these insurmountable losses,
Sinners, we live in doubt, but we sit around with our crosses,
Offering others something another could live without —
Money wasn't much, just enough to play it sensible,
While clinging to our comforts and the stuff we've made acceptable,
As if it makes us...happy —
In an age of order and conformity,
Living in a system where no shortage of authority
is normally sorting through formally educated slaves —
It’s not meditation, it's a vegetative state,
From heavily medicated to some regulated waste,
And we could have speculated from a demonstrated has-been,
Save it — change takes dedicated action...
Not an active passive-aggression —
That ain’t activism, you pass on asking the question when it’s
Challenging the status quo’s fear of being judged —
"That ain’t gonna happen though, conspiracies and such" —
And I was always leery of our theories up above,
I guess we could never clearly see what tyranny it was —
Our delirium... if it's serious enough,
We just treat the weary with a myriad of drugs,
Period... I'm serious, unplug —
You're still stuck in the past, searching for better days,
How you gonna cut through the chaff, and surface to levitate?
Working for the purpose of workers working to get a raise,
You pedal the cycle — how you gonna set it straight?
Take control of the wheel in your own life,
‘Cause that loneliness you feel is revealing its own light —
Most people deal with them peeling our own rights
off our backs like a captive who knows it and won’t.. fight —
Yeah, I get it — you'll just go with their service plan...
with no purpose, a lone soldier of circumstance —
Whose known worth is a drone circling Kurdistan,
You've been broke and working off loans, purchasing certain hands —
That are never being dealt to you...

And no one ever tells you depression is self-induced,
And THAT knowledge is power we cowards will seldom use —
Mountain of excuses, I doubt it'll ever move,
We're just counting down the hours like ours will self-improve,
in this prison of our own design...

There is no such thing as a fear of failure.

Copyright © 2015 Travis J Gibbs, The Ant1-Her0 Project

Fire of Insight
Joined 11th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 118


the flattering
directed at a queen

our chattering
slivers of a dream

of her wings
a shining splendor

that sing
an angel’s timbre

a dance
for all eternity

a quest
im blessed
to churn with thee

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

My Erotic Zone
y  ZONE  
Gon' get purrrfucked        
Get down          
Get down        
To taste learn worship        
Thigh s        
      Betweeeen theese        
Thigh s        
Nature nurture        
Got moves        
Got moves        
Turn big men boys        
Turn toungue to toy        
Go down          
Go down        
You bout to get owned      
Center.............zoned 🎯

Lost Thinker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 59

The Beat (Remains)

To live
To die
To laugh
To cry

From day to night
From death to light

From summer
To fall
Winter ends all

But neither snow
or wind
or the winter's
bitter sting
can keep Gaia's ring

The life
The spring
The gunshot ring
The knife
The plunge
The drip of Morphine
The breath
The end
The final cut-scene

The beat is strong
The beat remains
as Gaia dances
through smoke and haze

The beat goes on
Marching in rhythm
The beat remains
And the cycle continues


poet Anonymous

In my head, I had rehearsed these words
Mother, why do you hate me?
But I hesitated to ask her; she was tough
and I could see it in her eyes

Was it the way I walk;
is there something about my eyes?
You can't forgive a child who tries
to connect with someone who knew the father she was not allowed to know

Please don't blame me for what he did
and please don't hate me for looking like him
Surely, there was something good about the man
after all, he charmed you into marriage

As you were near death, I said my thoughts out loud
and all you did was say that it wouldn't be your last wish
and you cut me off just after I started
to say that if it was me, I would want to have known him

It was then that I knew
when your days were numbered down to a few
that you would never, in this lifetime
say anything good about my father

You took your secrets to your grave, ma
and in the process, you destroyed any hope
of ever knowing the other half of who I am
and you've hurt me more than anyone ever can

I can now believe what I want
because you are gone and your hatred has ceased
I have his eyebrows and his deep set eyes
and I think I use my hands when I talk just like him

I am Italian and now proud of it
I call myself Primogenito, because I was your firstborn
It has been hard, and I've felt alone all of my life
my soul has never fully grown, and I've never known who I really am

Ma, you have won
I'm sure you are not shedding any tears
and like the little girl that you hid when he came to town
you managed to take what could have been my memories and stomped them into the ground

In case there is life after death
I want you to know that I have a plan
It is to find him first, and I don't think I'll let go
because all I ever wanted is to have had a daddy to know

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